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AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

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    AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

    Morning all to come,

    I'll start us off today since I am up bright and early! Autumn is definitely in the air here there's a real chill, lots of sweet blackberries on the bushes now, I've even taught my poodles to pick their own!

    A big welcome to Better than before and looking forward to seeing you building up your AF days.

    Have a great day everyone.
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

    AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

    Morning Gold and all to come,

    Thanks for starting the thread,Gold.

    Looking forward to the Autumn, my favourite time of the year. I love the differing colours on the trees and bushes.

    Had to put my slippers on this am. No more flip flops.

    Love Jackie xxx
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

      Morning Gold and Jackie. My Mum sent me photos of my nieces and nephews making apple and blackberry pies, makes me really homesick!

      Jackie-I'm jealous, its flip flops all year round here. I miss my slippers

      Yesterdays thread resonated with me. I still have my really good friends in the UK, who I miss a lot. I've also had close friends here, but last year, they all moved away. I'm working on making new friends, and have been out for coffee with a few nice ladies, but its a funny thing making friends consciously, its a bit like dating, which I haven't done for a long time!

      I have an appointment with the Integrated Medicine doc on Weds, am looking forward to it, will report back.

      Have a great Sunday all, we've had rain so have done very little apart from watch movies. AM just waiting for the Grand Prix to start.

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

        Good morning from here, too.

        It is funny how our weather is similar, Gold. Here I am in the deep south USA and we are also starting to feel the occasional cool nip in the air. There will be some hot days still to come but these cool nights tell me Fall is on the way. It is one of my favorite times of year. I live in an area where the tree colors can be breathtaking. Once in a while we get an early hard freeze and it ruins it. I have my fingers crossed this year we get to see the rounds of colors as the various trees change on their own schedule.

        Our "blackberries" ripen in July. I think they are really black raspberries, though. The grandkids and I picked them every weekend for a while. They are so delicious.

        I do have muscadines ready to ripen on the property. I have my eye on a few vines with quite a lot of fruit. It can be tough, though. The birds, the squirrels and the deer seem to beat me to them, usually.

        I am still amazed that I have been able to wake up every morning without wondering what I did or who I upset and finally starting to feel really good about my recovery.

        On the other hand, at this point my brain looks back in horror and shame at some of the things I did while drinking. I try to recognize that I can only do the next right thing from now on but once in a while...

        I try to use those thoughts to my advantage. Letting myself actually fear ever picking up another drink. I never want to go back to the old ways again. Ever.

        I hope all have a wonder sober Sunday!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

          Morning abbers!

          Oh goodie, we're talking about fall. I love the fall. I noticed it just of late as well. I don't need to water the plants so much. Little cooler and darker in the AM. I put the little car's top down a lot more. The neighbors have muscadines on the fence and little doggie eats all the ones in her reach, which includes standing on tip toes.

          Betty, you're right about the new friends thing being like dating. The stages are similar, really - learned it in psych course.

          I'm going to rake those sweetgum tree ball things. Ugh.

          BTW, loopy, I'm glad you posted yesterday.

          I don't think AFM has come by since the day after the BBQ at her sister's apts. Hope she's OK.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

            Good morning Abbers,

            Finally, a dry, sunny morning here, love it! Can't believe how dark & damp it's been. Now I can walk out and kick over all the strange mushroom looking things that have been popping up in my gardens.

            Bets, we moved to this location 6 years ago and I can honestly say making new friends at this age is pretty difficult. There doesn't seem to be as many opportunities.

            Cindi, I'm enjoying the guilt free mornings as well. What a concept, huh? I find myself actually looking forward to the future now, something I hadn't done for 10 years!

            Hello to Gold & JC, enjoy that cool air - Fall is my favorite time of year too
            Greenie, my dogs are still helping themselves to the last of the cherry tomatoes, ha ha.

            Enjoy a great AF Sunday one and all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

              Morning All

              Today is day 23 for me! i still cant believe it. I've been without internet for about a week and am so happy to have it back again.

              We have also been having a "fall weekend" here and i am so ready for this season. Fall and Winter are my favorites.

              Nice to see how well everyone is doing. I'm just about ready to quit smoking. I have two packs left and then I will be completely free of toxins.

              Have a wonderful sober Sunday all!
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                :durn: :durn: :durn:

                Ah....... that's better. Had one of "those" days yesterday when everything that could go wrong did - stressful day at work gave me a headache, then dropped all my change on the floor outside the supermarket and it was too dark to see where it had rolled off to, got a puncture on my bike, kettle went "bang!" when I got home. So far today I've only managed to cut my finger. :H

                Greenie & Cinders, I had to google muscadines to find out what they are. I see they're also called scuppernongs! Fabulous.

                Bit of a nip in the air here too, although the weathermen claim tomorrow will hot and humid - the last day of summer. Hey ho. Autumn is nice - I love the smell of bonfires, although they're few and far between in my neck of the woods. More like burning stolen cars :H
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                  I'm with Lav and Cinders. The guilt free mornings are the best. Cinders, sometimes I let my mind wander back to the things I wish I hadn't said or done, too. I'm trying very hard not to let myself dwell on things that can't be undone, but like you said there are times . . . I guess the best I can do is stay close here and keep working at it because it is a choice whether to drink and risk those feelings again.

                  Happy Sunday to all. I think I have a little more energy today than I have in awhile. Congratulations on the 23, mstall, I'm sure the same determination that got you 23 AF will do the same now that you have decided to give up the smoking.


                    AF Daily - Sunday August 30th


                    I typed a really long post and since I don't keep my password on this computer it logged me out and I lost it!!

                    I'll try again later!

                    Have a great day all!:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                      Hi guys,

                      It's great to hear everyone so positive today! I agree that the nice fall weather can do that.

                      I know what it's like about making new friends - I had to do that a couple of years ago and it is kind of like dating! But now I have a great group of friends that I love and enjoy spending time with.

                      Been a lazy but productive weekend for me which has been nice. Lots of cleaning and organizing and it feels great because I wouldn't have been able to do any of that hungover.

                      Cindi - I hear you. Lately I have been having a hard time dealing with past transgressions that have occurred while drinking. Although I have had some slips, this summer has been mainly AF for me and even when I have had some drinks at least I know that I'm not doing things that I would have done in the past - things that I did that frankly when I think about them make me physically ill. I don't ever want to get to that dark place again.

                      I hope everyone has a great relaxing and productive Sunday!

                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                        morning all you fabulous sober folks!

                        yes autumn is in the air, esecially at got down into the 40's here last night. now i know my poor tomatoes have no chance in hell of ever growing up! between the grasshoppers and strangely cool evenings, they never really had a chance. i did score alot of great veg at the local farmer's market yesterday...that makes me so happy. as a vegan i revel in fresh produce and where i live, it is few and far between!

                        guilt free mornings are the best, not to mention feeling good and being able to actually get out of bed when my family does on the weekends instead of lolling around with a hangover and pretending it isn't a hangover since nobody knew i was drinking the night before....WHEW, runon sentence!.:upset:

                        well, have a good one everyone.



                          AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                          Happy Sunday ABerooooooos!

                          thanks Gold for starting us off on this fine sunny day. Autumn? where? here in Reno it's still like summertime on Mars. ugh! I take a couple showers per day just to cool down. Interesting that I'm AF my body regulates it's temperature much better. I used to sweat all the time when I drank. ick!

                          Marshy, burning stolen cars? oh my. you live near Broadwater Farm?

                          LVT, so sorry you lost your post, how frustrating.

                          Mstall, your doing super!

                          well I had something very uncomfortable happen at lunch yesterday (now it's kind of funny).

                          I was at lunch with an old friend to meet his new wife. We sat down at a table and they ordered drinks and I ordered coffee. She (new wife) asked me what kind of alcohol I'd like in addition to my coffee to which I replied that I don't drink. she then blurted out VERY loudly: Oh! your an alcoholic!!
                          I'm quite sure the whole restaurant was now looking our way.

                          I was so stunned I was speechless as was my old friend who started gasping in embarrassment. But I did nod in agreement and she went on to congratulate me etc. and was really quite nice, but I must say I did break into a cold sweat for a minute. whew! after that i don't think anything will ever embarrass me again! hahahahaha. apparently my higher power has a hell of a sense of humor.

                          and with that, I bid you all a fantabulous day

                          be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                            Good morning, Abbers!

                            You folks in cool climates are making me so jealous! But I'll be grateful it will be below 90 for a high temp today- and that August, the undisputed longest month of the year, at least in Texas, is almost over. So fall might arrive in a month or 6 weeks or something!

                            I always feel like fall is more like real the new year, it always seems so hopeful (maybe cause those cooler temps are just SO refreshing). Can't wait for it to get here.

                            Happy Sobriety all! I'm up to 21 days, so I will celebrate that as well as the (can't wait!) arrival of The First Big Cold Front. Maybe you Midwest folks can give it a little nudge?

                            Much love!!!
                            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                            AUGUST 9, 2009


                              AF Daily - Sunday August 30th

                              Ok, I'll try again. First, Peace, I know we live near each other so we are in the same boat garden wise!! I got mine in late this year, then floods, hail and now the unseasonably cool weather......while others are enjoying their ripe tomatoes, mine just sit there, green as can be! I love autumn as well, but I'm not quite done for summer yet, so would love to send it south and west for you guys!!!

                              I have spent way yonder too much time around drunk people this week! Frankly, it is quite exhausting, actually. Trying to join in conversations when apparently when you don't drink, you become invisible. Trying to keep smiling and laughing while listening to the same story for the 2nd or 3rd time. Listening to SIL and company proudly profess that they will never give up "their" alcohol--no matter how much they want to lose weight! To watch people drink themselves into oblivion and try so hard not to be judgemental--that was me not that long ago! Watching hubby get so drunk he doesn't undress before bed, and staying nice and thoughtful with guests even though their main priority seems to be drinking and smoking--no regard for my time and energy.......

                              I'm glad this week is over. I'm so grateful to be sober, and not wasting my day feeling like crap!!
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

