A clear idea of what one wants and commitment is all a person needs to get anything you want out of life. This ties into greenies signature quote "thoughts become things". And when you're committed things start to fall in place and obstacles you imagined somehow solve themselves.
I experienced this yesterday. I had an uncomfortable agility class Tuesday. Three of us in class and 1 person is overbearing and has a somewhat aggressive dog whom she was rather mean to this week. Pupster is afraid of this dog. We're friends but suddenly each week I leave class without having a lot of fun. I woke the next morning and even a good night sleep didn't shake the feeling. My gut said I need to make a move before pupster has a bad experience with the bad dog. But where? My 1st instructor quit and there's only 1 other place to train....I'm stuck.. Plus I want to stay friends with this woman.
As I drove to work I said out loud "I will do whatever it takes to keep this fun and stay friends" If I have to train by myself or drive 2-3 hrs once/month to a different facility, and I continued to list all the things I can do. And then it happened, turns out a 3rd facility (found it on the web) is offering advanced agility classes in a few weeks. I called inquirying about the classes and the guy working there said "pupster's mom!" He use to work where pupster currently boards and goes to camp. We had a nice chat and I will probably take the class there. So I can move on, and try a new place. I am not stuck in an uncomfortable situation.
If I had said to myself "but there's nowhere else to train and I'm not willing to do this or that", I would have defeated my search for a happier situation. It felt like the clear head, the willingness to move on then landed a solution within hours.
This would not have happened with AL. I would have had what DG calls a Pity Party.
Keep your objectives clear, your willingness high and getting what you want will automatically get easier.