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sat day 8

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    sat day 8

    well who would have thought this possible?
    thank god and thank u to all who have responded to my posts.
    you have been most helpful.

    yesterday i must admit i had some passing thoughts... so easy isn't it?
    to think 'well, i stopped for 8 days... whats the harm in having a couple glasses of wine?'
    i remember how bloody hard it was to stop!
    and i had a bit of a detox in advance so no messing it up!
    i'm even drinking decaf so i don't get nervous in the morning!

    and i'm watching what i eat very carefully! and i joined the gym.
    i am thinking about joining the local dance troop but i don't think it starts until september.
    i need to find out.
    that would be good for me and fun.
    i need fun!

    sat day 8

    Congrats 1967 on your week of sobriety!

    Fun is good! There is a whole world open to you now that you have your sober head and eyes on.

    Wishing you the best.
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      sat day 8

      its funny because i was pretty much sober for the last 7 weeks... since i left my island.
      i started to slip up about three weeks ago, then i slipped bad and realized i just can't live like that anymore.
      so, i SHOULD be able to do it as i've started to form new behavior patterns before coming home.
      now i need to create positive patterns here. i also need to experience life sober.
      my old friends pretty much don't drink so i saw that yeah, i haven't been like this forever. these are my friends, they're normal (not drunk all the time).
      i can do it too.


        sat day 8

        Well done to 8 days, heading for double figures!

        A dance troupe sounds good, I'm thinking of joining a class myself, you are right it's important to do some things that are fun.
        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


          sat day 8

          fun is so important Gold!
          otherwise life becomes, work, food, sleep, work, food, sleep...
          and for me i really have no social life here... that could change? i tried last year but it was just frustrating.
          i only need one or two friends actually... maybe i could manage this?


            sat day 8

            your doing it 67 keep up the good work
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              sat day 8

              Congrats 67!
              You are doing foot in front of the other..........headed in the right direction.
              It keeps getting better & better
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                sat day 8

                Congrats on 8 days '67! That dance troupe thingy sounds like a blast! I've started to actually like the gym too - took me awhile to get my groove on there. Join us in the Monthly Abbercise Thread if you would like some commaraderie with your exercise program!

                YOU CAN DO THIS!


                PS - I can't even use the word "slip" inside my head. LOL for me, "a drink" is a head on collision with a freight train - nothing anyone would think of as the word "slip."
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  sat day 8

                  doggygirl.. that is a very good way to look at drinking for me too: that it is a freight train... it is too heavy to control!
                  i think dancing is a good idea too... i will put it on my list to stop there and see when adult classes start.
                  it is saturday nite... i was invited to a party actually... but i won't go. not my crowd.. let's just leave it at that. i will, however, NOT drink! maybe i'll watch some tv... i almost never do that or go to the movie? probably not though. it is too early to go to my old haunts so i better stay home.
                  tomorrow i want to just chill, no work... or just a little if absolutely necessary.


                    sat day 8

                    music for the 'party' has just started and it's only 5:10.
                    look like i'm going to the movies.
                    otherwise i will just stay here and stress... no point in that... better get dressed!


                      sat day 8

                      1967- congrats on day 8! Today will be day 7 for me. Definitely have some (AF) fun! I found it was something I'd seriously neglected most of the time. Find joy!
                      MUCH LOVE !
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009


                        sat day 8

                        thanks dancelot!
                        i saw a really funny movie... three guys go to Vegas with their best friend Doug. I forget the name of the.... oh wait! it's The Hangover!
                        Normally not something I find funny... but the film was hysterical! I'm glad I went... so tomorrow is day 8 for you!
                        Gosh I so need a change... I need a good year ahead! I'm researching handling stress at work... a lot of the things they say to do, I was already doing EXCEPT eating right and keeping alcohol to a minimum.


                          sat day 8

                          Good on ya 67. You sound so much better than u did a week ago. Its amazing once we get the withdrawls out of the way then we can start to live a normal life. If i put 10% of the effort into staying sober and not picking up that I did into drinking then I will be fine. It won't happen by itself I have to work it. Once I stop drinking I can get complacent. And the old thinking comes back. And the next thing i am on that train wreck. I need to do this. i have put on so much weight with binging. No food for days just drink, then when i come off it, no food just sickness and diarrhea, a little water,lots of ciggies (i don't really smoke) then about day 5 i get cravings for carbs. My poor body hasn't got a clue whats going on. But i am still here on day 13 now. Hubby has gone back to work -he works away. Went yesterday. Fell asleep on the couch at 20.00 again and up at 06.00 but I don't mind as i am sober and AF. So he is back in 8 weeks and i want to get to the gym and try and loose some weight. I have never been this big and hate it. But I have to do something about it. Even walking the dog is too much effort. But I have to push myself. Everything is too much effort even cleaning the house but small steps in the right direction are needed. I have gone at things full pelt before and have failed. So keep it simple. One day at a time. :goodjob:
                          They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                          last drink 3rd August 2009

