There was a focus at last night's meeting on resentment. Bill W. wrote that "resentment is our #1 enemy." I know he was talking about it as a threat to sobriety. I carried around a resentment all weekend about one of my sisters-in-law. I didn't want to drink about it, but my emotional sobriety was definitely effected. DG has said that carrying a resentment is like drinking poison & expecting someone else to die. That's just what happened this past weekend. Last night I prayed about it which seemed to ease it. I also realized that the self-pity, self-centeredness, arrogance, etc. that I see in my SIL exists within's what I don't like about myself. Today is a new day. I have a program of recovery today which I can work. I can only change myself NOT someone else.
DG: I know you are doing your 5th step as I write this. My thoughts are w/you. It's such a powerful process. I'm amazed at how thoroughly you attacked it.
Take care. Anyone who is reading here (whether you go to meetings or not) is welcome to wade in. Ask questions, make comments, whatever.