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mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

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    mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

    did anyone else get these - have heard that it's cos alcohol is sugar.
    any advice?I'm trying to lose weight too - have given into the urge today and had choc cake and a donut for dinner but don't want THAT to happen regularly! think i need to eat more protein, I drink tonnes of water - am wondering if need to cut down on caffeine - 3 cups a day and recently quit smoking too.
    one day at a time

    mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

    Your doing great bear! I'm no expert, but it sounds like your trying to do a lot at the same time..I'm on day 6 AF, and I hear ya on the food thing. It seems to be tasting really good these days! Do your best to eat right and drink lots of water, but I wouldn't try to "cure" all your bad habits at might go crazy! Have that bit of chocolate now and then, it certainly is better than drinking, and once you feel that is under control work on the other stuff..We are only human!! Good luck and congrats on the AF
    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


      mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

      Hi Bear, you're taking on a lot at one time -- quitting AL, smoking, trying to lose weight, and thinking of cutting down caffeine. Wow! Please cut yourself a little slack and don't try to perfect everything all at once. Yes, you'll probably have sugar/chocolate cravings at first. But it's important to decide your priorities or you might muff ALL of it! Why not allow yourself to go ahead and have the sugar and caffeine during your first week or two AF? You might need it as you're battling the AL cravings. Then, you can begin to cut back slowly. The cravings will subside (mine lessened considerably after week 3). The weight will come off, too. Good luck!
      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


        mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

        Bear, alcohol behaves much like sugar inside of our bodies, so those sugar cravings are real and they are normal. IMO you are wise to eat protein / fats FIRST (fats have a lot of satiety value), then treat yourself to some sugar if you are still craving it. At least initially - I agree with the others that it can be too much to try to change everything all at once.

        I would just personally not immediately dive for the sugar - I would go for protein / fat and then see how I feel. That approach can help you keep your blood sugars under control but still give you the option so you don't feel as deprived.

        Best wishes and hang in there. The good news is that if you stick with this and don't relapse, then you won't have to go through the Day 3, 4, 8, 15 .... blues ever again.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

          Hey!!!! YES, I have that going on too .....the chocolate thing! It's day 12 for me, and instead of scouring the wine aisle, for the most attractive looking bottle of wine .... I'm looking for the most unusual luxury chocolate I can find!!! And I am NO chocaholic!
          It HAS to be the sugar deficiancy. I know how you feel about the weight thing, cuz I suffer an ED too. I can't bear to put so much as a pound on. I am finding tho, that I'm not really eating very much at all at the moment, and a few pieces, of the richest, creamiest chocolate seems to be enough.
          When I am drinking, I loose all control anyway, and binge eat on anything I can get my hands on, PLUS there are the calories in the wine too! I do all that, and then don't even remember doing it, until I check the bin the next morning!! So I don't even get the pleasure of eating all that stuff!
          So ....right now, a bar of chocolate doesnt seem too bad, compared to that.
          I think there is definately a connection here tho, as someone else I know, who quit the drink was exactly the same. Munching huge blocks of chocolate. He is ok now. A protein addict, pounds and pounds lighter, and rarely touches anything sweet at all.

          Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


            mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

            Oh yes, did I ever! And I normally HATE chocolate. All I wanted was sugar - the sugar levels in your blood drop dramatically when going AF so this is what triggers this. I kept skittles and licorice near by for those emergencies (not as high in fat as chocolate).

            Good luck and good work on the AF days!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              mad chocolate cravings,day 3 af?

              A great chocolate "indulgence" that is low in fat and calories is Haagen Daz Chocolate Sorbet (not the ice cream). Yum!
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

