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Day 1 -8/11 - Accomplished

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    Day 1 -8/11 - Accomplished

    Here I am again....Back on My Way Out again.....Being hopeful again.... Haven't been here in probably a good year. I found that after coming on here for a while, all the stories and comments tended to blend. And yet, why shouldn't they? Our stories are all the same. I think my last sign on name was Boise Mom. Couldn't remember, so I entered this one.
    Anywho.....I made it through yesterday, which I usually find day one not to be so hard. It's usually day 4-5 or 6. The only difference this time around, is that my husband is in an in-patient rehab program. He has been there for a week. He's gone through MANY struggles over the past 2 months, which has caused me my share of struggles as well. Part of me partied it up during his time away just because I could without having to babysit him. But now we're both committed to making a change in our household, mainly for the benefit of our small children.
    So here we go....

    P.S. Congrats on one year ya Feckin' Lil' Leprechan. You were always inspirational on here and I'm proud that you were able to do it. WOW!! Good on ya!!

    Day 1 -8/11 - Accomplished

    Welcome back - I love your new screen name! Alcohol is a great destroyer of bodies, minds and relationships that is for sure. You CAN ditch the cabernet if really want it bad and are willing to work hard to get your freedom.

    Strength and hope to you on Day 2!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Day 1 -8/11 - Accomplished

      good luck on day it for you and your kids wll benefit!



        Day 1 -8/11 - Accomplished

        The cabernet has gone away here, so you can do it too!


