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AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

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    AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

    Hi everyone

    Thought I'd start of the AF daily

    Not been around for a while - been on holiday for over 2.5 weeks to Scotland (staying in a caravan with the family - heavy rain all day almost every day) and also a long weekend in London.

    I have a confession to make - i've broken my AF record - had a few drinks whilst away :upset: am partly mad at myself - but part of me is saying well I won't blow it all just because of that - just pick up where i left off. i've not drunk every day or anything like that and never to excess (never felt rough the next morning) but I am scared because I think levels did creep up a bit and I don't feel quite as well as I did and i'm annoyed as I was leading up to 1 year AF on nov 3rd.

    Still - looking at it positvely - the majority of days over the last 1.5 years have been AF but I am really scared as I have moderation thoughts and I know this is very dangerous - so i'm hopping straight back on the AF daily thread where I know everyone will support me. I'ts actually 1 year yesterday since I joined MWO

    I'll be back later

    Hi again to all

    Sausage xx

    AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

    Hi all,

    And when it rains in Scotland, boy, does it rain. Ugh. Welcome back to the wagon, Sausage. I know how you feel. I blew 8.5 months AF last year and was annoyed with myself. I was also scared that it would push me down the slippery slope again. Soooo not worth it for one night for me - I didn't even get drunk :H

    Maybe your drinking times have confirmed to you that you need to be AF? My night drinking after 8.5 months certainly showed me that I can't behave sensibly with alcohol, so it's better for me in every way to just stay away from it.

    I'm off to gym and swim again. What a healthy start to the week I'm having!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

      Sausage -- hello again! Happy to have you back! Stick close. I'm glad you didn't cave in to more AL, it appears to me that your brain has started to change because you immediately recognize the need to be AF. You can do it!

      Marshy - good morning. How many meters do you swim?

      welcome Namaste! It sounds like you’ve made a wise discovery that it has to be for you and not about you and your husband. You’ve got a great plan in place so stop by regularly!

      Great agility class with Pupster last night. We have a local trial this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. We're only doing the first run each of the 3 days because passed years it's been very hot and Pupster doesn't have fun in the heat.

      Grateful to be AL and Resentment free the last couple days. Have a wonderful day.

      Oh! Found an interesting blog out there that some folks may like New Age Self-help for Your Ongoing Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Great archive of subject matter.


        AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

        Good morning AFers,

        It is great to see you again, Sausage. Good on you for recognizing that those thoughts are dangerous. I know I have to kick them to the curb many times. I don't think I ever knew what moderation was and still don't.

        Marshy, I wish I could kick my butt into doing some regular exercise. I always feel better for it. Well, maybe not, but I know I will if I keep at it.

        Speedster, don't you love it when you know you are doing it? I still wake up in the mornings amazed that I recall my night and I feel "normal" instead of wasted.

        Everyday is a new day for all of us. It is good to know I am going to live the day instead of just pass through.

        Welcome, Namaste. 30 days will go by no matter what you do so you might as well choose to do them right. I am looking forward to seeing your posts get more and more positive as the days go by.

        Have a good and sober day, my friends.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

          Morning abbers!

          Sausage, it's always good to know you're doing well. And you are. I wonder why, considering all of us have pondered moderation at some point, does everyone seem to be so angry over a few drinks. It seems like more of a success to have a few, feel uncomfortable, and go back to AF. Is it the "smudge" on the record? That one B in an otherwise perfect string of As? Just wondering. We seem to be so hard on ourselves.

          Marshy I was wondering the same thing. How far or if you don't count, for how long? The gym I don't go to :H but am a member of has a nice pool. I have a swimsuit, goggles, arms, legs, so uh......

          Speedster I really liked that link!

          Hey cindi! You are SO right (as usual) 30 days WILL go by no matter what.

          Have a good one all!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

            Good morning all Abbers,

            Sausage, hello - missed you! I have not tried to do any moderating since going AF. I really just don't think I can do it, so for me, why try? I'm too happy with the way I am now, I don't feel like I'm missing a thing
            Marshy, you really enjoy your daily swim? Good for you!
            Speedster, the heat has left my area - you & Pupster should do your runs here - it's quite pleasant
            Cindi, when you get on a regular exercise routine, please stop by & pick me up, ha ha. I'm kind of hit or miss in that dept.
            Greenie, hope your day is a good one!

            Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday. I'm babysitting my 9 month old grandson this afternoon since my daughter-in-law has resumed her classes. I am happy & so grateful to be in good shape to be able to do this. Can you see me smiling???????
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

              just starting. had last drink sunday and on day 1 antabuse. Have tried to stop before and failed but taking deep breath for another attempt.
              I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                Morning Abbers!

                Sausage... I think Marshy and speedster are right... you realized that you're on dangerous territory and recognized the need to be AF again... that's a GOOD thing!

                Cinders... great thought - yes 30 days will go by in a flash... make them count. Thank you.
                Hiyas Greenie.. better day today, I hope?
                Lav... I'm with you on the exercise thing. Gosh, I used to be so good about going to the gym... what happened?
                Welcome Raven... a brave step! Deep breaths is a good start! Wishing you great strength!

                I'm on shaky ground, I think... so much crap happened lately - that's why I hang around here so much. Not good for my work load (or laundry load, for that matter) - but it beats the alternative, eh?

                Have a great day, all!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                  I'm back and this is day 1.....

                  I'm sick of drinking...



                    AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                    Keep on keeping on Don -you did so well before, you know you can do it again! We're all here behind you! Anytime you need support lean on our shoulders, lord knows we have leaned on you in the past.

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                      It's blowing a gale here tonight. I love a good storm when I'm warm and dry indoors!

                      Cindi - I am one of the least likely people to be singing the praises of exercise. I hadn't done any for years (too busy drinking, of course) but when I started trying to get sober I joined a gym to fill some drinking time really, to distract me. I started seeing an addiction counsellor and she told me that she recommended all her clients to exercise regularly as it has been shown to help with recovery. I had to force myself to go initially, didn't take to it right away, but I stuck with it and at some point I really started enjoying it and could feel and see it was doing me good. It's been one of the key "tools" for me.

                      Greenie & Speedster - I don't count lengths in the pool. It's my zen time :H I'm thinking about going on a sea swimming holiday next spring - where you go as a group and swim between little islands in the Mediterranean mainly. You have to be able to swim 2km-5km without stopping to take part, so I think I'll have to try that in the pool one day to see if I'd be able to manage it. My pool is 25m, so that would be 80-um,um,um 200 lengths. Gulp!
                      Greenie - I bought some fresh figs at the market on the way home! Three for a pound. Daylight robbery! You could make a fortune selling your neighbour's

                      Lavande - I hope you're having a great time looking after your grandson

                      Ravenjoy :welcome: I found Antabuse a great help in the early days. Have you tried it before?

                      Sunshine-gg - it certainly does beat the alternative! Somebody told me (hypnotherapist, I think) that it's important to spend as much time working on our sobriety as we did drinking. That was many hours a week for me, so any time I need to devote to "sober stuff" (at the expense of laundry!) is time well spent as far as I'm concerned.

                      Hi Chief & Uni!
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                        Welcome Ravenjoy, and welcome back, Chief. It's good to see you here.

                        Marshy, I'm with you on the swimming zen time. I discovered a new zen activity, new for me that is. I started weeding the flower beds yesterday and loved it so much I spent this afternoon back out in the sunshine yanking out everything that looked out of place. My perfectionist streak is going to have a field day. I've been cooped up inside with paperwork for so long I literally need to get my hands dirty.

                        My dad died a year ago this Wednesday. I can't believe it's been a year already. The proper anniversary is tomorrow, I'll go visit his new abode with some flowers from the garden. He'd like that.


                          AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                          Made it through Day 1!

                          Cravings and nervous, but not unbearable....

                          Looking forward to tomorrow....



                            AF Daily Wed Sept 2nd 09

                            another late check-in for the weary traveller. nice to see you Sausage! glad you didn't binge! that's my fear with modding. the risk of binging is just too great for folks like me.

                            Raven.Joy, a big welcome! you've landed in a wonderful community. antabuse helped me to flip the switch in my head 'off' in my earlier days. I still keep it around in case I'm feeling tempted.

                            Don, wonderful to see you here man! please keep us up to speed on whats on your mind. Please get some vitamin B1 (thiamine) and magnesium if you are detoxing at home.

                            ok, time to snooze

                            be well
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

