It's another barbecue summer day here!
I thought I would start the thread today while I am waiting for my daughter to return from picking up her exam results

I went out with some friends last night, first time out since being AF, we had a meal and I asked for water to drink. Well, I got the it's your birthday (the day before) you must have a drink, you've got to have a drink on your birthday etc. I stuck to my guns about wanting to lose weight and so on and one glass leads to eating bad things etc. The strange thing was though once eveyone settled down with their wine the conversation turned to drinking!
There had been a joint holiday apparently and some of their teenaged children had got very drunk and one ended up in hospital. I made a couple of comments about how teenagers drink so fast it catches up before they know it.

The last thing though was that we split the bill! I'm going to have to find a way to get out of that in future, any thoughts?