Ever since my amends to my husband, I've been vigilant about honesty & fear. I daily ask HP to keep me rigorously honest & free of fear. It seems to be working out. I can see now that fear was the bedrock on which I drank. Dishonesty was the outcome of my drinking. There was no way that I wanted anyone to know the extent of my drinking. That alone fueled even more drinking. It was so liberating to admit all that to the people I love. I guess I'm still on a high from doing the 9th step.
I know about the "pink cloud" that AA's talk about which occurs during early sobriety. I know I'm on it, but I'm aware that something could throw me off. For one thing, my husb has a surgical procedure coming up that I'm somewhat nervous about. After that, I'm going to visit my parents & have a lot of responsibilities there to handle. I know I can do it sober. In fact, I can do it better sober.
Take care one & all. I'm going to an Alanon meeting tonight. It's a step meeting, & while it's Alanon, the steps are the same.