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    back again

    hello all - Im back
    I did a month af earlier in year - then inevitably weekend 'social' binge drinking came back.I felt so much better physically and mentally - I have stopped smoking 35 days ago - I lapsed on dy 28 cos - you guessed it - I was drunk - only ever smoked when drinking in recent years.
    since then i have moderated successfully - but I feel like I am just waiting to lapse again/binge drink and stop exercising etc.
    I'm back - I need to do the 30 days to protect my smokefree life/to carry on with exercising ( i don't exercise being hungover) Finally and actually worse of all I hide my lack of confidence/depression with alcohol - time to change.

    friend recently joined AA and I am reading lots of online AA material - too scared to go to a meeting tho - feel like I would be laughed out as I drink too much at weekends only, not ill from alcohol consumption, not lost jobs etc
    My drinking feels out of control tho,and gradually creeps up until I am on 30-40 units a week in 2-3 nights out.My mum also drinks at least bottle of wine every single night and I fear becoming her,and can see it happening - isolated and I am sure she is depressed too but won't talk about it.
    My depression then worsens/my weight increases etc and it's a huge vicous circle...
    one day at a time

    back again

    Hi Bear. Welcome back to the wagon. I can relate - I never could exercise when hungover either. The only difference is that I was hung over every day! But I hear ya.

    AA is not for everyone. I recently added AA to my own sobriety program and have enjoyed the experience so far. I wouldn't worry about being laughed at. One of the benefits of AA for me was that I quickly realized there is nothing I've done related to drinking that is a "new one." I am not alone and I'm sure you wouldn't be either. I am finding it very helpful to have some "in person" support for my recovery in addition to the great support here at MWO.

    Just two cents but whether you decide to go to an AA meeting or now, good to see you back posting here. 30 days sounds like a great goal. Congrats on giving up the smokes!! That's a tough one too but just like AL, well worth the effort involved in getting free of it, at least in my opinion.

    Strength and hope,

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      back again

      Welcome back, Bear.

      AND...congrats on giving up the smokes! I actually tried really hard in high school to learn to like to smoke, but it always made me feel so sick. Wish I had gotten hangovers after the first sip of AL and I probably wouldn't be fighting this beast of a problem!

      Look forward to knowing you!

