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AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

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    AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

    :goodjob:Cinders and Greenie each scored 100% on my pop quiz!

    Det, you are the one who got me listening to "The Power of Now". I thought that third quote was all about living in the Now.

    I would rather not swim at all as to try on bathingsuits!:H Can't they use better lighting in dressing rooms?

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

      Hi All. Today's thread is making me smile. Peacenik - has that photo been altered? Do those things really have eyes?

      Tom - good to have you back. I am one to over do projects on the weekends and would reward myself with AL. It's hard to do less when you're use to being on the go. Now, I make a point of stopping by 2-3:00pm and I take a shower and a nap. Or at least rest and read. I don't have kids so it's easy to do. I use to not nap because I don't wake up well from naps. But waking up from a nap is a heck of a lot better than waking up feeling the least bit hung over.

      Assuming you're in the US. If you like cars, get the latest issue of Autoweek and subscribe. Then you'll have a new magazine every weekend and can take the time to chill out and read it. When you go to the local bookstore and get the latest Autoweek, or whatever you might like, only leave the house with enough $$ to buy a magazine and no credit cards so you don't buy the magazine and beer. :-)

      Hi to Treeman. Are you a lumberjack? Welcome to the thread, hope to see you around regularly. DET and Tom will appreciate another guy around, I'm sure.

      It's storming which means agility class will probably get cancelled. Poo. I was looking forward to it. I guess I can do something with some apples I bought. Turn them into applesauce or a pie.

      Have a good evening!


        AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

        I understand

        Tom wrote:
        It seems that stress, both physical and mental, makes me uncomfortable and I seek escape with alcohol.

        Brother, I know what you mean. I have done exactly what you did and added gee, I'm bored
        to the equation for a reason to drink.
        What I keep having to learn over and over is...damn how boring is it to drink a six pack or twelve pack of beer alone? Pretty boring...don't ya think?

        Glad you're here.
        Love and Peace,
        Love and Peace,

        Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


          AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

          hey Phil! what you been up to?
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

            Holy smokes! What a great thread today! YIPPEEEEE! What a nice thing to log into this evening.

            Dill, I love your quiz! xoxo I answered 'AFM 'for all 3. That is correct, isn't it? What do I win? Of course I am kidding!

            Nice to see you again, Peacenik! As well as Tom, and Phil!

            Hello to all of the other aberoonies!

            Well, I had a fantastic day at work and the evening is going pretty darn well too. I am about to run Little AFM a bath and put on my evening 'grubby's'. I love my grubby's!

            Marshy, OMG! I have never heard of a swim suit being called a swimming costume. I am laughing so hard right now.

            I must run and get the child washed up. Have a great evening everyone!

            ps. I am out of ideas for what to read next. Anyone have any ideas? Something that builds confidence would be great. (I am working on my self-confidence & self-esteem these days). I read up on the internet but would love to read something on the bus to and from work. I guess I could go to the library? hahaha - duh!


              AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

              AFM have you read "A New Earth"?
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                Re: AFM laughing at Marshy's description of a 'swimming costume'!

                Yes that's what the Brits call those darlings we swim in. A renegade Brit myself, now ensconced in Australia, I've finally 'heard' myself when I refer to the good old 'swimming costume' and thought 'how weird' ... Is it straight out of Victorian England or what????!!!

                Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


                  AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                  Swimming costume for Laydeeees, and swimming trunks for gentlemen :H

                  I've read Eckhart Tolle's "New Earth" determinator.
                  I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                    AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                    Swimming costume? :H I suppose it does sound a bit Victorian.

                    It's funny, I think I speak fairly good "American" because we grow up with American TV & films, I've been to the States quite a lot, my best friend is married to an American, I've got American godchildren, blah, blah, blah, BUT I still get thrown by some expressions used on here :H
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                      I am STILL laughing at the 'swimming costume' comment, Marshy! I am going to try to 'use' it today - and see how my colleagues react?! It should be funny, unless of course, they think I have flipped my switch. hahahaha. Fantastic!

                      Det, I have the book, 'The New Earth'. I found it extremely hard to get into. I think I read the first 30 pages.... and put it down. It has been happily collecting dust for a year now. I will pull it out of my bookshelf and give it another try. Thanks for the suggestion!

                      OK, I am going to go and start today's thread if there isn't one. xoxo


                        AF Daily - August 4 Tuesday

                        I too hit a bump in the road and had the beast tap on my shoulder yesterday. I Am feeling the pain today, and am back on track- My biggest mistake was that I thought I was doing great, and let my guard down- and havent been to the MWO website lately, shame on me- Back on the journey of sobriety
                        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                        • Yesterday is History
                          Today is a Mystery
                          Tomorrow is a GIFT

