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sat 29 aug daily

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    sat 29 aug daily

    hi there - well slept really well - it's just gone 9am here.
    still fell jittery and anxious, plan today is to go to gym,see friend for coffee and then off to see bands in Midlands then come back tomorrow.

    do feel edgy and anxious - I know it will pass just trying to distract self from the feeling - bought aa book yesterday 'living sober'really good- tips on how aa members stay sober.
    i did feel v positive before my massage so it's obviously shifted something somehow!
    anyway good day all day 14 af and sf for me, good saturday to you all
    one day at a time

    sat 29 aug daily

    Hi Bear

    I think it is normal to feel strange after a massage all the toxins leaving the body. I have had to fly into the Uk from Turkey (where i live now) to sort out banking with the Abbey (wouldn't do it over the phone) so developed a really bad cold, cough and chest infection before i flew, but made iy. Had to eat a whole bag of sweets to stop me from coughing. They must have thought i was a right greedy sod, but i flew on my own without a drink. And that is a hell of an achievement for me. Still Af and loving it :goodjob:
    They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

    last drink 3rd August 2009


      sat 29 aug daily

      well done on alcohol free flight - don't you just LOVE petty bureaucracy?
      just accepting how I feel today and taking it an hour at a time - hopefully getting away from it all will blow away the cobwebs. not bee neatignenough fruit and veg last week so need to bump that up next week - sure didn't help with amoutnt of toxins havingto leave yesterday!
      one day at a time


        sat 29 aug daily


        i hope the visit to the gym will help with those anxious feelings. maybe a hot bath afterwards? i have a friend that is a masseuse and she has taught me that when your body gets a massage it is like a work out for your musceles. So most people feel laghartic after a massage, which they normally enjoy, but it is because the masseuse worked those muscles. Maybe another form of massage would help you relax mentally and physically? I see a woman who does "Bowen Technique" and I have also had some work with "Tapping." I suggest the latter first, it is free and you can do it to yourself. It's like acupuncture without the puncture. Well, I hope to stay in touch with you as I am on a similar journey as you. Take care and enjoy those deep breaths!!

        the new and improved,


          sat 29 aug daily

          Good morning Abbers,

          bear, congrats on your progress, you're doing great. Try some Chamomile tea, it helps soothe the frayed edges, used a lot of it myself in the beginning.

          andaz, hop you're feeling better soon! Congrats on your AF flight. Did that myself recently, enjoyed it too.

          Hi to flyinhigh, hope you are having a good day.

          Local weather conditions probably will have me stuck in the house most of the day. Guess I'll catch up with some indoor projects

          Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            sat 29 aug daily

            Happy Saturda ABerooooos!

            Bear, Andaz, FLyinghigh, Lavande and all to come

            Andaz, congrats on the AF flight! I remember some pretty blurry flights. prepping my wallet with lots of small bills. How do you like Turkey? sounds fun and exotic. and I loooove Turkish cuisine! walnut/pomegranate chicken (getting hungry now).

            well, I have lunch today with an old friend that is a heavy drinker, so I'm bracing myself for putting up with some vodka breath for an hour. then tonight is UFC 102 and I really don't feel like shelling out 45.00 to see it on pay-per-view so I'm going to try to find a sports bar that is non smoking. so a very social day is planned.

            enjoy your weekend everyone! and be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              sat 29 aug daily

              Morning abbers!

              Began with the bathrobe at the neighbor's yard sale again. (she's leaving her husb. soon) Picked up a couple things and hung out for a while. None of the shoppers mentioned my strange hair or bathrobe but they started giving ME the money. :H:H

              Good day to bear, andaz, flyin, lavande, det and all folks to stop in or quietly peek.

              Would love to hear from loopy & AFM.....

              Bear, you might consider shiatzu massage or treagger. But do drink lots of water afterwards no matter what kind of massage. Flyin is right, you could soak in a hot bath 20 minutes w/ 1 C epsom salts and 1 C baking soda to help pull out the toxins.

              Andaz, well done on your flight.

              Lavande I wanted it to rain all weekend because I wanted to hunker down after a stressful week. I just can't do it with the sun out. I'm sort of a driven person.

              Det, aren't all public places non-smoking now? I can't remember the last time I was in a bar.

              Went to dinner with GFs (one had birthday) and had ceviche and mussel apps for my dinner. I must reek of garlic today. It was SO good.

              Well... there is a possibility of court on Wed. Cross your fingers! Thanks for you happy words!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                sat 29 aug daily

                Aloha Kakahiaka! (good morning!) Just enough gentle rain to keep me cool and a homebody. I had made two quasi commitments for this morninng and decided I was too drained after a busy week of total commitments every day, all day long. So I told hubby I could go to the science show workshop (which I have been to many times), go to school and help the band teacher with instrument day, or stay home and take care of Mr and Mrs. Hula. Haha.. now what would you do? Oh I have some good news. Everytime someone writes or says I did ....(an activitiy, coffee, movies, lunch, etc.) with a girl friend I get a little lump in my throat because I don't have one of those. Well I now have an exercise buddy and we have started walking together every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are "using" each other to not cop out or come up with excuses to not exercise. As you know I am a little on the lazy side and play quite a mind game with myself before I actually get out for my 1 hour walk. Well this aquaintance from work has seen me walking and lives nearby and said she should walk with me and I said "of course!". I don't know if this is a girl friend yet, I'm not even sure what the criteria is, but I just love going with another person because I have a tendancy to be a loner so this is part of my new year's resolution. Be more sociable. Believe it or not it is actually easier now AF than drinking because I have more self confidence and am not hiding my secret. I have also given up coffee but still I think about it everyday. But that's another story.


                  sat 29 aug daily

                  awesome hula...i hear you about bing a loner..besides my family, i really don't hang out wth anyone. in fact i had a friend who i would have coffee with very occassionally and i suggested we start a bookclub...when it actually came to fruition, i copped out of most of the meetings! well, we are having one on tuesday, and i am going damnit!!! they will all be drinking, but thats ok, i'm used to being the oddball

                  bear, i'm sure it takes time to heal from alcohol addiction, and massage is said to be an emotional thing, especially if they massage the belly area.

                  turkey!!!! i am soooo jealous!

                  well i'm feeling like myslef after an illness for a few days...walked alot and went to the farmer's market where i acquired alot of nice veggies.

                  oh, today is a month back ontrack for me!



                    sat 29 aug daily

                    Hi all

                    Still alive and doing OK have just been in a bit of a dark place and don't want to inflict it on all of you.

                    Hula, sounds like you are enjoying your excercise buddy. I have always found that these informal social contacts blossom into true friendships over time if they are meant to.

                    Andaz, Turkey is so cool. I went on a tour of some of the Agean Greco Roman sites last October and it was amazing.

                    Peacenik, hats off to you for a month back on track. It is a long time since I've done that. Good for you.

                    Greeneyes, thanks for thinking of me, it means such a lot to me. Hope Wednesday is bearable. Totally get you on hunkering down after a stressful time,unfortunately for me that involves cooking too much food (and eating it all) a bottle of wine and a weepy movie, so that I can sob it all out of my system. Am trying to learn a healthier way.

                    I have the living sober book on my bedstand and I think it is great. The other 12 steps book I really like is No big deal by John Coats. My favourite quote from that is 'there are only two things you need to know about a higher power, there is one and it is not you'

                    Anyway going to try and get some sleep now. It is 3am on Sunday here now so another day awaits us.

                    Take care all
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                    AF 8 June 2012


                      sat 29 aug daily

                      I want to be alcohol free!

                      I am realising more and more that binge drinking is an issue for me. Most weeks I'll have just one large binge but this week I had 3..I am very disopinted in myself. This is my first post, so hi everyone I cannot even remember the last week I went with out 1 drink (with the exception of when my son was a baby and I was breastfeeding). I am in my early 20's and I don't wat this is get out of hand. I know its a problem for me and it has affected my life in so many negative ways. I know that my boyfriend will not put upwith me being drunk and mean to him,like I have done many times before. Please, anyone with any tips I would love to be alcohol free for one month with you.Lets call this day 1!


                        sat 29 aug daily

                        Welcome Better,

                        You've certainly come to a good place, and good for you for recognising alcohol or AL as he is known here, has become a problem for you. It's great that you recognise this in your 20's rather than 30 years down the line.

                        The MWO book will give you lots of ideas and information regarding supplements and things that can help. I use Kudzu and L-glutamine and I am sure they have been helpful, a hypnosis CD too one I already had.

                        The toolbox here has lots of helpful advice, and you will find many other people new to this in "Just starting out" where there is plenty of good advice too.

                        Post on the daily thread here each day and you'll soon see the days mount up!

                        Good luck and :welcome:
                        I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                          sat 29 aug daily


                          Hi Better,

                          Stick close to us.

                          Before you know it Day 1 will turn into day 2.

                          Can't add much to what Gold has said.

                          Wishing you all the luck in the world.

                          Love Jackie xxx
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009

