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AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

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    AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

    Hah! No thread yet for today! Allow me....

    Morning ferry was booked, so my trip has been put off a few hours... Mr. Wonderful is coming with me (*phew*) so I won't have to face all this crap alone.

    Alrighty then.. off I go! Wishing all of you a fantabulous weekend.. will be thinking of ya!

    Until we type again! :l
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

    Morning abbers!!

    Love the pic sunshine! I always loved ferry rides.

    My dad was rather ornery yesterday. I've been thinking about how his negativity affects me and makes me want to avoid him and I end up in guilt land. I think my challenge is that two important men in my life have had traumatic changes in their own lives and I struggle to detangle myself from each of their struggles which are out of my control in a way that is not harmful to any of us. BUT without spiritual bypass. Feck. I get so confused.

    Hey, the $.50 sushi was the smallest sushi rolls I've ever seen. Think kindergarten tea party. It was good though and fun to get out and GF treated. Today I'm going to the Harry Potter matinee w/ GF who works out of the contry that is on a home visit. Nothing like a fantasy movie on a grand scale! A couple doors down is the ice cream place I go to to get peppermint ice cream. I think I take along a couple candies in case they think Peppermint ice cream is out of season; the very nerve!

    So do I tell my dad it's hard to be there for him or bite my tongue more. He is mentally intact. I'm all ears... er, eyes.

    Have a great one!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

      Good day ab landers and Happy TGIF! Sunshine thanks for kicking us off today and your new avatar makes me want to GO to where there is water and relax for the weekend! I know I've missed all the details of what's going on with everyone this week and for that I apologize. Sounds like it's good that Mr. W is with you though and I hope you have fun.

      Greenie I swear I am going to a movie on the next rainy day!!! (come soon rain! come soon!) I will stop short of advice on the Dad situation. I feel your pain though. I'm grateful my own Dad stopped being nasty like he was being before his surgery. It really is hard to keep doing what we feel we need to do for/with them when they aren't nice. Mean time, this talk of ice cream is making me.....WANT ICE CREAM!!! Your anni must be soon!!

      I am trying to get my serenity back since late yesterday afternoon. There is a dispute with my doctor (the regular one I see for my hormones and thyroid meds). They made a mistake a few months ago when ordering some blood test, and they ordered extra tests (by checking additional boxes on a form, apparently) that I did not agree to have done. They billed me and the office girl said "but you still got the results so you should pay...." I of course disagree with that! I have said I'm not paying it. The office girl has kept insisting, and I finally left a message saying that I'm not paying, and if that's a problem then the doctor should call me directly. I never heard anything more, so thought it was over. I have an appointment today where I mainly just need to get re-fill prescriptions.

      Well, the office girl in question called yesterday late afternoon to confirm the appointment AND to remind me of the "money I still owe." I'm furious. I have no idea if the doctor even knows about this dispute, but I would think she does - it's a small office. I'm sorry that a mistake was made that cost them money, but that's really not my problem.

      My alcoholic mind likes to race ahead and imagine all of the worst case scenarios. I need to just wait and see what happens. But I'm having a hard time keepin' the peace in my head.

      Anyway, a minor thing all in all and I need to stop making a mountain of it, and just go deal with it and see what happens. Then go from there. I'm sure it will all work out.

      Whew. I needed to vent that. Thanks for listening. I will be back later - hopefully all peaceful again with some gardening stories! :H Or at least a Barbie story for the Abbercizer thread.

      Happy Friday. Strength and hope!! AF-ness and UnHungness for all.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

        Sunshine - thanks for starting the thread today. I miss ferry rides.

        DG -- sometimes I think if I think through the worst case scenario then it won't happen. I hope you were able to work it out with the dr.

        Lav - how's the dog sitting going? Do they at least all get along?

        DET - how's the traveling going? and how was the AA meeting?

        Greenie - I was wondering how the .50 sushi was going to turn out. Sounds like it was still fun even for micro-food.

        Hello to many others - Gold, Arrow, Sausage, AA, M3, Sweet Mame, treeman, chief, and anyone whom I missed.

        Have a strong weekend. Happy AF Friday!
        We're taking the pupster out to the lake today. Suppose to be a hot one, good day for that watermelon I bought at the market last weekend. Even pupster likes watermelon.


          AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

          Good morning Abbers,

          Sunni, you and Mr Wonderful go and get things under control this weekend. I'm happy you're taking your own personal support system along with you

          Greenie, I know exactly what you're talking about with you Dad. My Dad was 'difficult' his entire life, to say the least. His last few years were especially hard emotionally on all of us. My Mom was long gone so I was left in charge of his care. The best thing I can tell you is to distance yourself, emotionally, as much as possible so you can continue to make clear, solid decisions regarding his care. My many years of nursing practice helped me a lot. It's still a hard thing dealing with your Dad, I know. I wish you strength.

          DG, stick to your guns! Arguing with office staff is stressful & usually a huge waste of time. I don't think Dr.s really ever know what's going on with billing issues, etc. Speak to the Dr. yourself and remind her of her 'mistake' - you shouldn't be expected to pay!

          I'm in the midst of dog sitting my granddogs again, the 'Insanity Twins'. Some of you remember the incident with the broken toe earlier this summer...............

          Wishing you all a Happy AF Friday and strength to do what you need to do
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

            Hi speedster,
            We cross posted.
            Yes, the 'Insanity Twins' are here, behaving as well as usual...........
            My dogs are kind of hiding from them, ha ha.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

              Hi all,

              Quick fly-by, haven't had time to catch up. Busy week at work, but not much work for next week. Hey ho.

              Sunshine, I don't know what you're having to sort out but I hope it goes OK.

              DG, hope you get your doc's bill cancelled. (Of course, if you had free healthcare like us... Whoa! *stands back to avoid incoming flak*. Kidding, people, kidding! I know it's a hot topic over there at the moment.)

              Hello to Lavande & Greenie and all to come.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

                Hi guys,

                Day 16 for me here - feeling pretty tired, didn't sleep well last night but looking forward to a nice quiet evening with my BF. We have been crazy busy lately and really need and deserve a break so we are going to dinner and then to a movie - then home to just veg out and relax. I can't wait until 5pm so I can leave and get the wonderful evening started!

                I hope everyone else has a great AF Friday.

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

                  Afternoon everyone,

                  This song has been popping into my head all day, "Twenty one today, twenty one today....", because it is, 21 days AF today. The main thing though is that I woke up with a new personality, or rather the old forgotten me with a new twist.

                  I had been finding other things to feel guilty over and as DG has put it, "My alcoholic mind likes to race ahead and imagine all of the worst case scenarios", that's exactly what I am like I hadn't put it down to AL I just thought it was me, a bit of both I expect.

                  So things that last night seemed impossible now seem possible. I've sent off an application to become a volunteer for the Prince's Trust, mentoring young people, filled out the form to apply for Pets as Therapy with one of my standard poodles. Phoned my aunt which I had been avoiding and coloured my hair (not that it really needed it of course ).

                  Last night the little puppy standard poodle came flying in from the garden in great distress and wouldn't let me touch her mouth, worried I took her to the emergency vets, by the time we were seen she was pretty much back to normal so they didn't charge me, it would have been over ?100, no NHS for dogs here

                  This morning I went to Starbucks, I asked for two drinks to take out but they only had 1 lid left!!!! So one of the drinks was a shorter measure in a large cup and they only charged me for small ones as a sorry. Things are looking up!

                  I'm going to find a temporary job or some consultancy to run alongside finally getting my business of the ground.

                  So there we are, I hope I still feel like this tomorrow.

                  Sunshine I hope whatever needs sorting out is easily resolved.

                  Greeneyes, I sympathise, my parents and brother and sister were and are negative in their outlook, but then I guess they didn't know another way to be. I think the advice from lavande is excellent, that is what I had to do to cope with both my mother and my father's situation. It's possible to be loving and detached at the same time, each person's journey is their own and the choices they make are theirs too.

                  DG, I can identify so readily with your doctor dispute, those types of situation always play on my mind and upset me way beyond their actual importance. Hopefully that will change now and as you say things work themselves out, 20 years from now these incidents will be as nothing.

                  Speedster your pupster is one lucky dog, she/he (?) has a fuller life than I do :H

                  Lavande, the insanity twins sound interesting, I hope the broken toe healed. We do seem to be a very doggy thread.

                  Marshy, hope you get the work you need although a break is nice. Poor NHS it's coming in for some stick isn't it. I'm not sure how much practical help the twittering by the Brown's will be

                  Uni, your evening sounds nice I hope you relax and have a good sleep hopefully not during the movie!
                  I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                    AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

                    sounds like a mellow day...hope everyone is strong and feeling as good as gold is!



                      AF Daily - Friday, August 14th

                      Just a quick flt by to check in. I hope everyone has a great af Friday evening.
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

