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monday 31 august af daily

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    monday 31 august af daily

    hi there - survived a whole day around people drinking yesterday, lunch at friends house BUT was really really good fun - really good company, hilarious (if very smutty!) conversation and lush food.

    evening went to dj evening and was HARD mainly cos I had HUGE nicotine cravings - and I mean huge - tonnes of chewing gum(helps to have fresh mouth)being sober really helped me - could rationalise my addict brain, look at my prompt cards and I really did take it an hour at a time and v consciously ride out the cravings. No way could I have done that drunk, my mind was saying ' too difficult to do both' and trying to trick me.

    Some friends tried to convince me to leave car and drink, I explained to them why I wasn't (so I won't smoke, don't feel ready to be totally honest v people yet, tho may well do with them next time, they v good friends and were supportive once I explained) and they were really nice saying I was being very strong and didn't mention it again.

    lazy day today then food at friend's house later - she recent non smoker so that be good and work tomorrow so can not drink without the explanations.
    found it really helps to publicly not say how long i planning to drink for - i find others rationalisations as to why i should drink/why they won't stop can then derail me (gives my mind more material!)
    bear now 16 days af/sf and worked DAMN hard to get it yesterday!!
    one day at a time

    monday 31 august af daily

    Congrats Bear on your 16 day AF/SF!! that is amazing! I can feel your strength in your post. I will be joining you on the smoke quit sometime this week, probably Wed. (i am just going to smoke my last 2 packs and thats it.!

    Going on day 24AF and though i have to struggle through my emotions of worrying for the future and finding a better job, i have still managed not to pick up that wine.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      monday 31 august af daily

      Good morning Abbers,

      Thanks for getting us started bear and a big congrats to you for surviving the weekend - so many temptations - you did great! Be very happy & proud of yourself! 16 days is awesome, keep it going

      Mstall, congrats to you as well, 24 days strong! It does keep getting better & better, doesn't it? I mentioned QuitNet before, please think about joining them to help you quit the cigs..........who couldn't use the support, huh

      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        monday 31 august af daily

        Happy hangover-free Monday ABland!

        Bear, what a great success for you! I like the way you are thinking strategically.

        Mstall, I'm sure your rational mind knows your much better prepared for hard economic times with a strong healthy AF mind and body. Ironically that's when our alcoholic voice will make every attempt to derail us. little bastard!

        Lavande, and all to come I bid you a wonderful day

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          monday 31 august af daily

          Hello bear, mstall, lavande, det and all to come,

          After a cool day yesterday we've had a hot one today, I hope we have an Indian Summer I like those when September is warm and colourful. It's funny seeing posts from people in the southern hemisphere talking about spring coming when we our days are getting shorter.

          Congrats on 16 days bear it sounds as though you are doing really well, I still haven't really tested the social waters.

          I find a similar thing mstall, concerns about the future, fortunately they are fleeting though, I have found that it helps to ask myself whether I have everything I need right now and invariably the answer is yes.

          Lavande well done on 103 days smoke free, perhaps it's because smoking is more acceptable to other people than being drunk that it is harder to leave behind.

          Hi det, your energy is always so upbeat and cheerful.

          Hope everyone has a good day.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            monday 31 august af daily

            Hey guys,

            Glad to hear the positive vibes! I had an AF weekend, got tons of stuff done around the house and generally got a chance to relax which was great!

            Having a nice quiet evening with my daughter tonight - dinner, painting, and just generally goofing around! Once she is in bed I am going to do some work on the computer and then the plan is to have a nice hot bath with a cup of tea and off to bed with my book! Sounds fabulous, doesn't it? Makes it all worthwhile. AF for me today.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              monday 31 august af daily

              Hi all - am on day 4 AF now - had a cold over the weekend - so that kicked me back into AF gear. I am shooting for another 30 days and take it from there. Good to see others are still around and being successful.


                monday 31 august af daily

                Afternoon, abberrooters!

                I had a good "knock out the paperwork" day yesterday. It rained so I played indoors instead of raking gumballs. Boo-hoo :H Actually I raked one dusty pile and was muttering cursewords in the slang of other nationalities.

                Well, I'm hoping for court on Wed but waiting to hear has given me an eye twitch. One of those big ones you think people can see.

                Back to the hole.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  monday 31 august af daily

                  Happy Monday Ablanders! Special congrats to you Bear on 16 days AF, and thanks for getting us started today. You did an awesome job fighting for your freedom from Al and Nic one moment at a time. That's what it takes!

                  Mstall congrats on 24 days!! Worrying over the future is something I am working hard to overcome. I think some folks tend to beat themselves up by staying too much in the past, and others of us getting all wound up over things that haven't happened yet by trying to get into the future. I am working very hard to stay in the now. That is where my most peaceful spot can be found.

                  Gold I like your question to yourself whether you have everything you need right now! I will use that one!

                  Uni - good for you on the AF weekend and a solid AF plan for today.

                  DogLvr welcome back!

                  Lavande, I'm with you on the value of QuitNet when quitting smoking. I still get the daily e-mail with my stats and I like that! Those numbers justify all kinds of shopping. :H (money saved by not smoking)

                  Hi Deter and YES it's wonderful to be unhung!

                  Greenie so is Wednesday possibly "The" Court Date??? And what are the gumballs you are raking? Should I be glad I don't live next door to you? (fig tree aside) Hey - are you still doing that box thing?

                  I had a very expensive weekend. I was driving the Big Truck on Saturday as we trade when Mr. Doggy goes to training. I've never gotten a flat in the big truck. Somehow it didn't realize right away that I had a flat and I kept driving. The tires needed to be replaced anyway so that was not an extra expense. But wheels for an F350 are rather expensive. :upset: There IS some good news in all of this. Mr. Doggy and I got through the event without fighting AT ALL. He calmly got the tire changes which was not easy since the wheel was bent. He even knew how much a new wheel was going to cost and still didn't yell. He hugged me and told me "life happens" and he's glad I did not get hurt.

                  THAT, my friends is amazing. Back in my drinking days this event would not have gone this way at all. It was almost worth it (ALMOST I said! ) just to find out in a very real sense just how far we have come as sober people in our relationship.

                  Life is good. Everything happens for a reason. I didn't really want those new Born Boots anyway now did I. It's a GORGEOUS day here. Seems like October but gorgeous just the same. I'm gonna make it an AF one for sure.

                  Hello to all yet to come!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    monday 31 august af daily

                    Doglvr, there you are! Hope you feel better soon. What you been up to?

                    Typing in my phone from a restaurant... Got called to travel without notice. I thought I was going to be home all week. Oh well.

                    Anyone hear from AFM lately?
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

