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AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

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    AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

    Morning abbers!!

    I think there is 98% humidity out today. It's heavy air.

    I have to wonder how kids date these days. I went to the MATINEE of Harry Potter yesterday and got a small drink and small popcorn (both of which were too big) and it was nearly $18!!! WTF? Last weekend at the little independent theatre I spent $17 and saw TWO movies.

    I was saying on another thread that I had no plans this weekend and I liked that as I like the freedom of wandering through the day. I usually end up doing something out of the ordinary and spontaneous. Then I thought for a moment and realized that it isn't the absence of plans so much as it is the absence of AL. Damn, freedom from the beast is so wonderful!

    Have a spontaneous day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

    Good morning Greenie and all my AF friends.

    I plan on relaxing as much as possible today. I had a stressful week at work in Hotlanta last week and another very stressful two weeks coming up. I must like stress.

    However, this weekend I think I will just enjoy my hubby, my children and my grandchildren. I might even indulge and get a pedicure. I am almost embarrassed to go in, though. I usually get them every 6 weeks starting in the spring and into cool weather but this year I have been very busy and lax about it. Feet are not pretty right now. Eeew.

    Okay. TMI.

    Greenie, I am with you. Freedom is what this journey is all about. It is so liberating to be able to go through my day knowing I will not have the need to hide, lie and damage my soul with the poison that is AL. I love it.

    Hope all to come have a relaxing, sober Saturday.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

      good morning Cinders and Greenie!

      I will join you in remaining AF today. As i roll into day 9 (i still cant believe it!) i feel myself getting into a habit of not drinking and not having to think about it too much.

      I look forward to getting another AF weekend under my belt.

      This weekend i'm suppose to walk 18 miles in training for a MS walk in September, but it's so hot and humid today, i may just get up early early tomorrow and give it a go.

      Have a great sober day to all.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

        Hi guys,

        Day 17 here. I had a test last night to be sure but I passed. Went out for dinner with BF and he had an ice cold draft beer - looked so good but I stuck with my diet coke. Went to a movie and ran into friends we hadn't seen in a while - went back to their place for a "drink". I again had a coke. Feels good that I passed that test! I am on my way to my 30 days!

        I am exhausted today as I didn't sleep enough but I plan on having a quiet afternoon, maybe do some house cleaning and then relax until 7 when we go out for dinner with friends ( I am confident after last night and know I will remain AF).

        Have a great sober Saturday everyone!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

          Hi all! I wasn't sure if Bear's thread was the daily thread but hey - today is good enough for TWO threads! Thank you Greenie for starting this one and also for the WONDERFUL reminder about the FREEDOM that truly comes with Alcohol Free living.

          Cinders I can sure relate to what you said here:

          It is so liberating to be able to go through my day knowing I will not have the need to hide, lie and damage my soul with the poison that is AL. I love it.
          Mstall congrats on Day 9!! That is awesome progress. Tomorrow you enter the Double Digit zone. For me Day 10 was special getting out of those onesy's and I never wanted to give up my double digits and start over. LOL- to me that was a better kind of mind games than the ones I played with myself to justify all that drinking. Good luck with your training this weekend. Just imagine walking 18 miles with a hangover - then hot and humid won't seem so bad. :H

          Universal, congrats on Day 17 and also on getting successfully through your evening. I applaud you guys who can handle being around drinking at this stage! I still don't like it much.

          Well, my coffee break is over and I need to get back to the garden. I'm digging up old things cleaning up the open areas and am going to plant some beets and turnips and lettuce and radishes and a few other things. LOL - I had this little carrot patch where I thought nothing much happened. I've got carrots!!! Now I need to decide what to do with them. Now I'm wanting a root cellar. (about 1 foot square would satisfy my current requirements for space LOL!) Maybe the dehydrator! Also a fairly decent head of cauliflower (well, bigger than the previous ones which were microscopic!) caught my eye. That was a nice surprise. Lunch!!

          I've got to rake up all the weed and plant tops and more ROCKS before I can plant anything. Best get to it!

          I :h you guys. I don't care if it makes me look sappy to say it.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

            Happy Saturday ABeroooooos!

            there were three Sat threads so i just picked one good to see lots of action in the monthly ABs.

            Uni, well done! I know how hard social 'slippery' places are during early AF times.

            Cindi, Greeneyes, Mstall (18 miles wow!) loverly to see you all.

            Dx and I have a special guest over this weekend: our beloved member Morrison !!! he's doing super and we are all having a fun relaxing AF weekend in the high desert.

            be well you rascals and all to come......
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

              DG! woof! love you too hon!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

                Hi all,

                Greeneyes, the cinema is very expensive these days, when I was a teenager we used to climb into the cinema throught the toilet window if it was open!

                I think what you said about damaging our souls is very true cinders, the guilt, shame and all the other things that go with AL are not exactly life enhancing.

                Mstall I'm finding the same, getting into the habit of not drinking, it's wonderful not to have to think about AL, 18 miles sounds an awfully long way!

                Well done uni, today is day 22 for me today and I haven't tried a social situation yet,, although it is my birthday on Tuesday so that will probably be the first test.

                DG there's a bit of a theme on freedom on the thread today, and I think one of the other freedoms here is being able to express ourselves without judgement and with acceptance.

                Determinator hope you have a great weekend in the high desert.
                I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                  AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

                  Hey all Abbers,

                  Very hot & humid today in my neck of the woods too! The weather forecast promises heat like this but no rain...........which is actually good because we've had so much this summer! I'd love to see some of this mud dry up

                  I'll pick up and run with the freedom theme today. I've recently come to realize that, at the advanced age of 55, I am truly living free for the first time in my entire adult life!!!! I got hooked on the smokes as a teen, started drinking AL (legally) at 21, messed around with pot a little in the early 70's (who didn't?)........... in other words, I have never been a substance free adult until now!!! Why the hell did I wait so long????? This is great Thanks Greenie & Cindi for getting this theme going!

                  Congrats to Mstall for 9 days, Uni for 17 (good job on your test btw) and Gold for 22 days, awesome!

                  DG, we've been clearing away some over growth in our garden too anf finding all sorts of things. O knew I had a few bird house gourds growing but now I'm seeing a whole lot more of them, crazy.

                  Hi to Deter, enjoy your guest this weekend in the high desert

                  My 2 dogs and my son's 2 dogs (I'm dog sitting) are all presently chilling out in the AC - think I'll put a movie on and join them for a while.

                  Have a great AF Saturday everyone.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

                    Good Morning All! I don't get to say that during the week. WEEK-END!!! whoop!. I posted early, early this morning, like after mid-night. Watched the Woodstock special, then there were actual music videos on VH1. Remember when MTV was music videos 24/7? Those were the endless days. Spend part of my Saturday morning watching (and doing) a video called "Keeping Fit in Your 50's". Made it through the stretching one with a little pilates and yoga. Didn't even look at Aerobics and Strength. Am I really that out of shape? Well, gotta start somewhere. Looks like everyone is on to productive and peaceful saturdays. I don't even want to talk about humidity. drippy and soggy.


                      AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15

                      Hello all.

                      Finished work for the week! Hooray. Going to get some Chinese food as my end of the week treat.

                      I just had a revelation reading Mstall's story in the "tell us your story" section about the possible link between giving up smoking and an escalation in drinking, which is what happened to me but I didn't connect it with smoking. Who'da thunk it?

                      OK, I'm off to enjoy what's left of Saturday evening. Have a good one everyone!
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF Daily - Saturday, Aug 15


                        Please have Dx give Morrison a big hug from Cindi!! (I'm sure he would rather Dx than you....)

                        Hula Girl!! It is great to "see" you during daylight hours. I, too, am in terrible shape but the longer I am sober the more able to do things again. I am actually seeing some positive physical changes from being AF. It has taken a while but then again, I have the rest of my life to work on it.

                        Have to run and get the swim suit on, kiddos want Granny to go swimming with them.

                        AF April 9, 2016

