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AF Daily - Sunday August 16

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    AF Daily - Sunday August 16

    Good Day Ablanders! And Happy Sunday or Monday or whatever day and time it is for you wherever you are. As long as it's AF, it's all good, right?

    Today is one of those days where *I* don't get to have it exactly like *I* want it. Mr. Doggy and I have an obligation we really must fulfill for an organization that we belong to for business reasons. The activity today is walking with volunteers from the group in a local parade to promote the group's agenda, which is encouraging people to "Buy Locally" and keep as many dollars as possible in our own community. It's a good cause. It is doubtful our business will benefit directly as a result of our parade participation, but we certainly have benefited from belonging to the organization. I am on the board, so "volunteering" for this did not feel optional. Maybe that's what I'm rebelling about!! I'm a bit miffed at myself for being so self centered about this. I should be willing to give back to the community that is so good to me. What the sam hill is wrong with me???? Well, I suppose the bright side is that I at least recognize the issue and am trying to work on being a more outward giving person. I have a long way to go.

    Hula it was great to read your post yesterday! That exercise tape sounds awesome. Cindi it's terrific that you are spending this time with your G-kids. Hope you had fun swimming! Deter sounds like you and Dx should be having a fun weekend with Morrison. Lav - I hope it's not raining because 16 muddy doggy feet is a lot of muddy doggy feet! Marshy, I too saw a huge escalation in already bad bad drinking when I quit smoking. Whew - glad to be out of that hell hole! Hello to everyone else that I might have missed yesterday!

    Whatever you are doing today, try to have a better attitude about it than I do LOL!

    Strength and hope,

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday August 16

    Sniff, sniff.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily - Sunday August 16

      Morning abbers!

      DG, cindi & all to come.

      DG you and Mr. Doggy could dress up! A parade sounds like fun! Take doggies! OK, well lit's good karma. Hopefully the weather will be lovely. Wonder why it didn't feel optional? Don't you feel you do "enough" as a board member" (she asks already knowing the answer). So you suppose people would grumble or something if you were unable to make it? Where LVT with the emotional alchemy book?

      I too escalated my drinking when I quit smoking many years ago. It probably relieved the anxiety of not having a ciggie.

      It's a bit cooler today so maybe I'll put out those pavers I want to get. I'm thinking of going over to Lowe's and buying them and seeing if I can talk someone in the parking lot into bringing them to my house. I'm not kidding. :H

      Have a peaceful day.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Sunday August 16

        Good day all!

        Today I have household crap to do along with walking. I cant believe it's Sunday already! I dont want the weekend to end!

        doggy - i tend to regret when i sometimes volunteer myself for good causes too. But since i hate going back on my word, i make myself just do it and usually feel good afterwards.

        Hope everyone has a happy sober Sunday.
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          AF Daily - Sunday August 16

          hello everyone - and thanks for responses yesterday re my lapsing on Friday- well i attended the wedding and friend's 30th party yesterday and you guessed it - lapsed again. That was never really going to be a good day 1 was it?

          I agree re not putting myself in tricky situations for a while - I am at a festival mid September - so that will be my first big outing.
          Well today for me is cleaning house, washing clothes, planning healthy food for week, getting in a bit of exercise and seeing friends later.
          day 1 for me and am taking all your good advice that I need to change a few things/not go into my trigger situations too early if i am to succeed at my goals - have a good day y'all
          one day at a time


            AF Daily - Sunday August 16

            Morning Abbers,

            Reporting in from hot, humid city!!!!! Argh - not a fan of this weather! I am happy to report that my 4 legged guests have checked out, a day early actually No rain while they were here DG, thank goodness! Hope your parade participation goes by quickly today!

            Cindi, what's up? Why the sniffling?

            Greenie, I ended up quitting the smokes 2 months after quitting drinking. I was alarmed at how my smoking escalated and frankly, just couldn't afford it anymore! Glad to be rid of both nasty habits

            Mstall, how are you today? Weekends do go by too quickly!

            bear73, glad to see you sticking with us. Have a good Day 1, focus on your plan and goals. Check in frequently, it really helps

            Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Sunday August 16

              Hello from sunny Denver! Actually we are in fort Collins. This farm girl doesn't really like big cities, but I do like visiting this one. I took the boys shopping Yesterday and have had a pretty good weekend in general. Melissa ethridge was downtown last night and it would have been cool to see her, me and 99,999 others! Had to pass. Crowds just aren't my thing.
              Home today to get puppy out of his jail cell.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                Good Morning Abers,

                DG-I hope you at least have nice weather for your parade. By this evening you'll be done and home.

                Hulagirl-I'm going to see if I can find your excersice tape on the enternet. I've been riding my bike everyday but that will be coming to and end this winter.

                Det-It sounds as if you're having a good week end with your friend.

                Cindi-sniff? snif?

                Mstall-I ride my bike between 16 and 18 miles a day but I can't imagine walking that far! Wow!

                Bear-Hang in there for day 1. Keeping busy always helps.

                LVT-I'm from a smalltown and don't like the 'big city" crowds either. I imagine puppy was glad to see you and boys and release from "jail"

                It's going to be too hot here to do much out side. I think I'm going to just kick back and read a good book.

                Hope everyone has a great AF Sunday
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                  top o the mornin to all you beautiful sober people...

                  i am soaking in the "sobriety has to be the number one priority" philosophy today...i am officially making that my mantra.

                  i am relying heavily on kdzu and l-glutes (they help so much!), as i have been havong afernoon cravings the past few days. i'm 16 (?) days into sobriety again and feeling good and srong, an i do have alternatives and control over tomake that feeling stick forever!

                  i talked to m daughters grandma (who is a totally unfunctional alcoholic). i hadn't spoken to her in quite some time and we hadn't visited for 2 years and i was feeling guilty about it. she was cool and supporive of me not drinking and claims she's the only one in their family who still drinks, and she made sure to tell me she'll never stop. i feel like i can handle visiting them again, my daughter wants to go and she deserves to see her other family...i will not allw her to go alone!

                  have a great day and stay strong all!



                    AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                    Hi all,

                    So annoying when you lose a long post! Grrrrrrrr. Try again.

                    I've been out walking in the sunshine - there's a big area of parkland on my doorstep. Loads of people out picking blackberries. I must get some during the week and make something involving lots of cream..
                    I'm not working again until Thursday, and I was thinking this morning that in the bad old days, I'd already be drinking today, and would be planning to spend the next three days drinking too. I'm so glad to be out of that madness.

                    DG - I hope the parade turns out much better than you expect (and that it's not raining - THAT would not improve your mood I guess )

                    Bear - I had to become a hermit for a while early on because I knew I would drink if I was around people drinking. But my friends are still there and are glad I've stopped killing myself with alcohol.

                    Lavande & Lilmea - stay cool!

                    Hi to Cindi, Greenie & Mstall. It think that's all - scrolling back, losing posts, grrr grrr grrr

                    Oh, nearly forgot - LVT, I'm not really familiar with Melissa Etheridge's stuff but someone sent me this and it's gorgeous (complete with cheesy audience)

          [/video]]YouTube - Melissa Etheridge - You can sleep while I drive
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                      Hello AF friends!!

                      Sorry for my first post. I was going to write a post but DG had posted "Marking and Running" so that we wouldn't get multiple threads started.

                      I didn't get back to it until now and feel silly editing the first one and having everyone ask about the "sniff sniff."

                      Anywho, I am about to go swimming with granddaughter, I am about to lose eldest grandson to a friend he is going to visit and I still have middle grandson who can't swim due to surgery he had this week. However, he loves the video games.

                      Hubby flew off for his trip today. I fly out the day he flies home. Yikes. What a world we live in.

                      Whatever, I am sober today and happy to be that way.

                      I hope all my friends here have a wonderful sober Sunday, too!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                        Good evening abland

                        I just wanted to say it's so lovely and reassuring to see you all here. I'm now on another planet in a parallel universe a million miles from London. I'm trying to sort out my dad's effects and keep time travelling into my childhood. But lo and behold, I log onto MWO and here you are! Sorry I'm out of the loop, will take a tour to catch up.


                          AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                          Thanks Marshy, I have been a fan for many years, but i think this is my favorite right now.....

                [/video]]YouTube - Melissa Etheridge - I Run For Life (Live)
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                            Happy Sunday!

                            Very busy weekend exercising and, you guessed it, CANNING. I canned another 7 quarts of green beans and made 7 quarts of tomato sauce. It's my first homemade sauce and tasting it, it was quite good. I'm relieved.

                            Got some much needed bike riding in this weekend along with walks with pupster.

                            Trying to chill out this afternoon and watch dog agility training DVDs and stay cool. I'm not a fan of August except for the abundance of fresh produce.

                            Speaking of agility, the woman who has caused me to feel very uncomfortable in class because of the way she treats her dog ...she went to a private lesson with a regionally known instructor and was told all her behavior is what's causing her dog to be slow and unmotivated. I was quite relieved this happened. I feel badly for my friend but she needed the truth and it came from someone whom she has a lot of respect. So we'll see how she changes the way she plays/works with her dog. I still may change classes.

                            Busy week ahead, I may not check in daily.

                            Good to see everyone out playing with kids, grandkids, dogs, parades! Busy group!


                              AF Daily - Sunday August 16

                              Good evening Abbers!
                              Real quick - hello to all and good luck in your endaevors (DG, the parade might be fun and you'll never know what might come out of it business wise - think positive!) Marshy... I actually used to play that song... not checking the vid (dial up-grrrrr) so don't know about the audience LOL

                              Bear... so sorry to hear about your last couple of days... well, you know what to do (or NOT to do).. hop to it, then!

                              Lav, hot and humid here as well.. and poor Mr. Wonderful is up on a black roof ripping off shingles *ugggh... I'm gonna owe him big, I think!

                              Hello to Lilmea, Mstall, Greenie, LVT and whoever else I'm forgetting... I'm gonna blow this popsicle stand - I need a shower so badly (*holds nose*)

                              Night night you all... have a great Monday!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

