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Feeling a little bit better?

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    Feeling a little bit better?

    Today was day 6 and I did fine.
    Went out to lunch and wasn't even TEMPTED to order wine!
    I ALWAYS order wine at lunch.
    I don't know if it was because I finally slept well last night?
    Or the meds are kicking in? I even feel a bit like my vision is better? Things are not so dark and/or cloudy as usual?
    I don't know. Let's give it a few days, maybe I'm just imagining things?
    Also, my anxious thoughts were a bit quieter today.
    Generally I have a separate conversation going on in my head while I talk to people.. the conversation is about analyzing the conversation and speculating out what people are really saying?
    I go to work tomorrow for a short while. Let's see how that goes.

    Feeling a little bit better?

    Good stuff 1967!!
    Even if you are imagining it, its making you feel better! Embrace that!
    Plus I always believe being sober makes you happier than being drunk :-)
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Feeling a little bit better?

      Well done 1967,
      I've never been happier since I stopped drinking. It's a weird feeling that I didn't recognize at first.
      Starting to like my self again.
      Hugs Jackie xxx
      AF since 7/7/2009
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Feeling a little bit better?

        Thanks all!
        I think my under lying 'issue' is anxiety & depression as with many people.
        So this is what I am hoping to address which SHOULD help in the long run with the drinking.
        If I can finally address what really makes me drink, anxiety & the feeling of helplessness, then that should be only positive, right?


          Feeling a little bit better?

          Thats what I did 1967, got treatment for my depression. When the depression lifted, it is easier not to return to drinking.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Feeling a little bit better?

            not drinking will help the anxiety subside least it did for me. and yep, depression is a viscious circle. get help asap, and you will find not drinking gets a bit easier.

            keep on!


              Feeling a little bit better?

              unfortunately i don't think that the anxiety is only from the drink, but of course it makes it worse.
              today was okay actually!
              it was day 7! wow, SO much better than day one!
              i even joined the gym again today. i felt i better. i need to do everything possible to feel better. one big problem i have here is i really don't have any friends and gave up trying last year.
              i am unmarried (and glad for this actually!) with no children (glad again.. love kids but don't feel the need to have my own).
              i don't want to hang out in bars, and don't get invited many places, so...
              i don't think it is anything i do per say, it is part of the culture here. folks meet in bars, congregate in bars... i don't belong in bars.
              i will have an open mind this year... i think i might travel a bit more often. i tend to go to work, gym, home. but i think most people live their lives like this.
              maybe i should join the local dance school... take a ballet class?
              that would be fun.

              i also need to think about a weekly reward for myself; kind of like a reward schedule and then rotate it monthly.
              tomorrow is friday... reward day... i say a pedicure is in order!


                Feeling a little bit better?

                haha! anybody like my new avatar?? hheheee!


                  Feeling a little bit better?

                  1967;692335 wrote: unfortunately i don't think that the anxiety is only from the drink, but of course it makes it worse.
                  today was okay actually!
                  it was day 7! wow, SO much better than day one!
                  i even joined the gym again today. i felt i better. i need to do everything possible to feel better. one big problem i have here is i really don't have any friends and gave up trying last year.
                  i am unmarried (and glad for this actually!) with no children (glad again.. love kids but don't feel the need to have my own).
                  i don't want to hang out in bars, and don't get invited many places, so...
                  i don't think it is anything i do per say, it is part of the culture here. folks meet in bars, congregate in bars... i don't belong in bars.
                  i will have an open mind this year... i think i might travel a bit more often. i tend to go to work, gym, home. but i think most people live their lives like this.
                  maybe i should join the local dance school... take a ballet class?
                  that would be fun.

                  i also need to think about a weekly reward for myself; kind of like a reward schedule and then rotate it monthly.
                  tomorrow is friday... reward day... i say a pedicure is in order!
                  sounds like a great plan 67.. and yes love the avtar ha ha
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Feeling a little bit better?

                    The saline isn't drying him out, use it because it will thin out the secretions and allow him to sneeze them out. I suspect the blood was not caused by anything you did, but be careful with the frequent suctioning because you can actually irritate the tender mucous membranes and as a result he will produce even more secretions.

