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AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

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    AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

    Morning abbers!!

    I am so out of synch. All I can do is say good morning and go write a do list and see if I can give myself some direction. I think my "oomm" switch got flipped to the off position. I'll come back later.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

    Hello all,

    Yup, I know that feeling Greeneyes. We just have to surf through, but it can be disheartening. I still don't feel quite on an even keel after being sorely tempted to drink while visiting my family last month.

    I've been out picking blackberries.

    Got stung by nettles! This cake-making business is a slow process. I could have bought and eaten 10 cakes by now... probably just as well I haven't. No time to make it now though - I'm meeting a friend for lunch, then gym, then another exhibition (there's loads of good ones on at the mo), then maybe an AA meeting if I can be bothered. Or I might come home and make the damn cake.

    Have a good 'un everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

      Morning All!

      Trying day at work today but i will make it through. Plan on walking tonight to release stress, energy and worries.

      Hope all enjoy this beautiful sober Tuesday.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

        Good morning AF friends,

        Greenie, I am sorry you are feeling off. You might try giving yourself some real Greenie time. Take a long lunch and shop or don't go into the hole at all and do something totally frivolous and useless. Just take good care of yourself. Things will get back on an even keel, you know it will.

        Marshy, :H:H on the cake. My oldest grandson loves to bake and we make something every weekend together. The clean up is horrendous and I don't really care for baked goods much anyway. But I do care for the grandson.

        Here's hoping my friends here who have life struggles and challenges can face them well and perhaps in the facing, learn yet a little bit more about how to live within the moment. I am hoping that for myself, too.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

          Here's hoping my friends here who have life struggles and challenges can face them well and perhaps in the facing, learn yet a little bit more about how to live within the moment
          Cinder-I had not really thought about life's struggles and challengers as a way to learn to live in the moment. Thank! Sometimes it's hard for me to stay in the moment. My mind wants to spin off and start worring about what might happen in the future or regret what has happened in the past.

          Greeneyes-I call those my cottonball days. Be kind to yourself. You "oomm" switch will flip back on.

          Marshy-The blackberries look yummy. Baking a cake with the grandson sounds like fun. Being stung by nettles...not so much!

          Mstall-Taking a long walk after a hard day at work sounds like a great idea!

          I've started to check into volunteer work for this winter. I think the Meals on Wheels looks promising. After all, a girl needs more that just housework to keep her busy!

          It rained here all night but the sun is trying to come out. Time to go ride my bike.

          Wishing everyone a good af day.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

            Good morning Abbers,

            Greenie & Marshy, I woke up in a bit of confusion myself this morning............. I posted a hello to the Newbies Nest gang on the wrong thread...........I hate it when my coffee doesn't kick in right away!!
            Marshy, try freezing those blackberries and use them later when the mood strikes. That's what I did with the ton of raspberries I harvested this summer

            Cindi, that's so nice that you have found an activity to share with your grandson. Mine is just 9 months old and I wonder about the things we can enjoy together when he's older

            I'm staying locked up in the AC again today, don't care for the heatwave going on, ugh! I sent my daughter home last evening with the ton of tomatoes we harvested from my garden along with my canning equipment. She has the ambition to do the canning, thank God

            Wishing you all a great AF day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

              Hi lilmea,
              Cross posted again
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                Hi everyone, another al free day for me today. I am going to see a hypnotherapist this pm., this will be my third session and I'm finding it really helpful, I am having to deal with a lot of problems from my past and it's really helping me to come to terms with events etc. that I had no control over.
                Best of luck to all.


                  AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18


                  It is so good to see you posting and having success. :l:l

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                    Morning all (and long time no talk)!

                    Trying to get back into the swing of work after being at a business conference in Colorado and then on vacation last week. The conference was good (I got a chance to go mountain biking in the Rockies) and then my Mom and sister were in town to visit (hadn't seen them in 8 months) but boy it made for a long week. The good thing about work is it allows you to get back into a steady routine, which I need right now!

                    It's funny how sometimes the extraordinary can become a little ordinary, and how sobriety can be easily taken for granted. I was watching Intervention last night about an alcoholic who was hooked on vodka, and a whole bunch of old memories/feelings cam flooding back to me (especially waking up in the middle of the night and starting drinking again). Made me realize what I have in my life and where I have come from - and I think I needed that.

                    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
                    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                      AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                      Hi guys,

                      AAthlete, I can totally relate to that waking up in the middle of thie night and having a drink. I am so glad those days are behind me, never to be seen again.

                      Looks like everyone else is having a good day (greeny, you will get your ooom back, of that I am sure!)

                      I am still sober and feels good to be that way. I am finding that being back at work after being off for a month is a little more difficult than I thought it would be. It's not so much working (I am glad to be back in the swing of things) but I am wondering if maybe it is time for a career change. I have been in corporate account management (sales) for 15 years and it is a very stressful position. I am finding that since I have been back at work I am stressed, not sleeping and generally off. I think just dealing with peoples BS and attitudes is kind of getting to be too much for me. It's not good when I want to tell my customers to just go and F#$@ off. Probably not good for customer relations......LOL

                      Ah well, I will figure it out. I hope everyone has a great day!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                        :H Uni... that's why I'm self employed... I HAVE told one customer to go f*ck himself and actually felt good about it!

                        Greenie... the 'oomm(ph)' shall return! Lists are a great idea... now where did I put that list??? :H

                        Cinders... thanks. I needed a reminder about living in the NOW. My head is all over the place these days.

                        Marshy... mmmmmmm... you got me thinking of blackberry cobbler now... dammit! Sorry about the nettles... HATE when that happens!

                        Paula... great news! From what I understand, if you've found a therapist you're comfortable with - hang on to him/her! Kinda like a good man, or something?

                        Lav... I ran out of coffee, had to stick yesterday's brew into the microwave... ewwwwww. I'll make an extra cup for you when Mr. Wonderful gets back with more grinds!

                        AA... my godness... haven't seen/read you in forevers! Good to hear you're getting yer butt back into work after all that lolli-gagging! :H

                        K.. guys, I need to get back to sorting, distributing to various piles (junk, yard sale, keeper, kid's stuff, no wait... move to yard sale instead...etc.)

                        Have a grand Tuesday (?) Is it Tuesday? I'm losing count....
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                          OK, well I followed Cindi's advice, sort of. I got sent home from the hole for being stabby. :H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                            hello everyone - well day 3 cigarette and alcohol free - can't stop eating chocolate!! may have to go and do some exercise just so i can't eat then.
                            feel very tense - I don't feel like drinking but just grrrr - think may need to eat more protein in my breakfast/lunch and dinner.will try eggs for breakfast tomorrow and see what happens - good day everyone
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily - Tuesday, Aug 18

                              Happy Tuesday ABlanders far and wide!!!!

                              Greeneyes, you ok? maybe a nice night for some meditation, or chocolate. or both!

                              AAth, so good to see you again, you sound fantastic.

                              Bear, good idea on more protein. it helps to satisfy and stabilize blood sugar. Also protein helps the brain produce it's 'happy' chemicals in a healthy and sustainable way. An egg only has about 6 grams of protein incidentally. My daily intake is between 160 and 200 grams of protein and I feel WAY better.

                              packing for a long road trip tomorrow. On Thursday I'll be driving back though Yosemite! never been there before. wish I had time to hang out, but I'll bring my good camera at least so I can show you me feeding the bears some garlic french fries.

                              it's a beautiful AF day!

                              be well everyone!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

