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AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

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    AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

    Good Morning!

    A clear idea of what one wants and commitment is all a person needs to get anything you want out of life. This ties into greenies signature quote "thoughts become things". And when you're committed things start to fall in place and obstacles you imagined somehow solve themselves.

    I experienced this yesterday. I had an uncomfortable agility class Tuesday. Three of us in class and 1 person is overbearing and has a somewhat aggressive dog whom she was rather mean to this week. Pupster is afraid of this dog. We're friends but suddenly each week I leave class without having a lot of fun. I woke the next morning and even a good night sleep didn't shake the feeling. My gut said I need to make a move before pupster has a bad experience with the bad dog. But where? My 1st instructor quit and there's only 1 other place to train....I'm stuck.. Plus I want to stay friends with this woman.

    As I drove to work I said out loud "I will do whatever it takes to keep this fun and stay friends" If I have to train by myself or drive 2-3 hrs once/month to a different facility, and I continued to list all the things I can do. And then it happened, turns out a 3rd facility (found it on the web) is offering advanced agility classes in a few weeks. I called inquirying about the classes and the guy working there said "pupster's mom!" He use to work where pupster currently boards and goes to camp. We had a nice chat and I will probably take the class there. So I can move on, and try a new place. I am not stuck in an uncomfortable situation.

    If I had said to myself "but there's nowhere else to train and I'm not willing to do this or that", I would have defeated my search for a happier situation. It felt like the clear head, the willingness to move on then landed a solution within hours.

    This would not have happened with AL. I would have had what DG calls a Pity Party.

    Keep your objectives clear, your willingness high and getting what you want will automatically get easier.

    AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

    Top of the morning ABerooooos!

    heya Speedster, kudos on your visualization coming true....very cool.

    I'm up so early my brains not switched 'on' yet. (insert crazy smily here).

    off to the airport. you all be good and don't let me leave the iron on ok?

    coffee coffee........

    be well
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

      Good morning Abbers,

      Looking at a dark, rainy day here, oh well! I'll have to choose something from the list of indoor projects to keep me occupied today.

      speedster, wow, sounds like you are experiencing some tremendous personal growth! Good for you! I love it when a new light suddenly shines on something that I've struggled with for some time. I feel I'm getting too old to waste time on Pity Parties! Hope you & pupster can continue your training in pleasant conditions.

      Well, I'm dog sitting again so I'd better go get everyone organized. I'll be ready for a major vacation by the end of the weekend. Handling 4 days can be exhausting!

      Have a great AF day everyone.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

        Morning abbers!!

        Speedster that rocks! It is exciting when you refuse to give away your power (I don't mean that in a controling sense) and opportunities open up. I love your last line!

        Today will finish with $.50 sushi with a GF downtown. It's a good day already!

        Today is official mating day for millipedes. I know because they are doing it all over the sides of my house. They get on top of each other and I say that because I know it is crossing your mind. :H I must google and see if I'm OK with this before I get the bug spray (what a way to go,eh?)

        Share a smile today!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

          Very nice, speedster!
          Lavande--I wish we had dog sitters here!! I need someone to watch our pup for the weekend. I thought MIL would, since we watched her puppy several times--but she is too busy! So, I guess I will have to kennel him, and even though I worked there, and he will be safe and have good care, I hate confining him so much.

          We are taking a group of kids to an amusement park, and I am in charge. Should be fun, we'll see if it is worth it! We'll also be visiting friends, one that broke his back in a bad accident earlier this summer. Will be a test of my non-drinking, but I'm not worried about it. I'm glad there is NA beer for such occasions!

          Have a great weekend all! :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

            Good Morning Abers,

            Speedster-Good for you on thinking clearly and getting yourself out of an uncomfortable situation. The hardest part for me is the "moving on" part. Even good change can be hard to do sometimes.

            Hulagirl-I think you and LVT should try out for that reality show...10 worst jobs. I think larve collecting and skunk flushing rates right up there.

            Cindi-I think it's a sign of growth when you zero in on a bad habit and then work on changing it. Just think how much less stressful your job will be when you get things done and don't have to worry about "red flags"

            Lav-I've done some dog sitting for my daughter. I don't mind the 2 dogs but she also has an African Gray parot. I don't have too much trouble with the bird but HB has learned not to put his poke his fingers in the cage as the bird will bite him.

            Greeneyes-It sounds like a fun day with the GF.

            Det-Here's some coffee and the iron is turned off.

            Well Abers, I'm off for my morning bike ride.

            I hope everyone has a great af day.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

              Morning Abbers!

              LOL Greenie... oh dear... odd images you just planted, there....
              Speedster... you are so right... I'm glad you found a solution that works for pupster and you alike!
              Det.. I see happy travels and lots of java in your future!
              LVT... I know what you mean.. I'm not a friend of dog kennels either.. although many of them are run by really good and caring people. But I hate to see my monster confined as well. Good luck with the urchins at the amusement park.. try to keep them off the sugar!

              And good morning/day/whatever your time may be to Lilmea, Hulagirl and all!
              Have a great AF day!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                Hi All,

                Just checking in.....I've been struggling lately but am back on the supps and have to get through the dreaded day 1.....

                Think I'll stay close to MWO for a while.....



                  AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                  morning all...

                  chief, good for you, stay close...i am too!

                  i love those momentsof clarity when you realize "this is something i wouldn't have done had i been drinking", i have been having alot of those lately and feeling so grateful and humble about sobreity. it is indeed precious and the most important thing for me to focus on...forever? i hope i don't have to work this hard forever. i hope it gets easier, but i will forever be vigilant about thinking i can have a few and move on, i proved to myself again this summer that i can't!

                  have a great sober day and i know i will be close s i've had some big cravings the past 24 hours...

                  don't forget about the meteor showers in the u.s, i saw a bunch last night!


                    AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                    Hi guys,

                    Mind if I jump on board? I always post on ODAT but am having some success lately and think I'd like to post here as well.

                    Today is 15 - halfway to the 30 days that I am getting to this time come hell or high water (have been close sooooo many times).

                    Don - words that you have said to me that always helped - it's easier to NOT have that first drink than to try to stop AFTER having that first drink - here's hoping your struggle ends soon. :l

                    Have a good night!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                      Good evening AF friends,

                      Don, :welcome: back and be sure to stick close for a while. It helps. We will all be here for you.

                      Uni, you have been doing so well!! You go girl. I am sure your body will kick the Epstein Barre Syndrome much faster if you are not drinking and are taking care of yourself. Keep making those crockpot meals.

                      I have got to go and get some dinner but will be back later.

                      Thank you all for being here. It is such a blessing to be able to read this thread every day and know there are others trying to make their lives better and better.

                      Much love,
                      AF April 9, 2016


                        AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                        at the airport early. just chilling out with some black walnut ice cream and a venti Starbucks. ba-zoing!

                        Don! welcome back bro, there is light at the end of this tunnel....really there is. You have inspired me tons through this struggle/challenge/adventure.

                        Uni! missing you on chat dear. congrats on the AF time woooooo!

                        meteor showers? where? when? is this a sign my planet is sending a ship to take me back? hmmmm.

                        have fun with all your dogs, cats and to see if anyone is up for chat

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily - Thursday August 13th

                          perseids meteor shower was the 12th, but may be able to see some tonight...after midnight is best.


                            AF Daily - Thursday August 13th


                            I stayed up and watched the meteor shower last night too. They were better after midnight but that's the latest I've stayed up in years!!!
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

