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AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

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    AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

    Morning all,

    It's another barbecue summer day here!

    I thought I would start the thread today while I am waiting for my daughter to return from picking up her exam results ray:

    I went out with some friends last night, first time out since being AF, we had a meal and I asked for water to drink. Well, I got the it's your birthday (the day before) you must have a drink, you've got to have a drink on your birthday etc. I stuck to my guns about wanting to lose weight and so on and one glass leads to eating bad things etc. The strange thing was though once eveyone settled down with their wine the conversation turned to drinking!

    There had been a joint holiday apparently and some of their teenaged children had got very drunk and one ended up in hospital. I made a couple of comments about how teenagers drink so fast it catches up before they know it.

    The last thing though was that we split the bill! I'm going to have to find a way to get out of that in future, any thoughts?
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

    AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

    Hi Gold,
    I thank god that my son had his Math's A level on his 18th and the following day his Music A level the next day. His pal's 'friends' did a bar run for him on his 18th. Basically a shot of everything behind the bar in a pint glass and down in one. Another friend her daughter ended up in casualty after 12 vodka shots in 15 mins.

    It's a month tomorrow, Gold.

    I just lie about my cholesterol levels ( true). But I can't be bothered explaining.

    Love Jackie XXX

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

      Let us know how she got on.
      Fingers crossed.

      My daughter graduated last year in Biological and Medicinal Chemistry (try and get your mouth round that) and now currently working in a bar.
      Son is in his final year doing Geography. (he works part-time for Ben and Jerry's)
      I will be so glad it'll be all over this time next year.
      Jackie xxx
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

        Hi Jackie,

        It's a month since I arrived here but I did have a bad day on the fourth day, so my month anniversary will be the 25th, 30 days on Sunday, wow.

        She's done well :award: it's her AS's, she got an A in history, A in sociology, B in drama, B in general studies, and a C in English. English is a tough one, and the whole class has not done so well unfortunately. She is relieved, she thought she was going to get a D in english. I expected her to do well because she worked for it, but you never know and I didn't want her to be disappointed.

        My other daughter starts her final year in Philosophy and Politics. I'm just glad my younger daughter isn't applying to university this year, it sounds tough.

        That girl was lucky she didn't die.
        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


          AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

          Morning abbers!!

          Another day in the humidity hole. I am noticing that my potted plants aren't quite as parched every day though.

          RE: explaining not drinking, I just say I gave up some of my evil ways with a sly smile. So far so good.

          Have a good one!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

            Good Morining Gold, Jackie and Greenie,

            A cloudy, rainy day here. Seems like a good excuse to curl up with a good book and chill.

            Wishing everyone a good af day.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

              Morning All,

              A another rainy day here too. Yesterday we had a couple tornadoes touch-down but not a whole lot of damage, thankfully.

              I wont be drinking today, got too much to do, cant afford it, dont want it.

              Hope everyone meets their sobriety goal today.
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                Hey all,

                In the humidity hole here also! Yes, I'm wearing my Q Tip hair again today, ha ha.

                Gold & Jackie, after reading your posts about the kids drinking over there.......... I'm glad kids cannot get served in a bar until 21 here. Of course, that's not to say they don't managed to get ahold of it anyway. So glad I'm way past that stage with my kids!

                Mstall, hope the tornadoes weren't too close, yikes!

                Have a great AF Thursday everyone.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                  morning all!
                  hey gold isn't that frustrating when the total is divied up and you get to pay for everyone else's drinks! i have gotten to the point where i say separate check to the waiter at the beginning, so everyone knows right away that i am paying for myself. if they don't like it, they can lump it!

                  good luck to the kids who are taking tests! my daughter started middle school yesterday, and already today has a standarized test in reading (which i'm sure she will do well on as she is an excellent reader!).
                  i have been a bit under the weather, but nowhere near as bad as when i was hungover! even being legitimately sick is better than hanging!

                  have a wonderful sober day all!


                    AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                    Good Day Abbers!! Gold, thanks for getting us started today. LOL the story about splitting the bill made me think of my old horse trainer. She was a very petite woman who LOVED sushi (I can't stand it) and could put away enough for several people in one sitting. She would always want The Group of us to go Out For Sushi and equally split the bill as was our practice in other settings. It only took once of me paying about $67395769437 for her sushi for me to decline the shushi trips thereafter. :H Even *I* could not drink enough to keep up with her sushi consumption. Peace I'm with you - I vote separate check if it's a real problem.

                    I also find that I don't enjoy socializing where we have a meal and then hang out for a long time chatting while everyone else drinks AL. Maybe someday I'll be OK with that, but I'm at a stage right now where I just find it boring. I've become more of an action girl. I'm still trying to figure out what the sam hill we used to talk about for hours on end because I sure can't babble for that length of time any more. (I think it was just telling the same story over and over and over then repeat!)

                    Knowing what I know now, it's really scary to think of kids drinking. I'm glad sometimes that we don't have kids! I applaud all of you who manage to somehow get through life and all of those kid challenges while allowing them to somehow live. Mean time best wishes to all of your kids on their tests and various other "back to school" adventures.

                    We had some wild storms here yesterday evening. I had to go to a work related social event and was very glad not to be drinking for lots of reasons - but especially driving in that weather! I still have lots of work to do developing more acceptance of social obligations involving AL. I just don't want to be there which is fine, but I stew on it and give myself hours of misery over it which is not fine.

                    Today is still cloudy and raining off and on. I want to curl up in bed with a book and some Netflix but need to do work work and then do something with the overflow of tomatoes that are finally getting red. The tomatoes might just have to wait until tomorrow.

                    Have a good sober day all!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                      HI Gold,
                      You must be over the moon. What a clever pair of girls you've got there.
                      Lav: Most of the bars here have adopted a policy of asking for ID if you look under 25. You're still allowed to drink at 18 but it has cut out a lot of underage drinking.

                      Anyway Gold, let's just celebrate you being here for a month. Then we can have your big party on the 25th.

                      Jackie xxx

                      AF since 7/7/2009
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                        JackieClaire;697459 wrote: HI Gold,
                        You must be over the moon. What a clever pair of girls you've got there.
                        Lav: Most of the bars here have adopted a policy of asking for ID if you look under 25. You're still allowed to drink at 18 but it has cut out a lot of underage drinking.

                        Anyway Gold, let's just celebrate you being here for a month. Then we can have your big party on the 25th.

                        Jackie xxx

                        AF since 7/7/2009
                        Thanks Jackie, yes I am delighted, and so pleased for her. Your two sound accomplished too, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry isn't to be sneezed at I'm sure. I've felt soooo guilty about them over the years but they've turned out great and are doing well so we must have done something right.
                        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                          AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                          If I hadn't been there at their birth (and conception) I would have thought I'd picked up the wrong babies.
                          Having left school with no real qualifications and being drunk for most of their teens I don't know where they get it from.
                          My husband is a lawyer, so the brains come from him. (looks from me. he he )
                          But where their interest in science comes from is puzzling.
                          Jackie xxx
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                            well done everyone on their A level results - I'm 36 and still remember 18 years ago really clearly - the biggest nerves, then the relief afterwards!
                            well long day at work for me - but I feel like I achieved a lot, cycled to work too 40 mins there and back so sneaking off from run tonight! not much planned - nice bath and maybe face mask/book. Seeing friends was good last night - they af too at the moment - one in AA one supporting the other.
                            chocolate frenzy continues - have upped calories to 1800 for a week or so and am eating smaller meals so can fit choc in - just can't cut it out at the mo so damage limitation is the only way!
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily - Thursday 20th August

                              Dear Gold,
                              Wow. A month AF. Respect.

