I did a month af earlier in year - then inevitably weekend 'social' binge drinking came back.I felt so much better physically and mentally - I have stopped smoking 35 days ago - I lapsed on dy 28 cos - you guessed it - I was drunk - only ever smoked when drinking in recent years.
since then i have moderated successfully - but I feel like I am just waiting to lapse again/binge drink and stop exercising etc.
I'm back - I need to do the 30 days to protect my smokefree life/to carry on with exercising ( i don't exercise being hungover) Finally and actually worse of all I hide my lack of confidence/depression with alcohol - time to change.
friend recently joined AA and I am reading lots of online AA material - too scared to go to a meeting tho - feel like I would be laughed out as I drink too much at weekends only, not ill from alcohol consumption, not lost jobs etc
My drinking feels out of control tho,and gradually creeps up until I am on 30-40 units a week in 2-3 nights out.My mum also drinks at least bottle of wine every single night and I fear becoming her,and can see it happening - isolated and I am sure she is depressed too but won't talk about it.
My depression then worsens/my weight increases etc and it's a huge vicous circle...