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AF Daily - Monday - August 24
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Good morning! This will be a brief post just to get the thread going for the day. Time is short for me as I have to be at work early this morning. I hope everyone has a peaceful AF Monday. It's hangover free, onwards and upwards!!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.Tags: None
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Morning dill and all to come!
I intend to have an AF Monday - it's going to be a busy one. And apparently really hot here - we've had some bad weather lately so hopefully it's a nice day.
Hope everyone has a great day!Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Good Morning ABer's,
Thanks for starting this thread Dill-hangover free Mondays are a great way to start the week.
The word (2 words) for me today is "positive attitude" Lately I have found myself slipping back into my old negative thinking habit. Today I'm going to stay a ware of the good things I have going on in my life instead of dwelling on the negative things.
Hello to everyone who follows and hope you have a good day.AF since 7/26/2009
"There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.
"Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Hello all - a lovely day off work for me today. I've been to the dentist for a check up - all fine - am terrified - luckily I have no fillings! the ntook self off to twon for a nice coffee and panini for breakfast - cycled in and managed to avoid the rain which hasn't arrvied yet but looked likely all morning.
I bought some b complex vits to see if it increases my energy, and a lovely chicken curry sandwich from my favourite independent coffee shop.
Bought nice toiletries (aromatherapy body oil spray - mmm!) as a treat for being sf and af for 9 days today. had eyebrows threaded too - Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!They look good though - look more awake, and blagged some free trialsize clarins skincare samples while I was at it.
this pm - eating said yummy sandwich, with leftover choc cheesecake,maybe a brief nap - then off to get a few bits from supermarket, more cothes washing and a gym session.
I feel so positive, and energised yet relaxed - I feel like I did when i was a kid and you have a really happy carefree summer day. A great af day yesterday and af eve planned with dinner with af friends this Thursday.
I hope everyone is feeling this good, Bearone day at a time
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Morning Abbers,
Thanks for getting us started this Monday morning Dill. Have a good day at work!
Hi Uni, how are you?
lilmea, thanks for the positive attitude reminder! That has been a gigantic issue for me in the past, a little brush-up now & then never hurts
Have some work to jump into this morning, I'll check back later.
Wishing everyone a great AF Monday,AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Hello AFers,
It is great to see so many positive posts so early on a Monday morning.
It is pleasant and quiet on my little property. I woke up to 60s this a.m. and just the birdies singing. I get to work from home this week, unless called out last minute, and I love it. My cat Baby is sitting on the desk next to me, Cosmo in the window sill on the other side, Poulan is bouncing around behind me trying to get me to play some more.
Hubby just left for work.
I can't ask for better than this. :H
Oh, and it is a Monday, which always puts me in a good mood, especially these days when I wake up free from any hangovers and life is full of possibilities.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Wow, everyone sounds great and positive this morning!!! How nice!
Hula, my hubby threatened to put all my "stuff" outside so he could vacuum the other day! I do need to clean carpets though, so I told him to get right on it!:H
I had a nice weekend. Saturday I made some selfish choices and just said no to a couple of requests for help. I have so much of my own stuff that hasn't gotten done this summer! But I did end up helping to bartend at our local "club". I was filling pitchers from a keg and pouring beer for people. It had been a hot day, and boy did I deserve a reward for how hard I had worked. It smelled pretty good too. But, the temptation just wasn't that strong, so I had a soda instead.It really was interesting to see the young people socking them up though--damn! My generation of friends seems to be slowing down also for the most part.
Yesterday was hubby's birthday and we made home made ice cream. I had made zucchini cake to go with that (chocolate) and shrimp and beef kabobs. It was all very good, and he seemed to appreciate it. He also loves the camera we bought together for him.
I better get busy, get the kids off then myself. Have a great day all!!! :h_______________
NF since June 1, 2008
AF since September 28, 2008
DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
:wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Happy (sneeze) hangover-free MOnday! (hack, cough)
yeah, in spite of eating nearly toxic levels of garlic I have somehow managed to land a nasty cold. ugh! but I'd rather be sick than hungover any day I tell you.
Lvt, wow! bartending must be at the top of dangerous places for us, yet you made it with flying colors. wonderful.
Bear, your positive post was a treat. yours too Cindi. some great energy here this morning. Off to take more vit C and make more coffee.
Peacenick...any more wild animal sightings?
be well my loverliesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
AF Daily - Monday - August 24
Hi all! I accidentally copied a post here that was intended for the current week (moving it from last week's) AA thread. Sorry if I confused anyone!
Mean time...hello to everyone here on the Daily thread!! I hope to come back later and do some catch up after I see what my garden has been up to after a couple days of my absence!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.