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AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

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    AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

    Hello all,

    My boss woke me at 7am this morning, calling to see if I could go in to work today after all (I wasn't due in until tomorrow). Rats! I had my day mapped out, starting with a yoga class and swim this morning.

    But I felt I should say yes, such is the freelance way of life. One good thing (apart from the money) is that there's no way I could have done this when I was drinking. I would have been drinking all day yesterday, thinking I had today off and would have looked and felt dreadful today. So another benefit of being AF... I get to work on my days off :H

    He'd better make me a cup of tea when I get there!

    Have a good 'un everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

    Hee hee! Good morning Marshy and thanks for getting things started!! What a GREAT example of how much more flexible life can be when we tackle it sober. For me, I probably would have struggled through the hangover to handle an abrupt change in the AM schedule, but would not have been happy about it at ALL. In the last years of my drinking though, I started the minute I thought I was done having to drive anywhere for the day, which was usually before noon. So...any abrupt change to the schedule or emergency in the afternoon or evening meant I COULDN'T switch gears - at least not if it involved the need to drive. Lots of lies told to myself and others in those situations over the years.

    I too am glad to be done with that!! Sorry you have to work on your day off though. Let us know if that cup of tea was waiting when you got there!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

      Morning abbers!

      Hark, I hear the freedom bell again! Ain't that the truth, Marshy & DG. Raise your hand if AL killed your spontenaity! I never have to waste time with "have I been, am I, can I" drinking questions.

      I have a really busy day today, but not at the hole. I still need some real greenie time though.

      Have a happy day!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

        Good morning beautiful abbers!

        Hump day and i'm already looking forward to the weekend. Works been busy and busy is good since it makes the day fly.

        Will try and get in another 4 mile walk tonight, weather permitting.

        Hope everyone makes the most of this beautiful Wednesday.
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

          Good afternoon (in the UK) Marshy, doggygirl, greeneyes and Mstall,

          It's a beautiful day here today our barbecue summer and heatwave all rolled into the one day! Hope you're not missing the barbecue summer where you are marshy

          The hidden benefits of being AF, working on your day off :H

          It is about freedom isn't it, being able to act with spontaneity and free to think about things other than alcohol.

          I've just sold my daughter's festival ticket on ebay, it turned out she would have been alone in her tent over the weekend and at 17 she wasn't keen and neither was I. It's a small thing to have sold something on ebay, millions do it, but I've never done it before and wouldn't have whilst drinking in case I got it wrong or somesuch. So I'm actually quite excited and going to look around the house for more things to sell now I've done it once!
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

            Marshy, that is an awesome story to start the morning with - thanks for sharing! Isn't it funny that little things like that are taken for granted by those without drinking problems, while we have the opportunity to truly appreciate them (if we try).

            My son had his first soccer practice of the season last night and it was great to watch him give 110%. He's at the age now where they are starting to get competitive and after taking last year off I wasn't sure how he would do. So, I just told him to not be afraid of trying and to do his best and things will work themselves out. That was probably more for me then him but it sounded good!

            Hope everyone has a great Wednesday
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

              Good morning!

              I have been AWOL as I have been busy, busy, busy!

              I just wanted to check in and say hello to you all!

              I am still sober and thankfully so! Life is getting better and better and better in every aspect. No complaints here. None at all.

              Have a great day everyone! xoxo


                AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                Evening all.

                I too appreciate the things I can do when AF. Previously, when wine 'o'clock was 7pm I would have a glass when cooking dinner, a couple of glasses with dinner and that was me onthe sofa for the rest of the evening (usually with most of the bottle). I find myself amazed that I can stack the dishwasher, do some washing, or other household bits and pieces after 8pm. This week I've even packed the boys lunches the night before. None of this is earth shattering stuff, but it means a lot to me. As does the fact that the tomato seeds I planted on Sunday (in a pot) are sprouting! As we don't have seasons, and the weather is always hot, it'll be interesting to see how they do. Needless to say the pot is elevated out of peeing boy dog reach.

                Enjoy the rest of Wednesday!

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                  Hark, I hear the freedom bell again! Ain't that the truth, Marshy & DG. Raise your hand if AL killed your spontenaity! I never have to waste time with "have I been, am I, can I" drinking questions
                  I was always more of a day drinker but during the last few years, I would wake up at about 3:30 am. By 7:00 I would be working on my first drink. If I had been called in unexpectedly, I either wouldn't have been able to do it or I would have snuck something in so I could still drink during the day.

                  DG-Yes, freedom from all that is a wonderful thing.

                  Marshy-Working on your day off and considering it a benefit of being af. What a positive attitude!

                  Greenie-I hope you manage some "green" time today.

                  Mstall-Busy is good. Keeps us out of trouble.

                  Gold-ebay sounds easier than trying to organize a yard sale! It sounds as if your 17 daughter is already making some good adult decisions.

                  Det-I read a review on the Internet about Yosemite. This guy said Sept. (when I'm going to be there) was his most UN-favorite time of the year to visit. Please say it ain't soo!!

                  It rained here last night but it looks like the sun is starting to shine. I'm going to get outside for a while.

                  Hello to all who follow and wishing everyone a good af day.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                    Hi AFM And Sweaty-cross post with both of you!
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                      lilmea;696390 wrote: I was always more of a day drinker but during the last few years, I would wake up at about 3:30 am. By 7:00 I would be working on my first drink. If I had been called in unexpectedly, I either wouldn't have been able to do it or I would have snuck something in so I could still drink during the day.
                      I SOOOOOOOOOO don't miss those days! I was more of a morning/day drinker myself. I would actually go to work bombed and have alcohol on hand to keep me going just to get through the day. Hmmmm... I wonder why I got fired from a few jobs between 2003-2004!

                      AF is the best! It certainly is!!


                        AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                        Good morning Abbers,

                        Following you today lilmea!

                        I'm with you Marshy, DG, Greenie and lilmea dancing to the Freedom Bell tune! I'm approaching 5 months now of this new found freedom and I just love it

                        Mstall, I'm profoundly jealous of your 4 mile walks. It's been so hot & humid here I'm barely able to walk to the mail box out front to retrieve my mail........can't wait for the Fall weather.

                        Gold, congrats on your first ebay sale. I sell my embroidery on ebay to supplement my business, love it!

                        Hello to AA and AFM!

                        Betts, hope your seedlings survive in your heat....maybe you can provide them some shade?

                        Gotta get back to work, have a good one everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                          Hello friends!

                          Quick check in for me again. I should have been out shucking corn an hour ago, but I've been trying to find the best deal on a camera for hubby's birthday on

                          Waking up without feeling like crap has become the norm for me. I wasn't a daytime drinker--unless on vacation, which made for some early nights. Toward the end of my drinking career--I counted the hours I could drink, instead of the numbers. I was usually good for about 4-5 hours, depending.

                          The boys and I had another conversation about my drinking while they were helping me shuck corn. This time they said they kind of miss my drinking and have good memories of it. Because I was mellower and more relaxed, and I didn't get mad at them so much. I told them that now I wasn't drinking, sometimes when dad drinks too much it irritates me. And as far as the way I treat them now, it's because I'm paying more attention to them, instead of selfishly drinking beer and smoking ciggies. Before I let them do what they wanted so they would stay out of my hair.
                          I know I have become a bit of a party pooper, I tire easily, and sometimes refuse to go socialize when I'm not in the mood--in the past I could get myself in the mood with enough alcohol. I guess I need to have another conversation with them and maybe point out the benefits of me not drinking.

                          Ok, I better get started on my sweet corn project so I can get to work. School started today, I hope I can get into a routine that includes the things I want to do like going for my walks, biking and back to yoga class on Wednesdays.

                          Have a great day, all!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                            Happy Wed ABeroooos!

                            Marshy, grazie for the nice start on this fine day.

                            LVT, bless you for becoming a better, more caring Mom. that made my day. your kids will understand in time. Not only that but they saw you DO it. they saw with their own little growing brains you shed yourself of al's grasp.

                            Gold, BBQ time in the UK doesn't match my stereotypical mental image of grey skies and sideways rain lol. glad it's nice there. Throw a banger on the barby for me.

                            AAth, you must have had a ball (not pun intended) watching your boy at the game. we are not parents, and don't even have pets, so I live vicariously through you parents and pet owners out there!

                            great night on chat last night. some new faces popped up which was fun.

                            be well,
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF daily - Wednesday 19th August

                              hello there - well the chocolate cravings continue! letting it ride for a few days - keeping on with exercise and hoping it will just subside - defo need to eat more protein - just couldn't face eggs v early in morning. will try again tomorrow - building in 300 cals worth of 'treat' food a day for now. Trying to stick to max 1800 calsthis week then lower gradually to 1400 - rather than trying to go to 1400 from 2500 - just too hungry!
                              I'm not craving alcohol as I'm not in a situation where it would have been triggered yet - friends over for dinner this sat - determined not to drink - have got my sparkling elderflower/lemonade in all ready - just need to sort out ice cubes.

                              debating whether to go exercise - may try the 'try it for ten minutes' trick
                              one day at a time

