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Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

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    Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

    Hi all! Mary it is so good to have you back. I'm glad you are able to make time for AA and MWO despite the extra time you need to spend with Mr. Teacher right now. Finding a way to keep balance and to stay on top of our sobriety programs is really important I think.

    I must have read the Chapter to the Agnostic 20 times when I first went to AA (at the suggestion of someone there given my issues with HP). I didn't get it. It was just words on pages and nothing clicked. It was when I read the Step 3 Chapter in the 12&12, and the specific way it spoke of the locked door, and the key to open it is willingess that things starting working for me. Then I went back and read the Chapter to the Agnostic and it started to make sense - it started to resonate with me. I started with a willingness to accept that I am certainly not the "high power" in the universe, and that acting as my own "higher power" didn't work. At this point I certainly believe there is a powerful positive force working in my life that is beyond my control. Instead of fighting that or over thinking it, I'm trying to just go with the flow.

    In today's BB meeting we read the second story in the BB - the one about the guy who I think started AA in Canada or at least one area of Canada. Bill and the team in the US sent him inspiring / encouraging letters DAILY until he had a small group up and going. I guess over 400 letters were mailed to him. That's an amazing commitment to helping that alcoholic. I love the last paragraph of his story where he talks about never wanting to lose the peace and serenity he found. I sense that I'm not even half way there and I still would not want to lose any of the peace and serenity I've found!! I still can't believe how good I feel about this weekend even though I am here (by my own choice) by myself. Mr. Doggy is having fun and they had a good Schutzhund training day today. One of the club members is also an AKC judge for the Canine Good Citizen designation. So they did that today too and now Fergie is a Good Citizen. I had a good day too. After the meeting I met with my temp sponsee and we had some good talk I think. It's amazing how our alkie minds tend to work. Then off to the farmers market and then some work in the kitchen. I'm making raisins in the dehydrator, and prepped another 6 pounds of cukes to make one last batch of pickles tomorrow. Oh - went to the gym too. Life is good.

    One of the new guys got his 30 day coin today. That is really really really special when the person comes nearly every day to the same meetings I do. He got a huge round of applause. He is a bit of an odd character and I imagine that maybe he has had trouble "fitting in" in life sometimes. The cool thing about the AA tables is that with our common desire to stop drinking, we can all relate. And that's all it takes to "fit in." I'm happy to be part of a group that I believe TRULY lives that - at least during that meeting - every day.

    Well, enough of my rambling. PP, I hope you are hanging in there newly back on the wagon. Phil, I hope you are doing well getting your feet wet with your new sponsor and homework, whatever it is. Hello to everyone else whether you post here a lot, a little, or just lurk.


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

      Doggygirl and Mary I bow down to you both :bow:bow It is not that I am putting you guys on a pedestal for your sobriety but, I am such great respect for you both how you are so eloquent with your words and experiences. It has meant so much to me. I really don't feel alone due to alot of what the two of you have expressed here.

      At times I am even with tears.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

        PP: Many thanks for the kind words. We're all doing our best to stay sober today. That's what it's about.

        Sat. night is a small discussion meeting that I love to go to. My husb goes w/me & always gets something out of it. Tonight's meeting was about how to stay sober through using the tools & fellowship. It was an awesome meeting. My words don't express how much spirituality was in the room.

        I heard at a meeting: A guy had expressed doubt about a HP. His sponsor told him to read the chapt to the agnostic every single day. It worked...he stopped questioning.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

          PP thank you for the kind words. AA suggests that we share our experience, strength and hope as a way to carry the message. To me, that's what this thread is all about. That way we all help each other stay sober. Truly accepting that we are addicted and just can't drink is very difficult - it took me years. It was such a relief to finally just accept my alkie ism for what it is and find a way to move forward. (not easy - but in some ways easier than accepting the truth in the first place!)

          Mary it's nice that your hubby goes with you. Mr. Doggy is extremely supportive of my AA participation by never questioning it or wondering why I go so much or in any way interfering with my going at any time. He also is very happy with how I am changing and affirms that all the time. I have not yet asked him to go to any meetings. (only a picnic and a lunch with my step coach and his wife) I also haven't been to any open meetings that I think would be relevant for him. There are 2 open meetings I go to regularly, but they operate very much like closed meetings. There is a banquet coming up this fall that I want to go to. The speaker is "Nancy" who I've heard on CD. She is a musician and played Woodstock to give an idea of the era. She was really good on the CD and I'm hoping to see her in person. I hope Mr. D will go with me to that. (but if not I will go with a group from the club...AA is my thing..)

          I always look forward to the 12&12 meeting on Sunday AM's. I think today is Tradition 10.

          Have a good day everyone! PP it's great to have you back.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - August 31 - September 6

            Everyone: I do think that this thread is a way for us all to do 12th step work. We're spreading the message wo/being preachy (hopefully). I'm sure there are people who don't share but read this thread that might just say: "Hey, maybe I'll try AA." I hope we've dispelled some of the notions that are common about AA:
            -it's some kind of cult.
            -it's a religious organization.
            -there's only one way to do AA.

            AA has worked for me, & for that I am very grateful. I was sober yesterday & will work on staying sober today w/the idea in mind that I'm going to a meeting tonight. One of the members (who has well over 20 sober years) says that we're all the same. We're all sober today. That's all we can be sure of.

            I do use the ODAT (one day at a time) approach w/the idea in mind that drinking is never something that I can do. My sobriety is very new, but nonetheless precious to me. I will guard it diligently.

            Last night was our "Burning Desire" group. If you have a burning desire to speak about something, you can bring it up. Otherwise, the group conscience picks a topic. One guy that I always see at meetings (whom I know struggles w/relapse) spoke from the heart about his difficulties staying sober & thinking about drinking every day. It was kind of heart-breaking.

            I'm doing well, though I have a lot on my shoulders w/my husb's new lens in his eye & of course, the broken wrist. He's becoming more mobile every day, & I'm trying to let him do whatever he can. It's hard not to hover over him all the time.

            Take care one & all. I have a lot of chores today but will take time to rest as well. Tomorrow we'll see the g-sons. They need to see that their g-pa is OK. Just a little setback occurred.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012

