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AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

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    AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

    Hi Folks,

    After seven months alcohol-free, on Saturday, May 23, I got back in the ring with the Beast. After a long, exhausting trail ride, I "needed" a couple beers to take the edge off and calm down. They did not taste that good, but they did the job and two beers became four beers. The mild hangover the next day seemed to assure me that I was still in control and that I could deal with it. The next weekend, after a long, hot session of yard work, I found myself driving to the store for a six-pack. "Just relaxing on the deck on a nice Saturday afternoon."

    Through June and July, the Beast came to call during the week as well; two or three beers after a hard day at work "just to take the edge off". After another marathon yardwork session this past Saturday, I once again drove to the store. This time I bought a twelve-pack so there would be some left for Sunday afternoon. Of course, by Saturday night, there wasn't a single beer remaining. No drama, no injuries, just the usual heartburn. And a lot of wasted money, time, energy and self-respect.

    I made a wrong turn and I followed my own trail back to the starting point. It's time to start over.

    It seems that stress, both physical and mental, makes me uncomfortable and I seek escape with alcohol. I guess the key is to deal with the stress in a more positive way. I plan to try yoga, meditation, and mild exercise.

    Thank you all for being here; I'll probably just hang-out, listen and learn for a while.


    AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

    Good on you Tom for starting over...

    Only a quick fly-by for me today. Just wanted to let you know I'm here. Will read and catch up in morning. Thanks for positive msgs all. Have a beautiful day everyone x

    Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


      AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

      Hi Tom and Kayla and all to come! Thanks for the start up Tom, and welcome back!:welcome:
      I found three great quotes for today on Daily Readings! One reminded me of Deter, one AFM, and one DG. This is a pop quiz. Which quote reminded me of whom?

      1.Keep looking for the positive and that's what you'll get!
      a. AFM
      b. DG
      C. Deter

      2.Having a resentment is like drinking poison and expecting
      someone else to die.
      a. AFM
      b. DG
      c. Deter

      Expectation is the greatest impediment to living. In anticipation of
      tomorrow, it loses today.

      a. AFM
      b. DG
      c. Deter

      Strength and peace to all!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

        Tom, Kayla and Dill and of course all my AF friends to come,


        :welcome: back Tom. I recommend not getting back into the ring with the beast but I am certainly not the example to follow. I am the relapse queen.

        However, I am finally piling up some sobriety and thrilled about it. Yay!!

        Okay, Dill, I will bite.
        1. AFM 2. DG 3. Det

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

          tom i'm right there with you...i was on and off for the summer and am now ready to begin again.

          day 5 and my liver is finally starting to feel beter, and the nighttime anxiety and pain is susiding...i know i've said it before, but i never want to fel that way again...ugh.

          here's to everyone feeling good and having a sober day!



            AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

            argh, the keys on my laptop are sticking, hence the misspellings!


              AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

              Morning abbers!!

              Hi kayla, dill, cindi and all to come.

              Welcome back Tom. Thanks for the post. What happened to you I think touches on an issue many have.

              Hi peacenik, I haven't seen you for a bit. Glad you're feeling better.

              Back from the workshop! It's too big to explain, so I won't, not yet. I need to settle in with it for a while.

              Something came up with ruby and we bailed on the flyfishing visit, but I had a lovely visit with an elementary school GF instead. Stopped by my dad's house and cleaned out some pantries. I brought home a mojo marinade that has a picutre of lemon or lime, garlic and onion on the front. Suggestions (det)?

              Hope everybody is doing well.

              My quote vote matches cindi's.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                Happy Tuesday ABerooooos!

                Peacenic, we took a collection and are going to buy you a new avatar LOL what the heck is that thing? it's totally giving me the creeps. A Jabba Da Hutt newborn baby?

                we have several members coming back to us which is an important reminder to myself. it could be any one of us that forgets and heads back down that path following the Sirens song.

                Dill you are too cute. and I'm stumped myself LOL oh dear. more caffeine please.

                Greeneyes, that marinade sounds fab. sounds like a winner on chicken or seafood.

                here's wishing you all a fabulous loverly AF day full of peace and prosperity

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                  oh wait. I think the answer to question #1 is actually Greeneyes! look at her sig line.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                    Hello Abbers,

                    Welcome back Tom and Peacenik. You've done it before, you can do it again.

                    Glad you're feeling better, Kayla.

                    Greenie! I am SO intrigued by your workshop. Do take your time. How about tomorrow..??? :H

                    To those who were talking about weight issues - Dill, I didn't shed weight just like that post-AF. What I found was that I needed the same good head space I needed for AF initially to get that project off the ground. Then the fact that I didn't guzzle down beers at every opportunity enabled a diet to do its thing as opposed to being cancelled out by the drinks. And Lav, I stalled with my first attempt at WeightWatching. I was still 'white knuckling' it on my own. This time I've really used the group. Vented, shared tips, learned from others. Support has made all the difference.

                    Which brings me to my next challenge. My shoulder is a lot better and no longer prevents me exercising. I want to get started and have some ideas on how to go about it. This past week I've been puzzling over the fact that I feel enormous apprehension, trepidation etc. about it. It's as though I've lost all confidence in my body's ability to move. That seems to be part of a larger post-AL pattern. As I reclaim areas of my life previously frozen in passivity and isolation, I'm initially apprehensive and then amazed I can still do whatever it is. Rebuilding confidence sure takes time. Anyway, onwards and upwards!

                    Happy Tuesday all.


                      AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday


                      OMG, your post about Peacenik's avatar had me roflmao. Actually, her avatar reminds me of Tawny's avatar without the support of the glass.

                      Peacenik, What is that stuff?

                      Dill, Pamina,

                      I hear you on the weight thing. I have gained a lot of weight this year from my multiple quits of drinking. I was one of those who would drink the vodka rather than eat. One day, I figured out I would rather be fat than drunk. So, my last quit I figured I would concentrate on the staying sober. Now, though, I really must get on to a good healthy diet and exercise routine. Neither of which appeal to me in anyway, however. eewww.

                      Oh well, I guess now that I am sober, I have to grow up and learn to live right, too. What's up with that??

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                        Hello all,

                        Talking of weight... I bought a new swimming costume today. I tried a few on, and let me tell you that there ain't no hiding place when you're nekkid in a brightly lit cubicle with 360-degree mirrors. Let's just say that bits of me looked not unlike Peacenik's avatar.

                        On a brighter note. My cable TV has stopped working and I called them today to make an appointment for an engineer to come and fix it. It got me thinking about the day it was installed... it was a Saturday, which was my "main" drinking day. The guy was due sometime before noon, and I didn't want to be seen to be drinking when he turned up... but he was eating into good drinking time! I only held out until about 9.30am before I opened a beer. Anyway, he turned up. I kept the beer in the kitchen, so he wouldn't see it and so would have NO IDEA I was drinking as I kept rushing off to the kitchen every five minutes and coming back reeking of the stuff. :H
                        This time I will be a paragon of virtue
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                          Hello all,

                          Regarding weight, I've just forgotten about it this time and not having that expectation and concentrating only on AF seems to make things easier. I find the same as Pamina, the good head space is essential.

                          I went horse riding today and found myself with a new confidence after 11 days AF, less concerned about being hurt because I can ride, only a novice but nonetheless I can balance and steer! Oh, and stop.

                          I think I lost confidence in my body's ability to move too Pamina, and can really identify with reclaiming areas of life previously frozen in passivity and isolation, most definitely.

                          Encouragement and best wishes to everyone.
                          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                            AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday



                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                              hahahah the avatar cracks me up! its a blob fish...apt name, eh?

                              thanks for the laugh!

