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AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

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    AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

    Good Morning AF friends,

    I am in a rush, must be at client soon, but I wanted to say hello to everyone.

    Hula girl, I read your post from yesterday. I have to remember to do that because you do come on so late for the rest of us. Fresh pineapples do sound yummy!! Can't you grow blueberries in your yard there? I love blueberries, strawberries, my wild blackberries. So do the birds.

    To all to come, have a wonderful AF day. For the first time since I joined MWO years ago, I am piling them up and I am thrilled.

    AF April 9, 2016

    AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

    Morning abbers!

    I have a hugely busy day as well. Unfortunately the AC in "my" part of the hole isn't working well if at all and it's right warm in there. But fans help and I can dress casually.

    cindi, I thought the same thing this AM regarding hulagirl's post. I bought a pineapple the other day and have been enjoying them being on sale. I love them cut into chunks and dipped in chocolate yogurt.

    Have a good one today. Stay peaceful and grounded......
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

      Good morning peeps!

      Rather quick post from me as well... I'm being abducted and put on a boat for 2 days - isn't that just awful?! :H The weather forecast looks half decent... so Mr. Wonderful decided last night that work could wait and we ought to head out, anchor at one of the many islands around here and soak up the sun

      Pineapple sounds sooooo yummy right now! So do all your berries, Cinders! I miss 'my' place.. I had acres of wild black berries, raspberries and a few rows of blueberries. Btw, congrats on racking up the AF days... it IS so worth it, isn't it?

      Greenie... CHOCOLATE yogurt???? There is such a thing??? :eeks:

      Alright, I better get hopping. Wishing you all a wonderful 2 days - will be thinking of you.
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

        sunshine_gg;690172 wrote: Greenie... CHOCOLATE yogurt???? There is such a thing??? :eeks:
        Yes! Thank the Lord! And it's organic!! Stoneyfield Farms.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

          Hello friends!

          Also a quick check in for me. I slept in my own quiet bedroom last night for the first time in a week. The camping was enjoyable, but as usual came home to lots of work to be done!:upset:

          I have been reading some of the thread all week, and it is quite entertaining! Cindi, I am especially happy for you that you're doing so Well!

          On the subject of canning: I have been doing this for many moons now.....I used to help my mom, and also took some canned goods to the 4-H fair as a young girl. As far as I know I have never made anyone ill! :H If you follow the rules, and keep your stuff clean, I don't think there is much danger. If it looks "off" when you open it, or its not sealed, pitch it!
          My beans are pretty pathetic, so I'll probably have to try to buy some to can, or not. I'm not too sure when I'd have time anyway. For some reason, my zucchini and squash plants are dying too. If it doesn't freeze early I should have a bumper crop of tomatoes though! I planted some heirloom varieties and I'm anxious to try them! The deer ate our sweet corn, but I will once again be in charge of putting some up for the Church harvest dinner, so I will at least have access to some. I need to freeze a little of that this year.

          Ok, this is starting to sound boring. I better just get to work. Here's a story about work though: I have to irrigate the cemetery with gated pipe. Last week there was evidence of a skunk in the pipe (his tail was showing). When I took the end plug off the pipe yesterday to get the remains out, it was so totally gross I almost puked! I aborted the mission and will have to go with plan B today! (Hope that didn't ruin anybody's Cheerios this morning!):H

          Better go--have a great day all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

            morning cindi, green, sunshine, lv and all you sober not hungover people to come!

            skunk remains in a drainage pipe!? as if they don't smell bad enough when they are spraying! cute little buggers though...:H

            i am feeling so grateful lately...i cannot let myself become complacent this time...i need to be sober body will not survive another binge (which last months for me).
            it feels so good to wake up feeling well and able t do whatever comes my way. i am grateful that the anxiety that comes with withdrawal is over and i can live again!

            have a joyful day all you awesome abbers!



              AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

              Ok, I?m finally catching up on a few days of thread. Sounds like everyone is doing well and there a few new folks. Welcome!

              Cindi thanks for the start, looks like your hand is doing well as you?re able to post.

              Greenie- grilled figs wrapped with procuitto! OMG, you?re killing me, that sounds wonderful. I also saw the Food Inc movie. I?ve read the Pollan books and took my husband to see the movie. He found it very interesting and will probably comment less about ?how much did that cost? from the Farmers Market. The main reason I went to see it was to stay motivated with learning to can.

              LVT ? so sorry about your son?s friend. I hope your son is doing well. I agree about canning, it?s not that scary, just sterilize the jars and be neat. I?ve had one problem with a few quarts of green beans leaking in the canner but still getting a great seal. I thought I was to fill to the neck and the neck was the headspace, but apparently I need to not fill quite so high. I tighten the lid well too. I opened one jar that had leaked a couple days later and it was hell taking the lid off. So a good seal and the beans were great. Have you ever had a jar leak?

              AFM ? how?s your sister? My hubby just got back from a bike trip in the San Juan islands and loved it (he filled it for a friend that had to cancel at the last minute, tough duty). I would love to escape the Southeast and see your part of CA some day.

              Peacenik ? interesting about the interview with the paralyzed man and the violence we do to our bodies. Why is it so easy for people to overlook headaches, heartburn, etc as damaging behavior? I guess because there are so many over-the-counter remedies, it makes it seem normal?

              Hula ? nothing like fresh pineapple! Can?t imagine how good it is right there in HI. Not sure what to do with old diaries, I know I kept a diary, but must have tossed them at an early age. Anyway to scan it so you can keep it electronically but not have to store it? I guess it depends on whether you want other people to read it.

              Gold ?how?s the puppy? Agility started in the UK, and I highly recommend the game. Fun for you and the dog when you have a good instructor. An agility friend just got a new Border Collie puppy and he?s wild, but oh so precious.

              sunshine - have fun on the boat! Ocean or lake trip?

              Hello to all that follow.


                AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                Hello all - first day back here - spent day at a spa for friend's birthday - big party on sat - will be my first af weekend big night out.

                Her sis is pregnant so am using excuse of stopping smoking as to why I'm not drinking - then will just drag it out - may want to tell people I was worried about alcohol but not ready yet - I've only just really faced up to it myself.

                Actually no - have friends over friday - big smokers and drinkers - will use same excuse/got to be up early to drive to a wedding the next day - people smoke outside my house anyway.Survuved last weekend with big smokers so feeling bit stronger now have that behind me. I feel like i really have accepted that I am addicted to nicotine and there is never any such thing for me as just 1 cigarette.

                I'm not quite thinking that way with drink yet all the time/I am unsure but i do know i worry about how/why I drink, finding it hard to stick to an agreed amount (but never getting passout drunk).

                I definitely see that i have been drinking in a problematic way - I guess that's the same as an addict - if I wasn't an addict - it wouldn't be a problem. I don't know...
                i have also put on wqieght and feel more anxious/depressed even with a small amount of alcohol inside me - anyway I just feel better without alcohol.
                one day at a time


                  AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                  Afternoon Abbers,

                  How is everyone today?
                  Still 90+ and humid out so I'm still hiding in the AC. Am caught up on my canning for now - at least until I think of something else!

                  Off to search for my next indoor project.
                  Wishing everyone a great AF day!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                    Afternoon Abber,

                    What a great, positive thread this is today!

                    Yesterday some friends invited us to have lunch at a nearby casino and then hang out there for awhile. Lots of afternoon drinking going on. I was a day drinker and the early afternoon my witching hour. After I thought about it, I decided it wasn't a situation I really needed to be in. I don't think I would have drank yesterday but I didn't want to put any "thoughts" in my head that might jump up and "bite" me in a few days. I had a talk with HB and he was pretty understanding. He made arrangements to do something else with the friends later this week.

                    Hoping all who follow a great af day!
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                      Hi bear73! The quit smoking excuse is the one Iuse to this day, because it is true! I know from experience that after about 3 beers I would be looking for someone to mooch a cigarette from, after a couple more I would be buying a pack. Its so much easier to quit them both in my case! I did avoid my smoking friends at first, but now a couple of them have quit too!
                      Hang in there!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                        thanks LVT - I think both is the only way to go for me after years of wrestling with both - and having finally got my head round the nicotine addiction, I'm hoping that same thinking will help me with the not drinking too. it's like the phrase - 1 is too many and 1000 is not enough - definitely true for me!
                        one day at a time


                          AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                          Happy Tuesday ABenators far and wide!!!

                          marvelous good stuff, thank you all.

                          Bear73, I know very well the struggle and ensuing mental conversation you're having with yourself on alcohol. it's just confounding, at any rate I too am most happy when AF. it's my happy place.

                          Lilmea, kudos for extracting yourself from a slippery place. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom!

                          I have an AA meeting tonight with a friend I met through my wife. I haven't been to a meeting in over a year and I'm really looking forward to it.

                          be well everyone,
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily Tuesday 08/11/2009

                            Aloha All, Is there anyway to find a post that went "poof"? Anyway I'll just wrap up with checking in and checking out.

