Daily Readings Link: Daily Recovery Readings
I had to dash off yesterday before posting everything I had hoped to! So here are a few other comments on stuff from the last couple of days of last weeks thread.
Mary and WF, I can relate to both of your comments about 'functional alcoholism.' I spent many years denying my alcohol problems because I could and did manage a "high power" career and some form of home life. In looking back, my life was never balanced - always extremes including the drinking. Frankly, my last several years were NOT very functional. I really believe that alcohol just keeps taking more and more and more until you CAN'T function any more. I think the only reason I still had any semblance of a home and a life there at the end were because my husband was providing it. I think my alcoholism had progressed to a point where I would have had a real problem performing work like I had somehow managed to in the past. Thank goodness Mr. Doggy was willing and able to carry the load and that we both finally saw the light! I think back on all that now - even the most "functional" of hard drinking times and never want to go back there. Life was not "great." I was just somehow able to drink a lot and get by with it to some degree - that's all.
Mary, I have not been able to spend as much time here as I like to recently. Have you changed your program in terms of offering drinks when you host dinner parties? Just curious. I have trouble mentally around alcohol (not that I crave it - I just don't like being around it these days). I would definitely have trouble serving it when hosting dinner parties. At any rate, your menu sounded awesome and it sounds like you had fun playing games instead of the endless repetitive conversations that result from all that "lubrication!" I'm guessing it must be much easier for you as the hostess to entertain without AL around? One of my aunts is very anti-alcohol and makes no secret that AL is not welcome in her home. I'm the only hard core alkie that I know of in the immediate family. There are mainly a mix of "normies" and also never drinkers. The only person who ever had an issue with my aunt's rules was me because I couldn't feed my addiction. The normies and the never drinkers didn't give a second thought to respecting my aunt's wishes in her home.
Gyco, ITA with what the others have said about passing on the reading if a person doesn't want to read or can't read. Lots of people pass on the reading at the meetings I attend. I dont' think anyone even gives a thought to people's reasons. I love the group discussion when we read stuff (especially the Big Book) and then discuss. Everyone has a slightly different story about how they relate to the reading and I learn a lot more through the group discussions than I do when I just read the material at home by myself. One of the guys who regularly attends the same meetings I do has been sober for 17 years - he came into AA in his early 20's. He could not read or write then. He learned in AA. He has devoured all of the AA material over the years and has an excellent command of all the AA history and the details of how everything came to be the way it is. I especially love listening to him talk about the Traditions. There are some pretty wild stories behind how some of those came to be! One of the things I love most about AA is the real acceptance of people from all walks of life. At least in my limited experience, everyone really is accepted as "equal" around the tables. It's amazing and refreshing to me.
LOL WF on the 7AM meetings being "early." I am back from the Monday 5AM meeting I go to! :H I should add, however, that you will rarely see me at a "PM" meeting of any time.

Hello to Deter, Phil, PP, and anyone else from last week's thread that I might have missed! Hello also to anyone lurking or struggling. Never give up.
No rest for the wicked - I have my next assignment. I am to read the Step 8 material in the Big Book every day this week. I am looking forward to doing Steps 8&9 as this is a continuation of the closet cleaning and healing. Mary - I can relate to what you said about inspecting your honesty very closely! I have found myself doing the same thing these days. I guess after Step 4 and really scrutinizing my behaviour, I'm not as willing to tolerate my own BS as I used to be.
Well, I need to run - off to a 7:30AM business thing. I hope everyone is off to a great start on the week! Strength and Hope!