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fri 4 sept af daily

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    fri 4 sept af daily

    Day 3 here and I'm not having fun....



      fri 4 sept af daily

      Hi Chief
      As you know the first week to 10 days are the hard rounds in the fight.Stay tough.Your life depends on it!

      AF 5-16-08
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
      AF 5-16-08


        fri 4 sept af daily

        I hate it for you don! You know the drill though!

        I must boast about my latest feat! I borrowed the fig ladder and climbed up on the roof to sweep off some stuck old leaves & & branches & stuff and I decided to get the pruners and I cut the overhanging limbs back as far as I could reach. I'm so happy and proud! AF life is the bomb! I can do ANYTHING!! ANYTIME!!:banana:
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          fri 4 sept af daily

          Hi fig! You said it - there always will be a weekend or a party or a birthday to get through. It sounds like a good idea to take your mission statement with you for back-up. And, yes, why not say you're on medication/driving (unless they know you're not!)/have to get up early in the morning/trying to be healthy etc.

          I couldn't be around big drinkers in the early days, so I either avoided very boozy events or went and caved in and regretted going. Maybe you're made of stronger stuff!

          Let us know how you get on.
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            fri 4 sept af daily

            Hi Everyone!! Happy Friday!

            Don, I'm so sorry your going thru this, still! It saddens me to see you struggle so.....get out some of your old material (Rational Recovery book) and read it again. I struggle right alongside you. And I know how much this thoughts are with you. WE CAN do this!!

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              fri 4 sept af daily

              Happy late check-in ABeroooos!

              busy busy day but all is well and no complaints here.

              Fig, big welcome! speaking of fig... I had blue cheese, figs and walnuts for breakfast

              Don, you having some tough withdrawals? or cravings? huge doses of L Glutamine work well for me, and it's very healthy. also magnesium for your nerves (300mg per day approx).

              sorry to be brief, but just know it's a treat seeing all your smiling faces

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                fri 4 sept af daily

                Hello everyone! Bear, thank you for starting us off today. You probably won't see this before you leave but I am wishing you a safe and fun trip anyway! I like that Living Sober book you mentioned.

                Welcome Fig!!! Going into any social events where AL is present always requires me making a plan. 1) What will I drink? (I prefer to bring my own interesting something or other if that is appropriate) 2) I ALWAYS (even still!) eat before I go. I am less tempted by AL when I'm full rather than hungry. 3) Have a plan for what I will tell anyone who asks me why I'm not drinking. (these days I just say some version of "I don't drink and you should be very happy about that!" but used other "excuses" in the beginning) 4) HAVE AN EXIT STRATEGY. I will leave a party early - VERY early - before I will compromise my sobriety. (feeling ill, have another event I have to go to, have to get up frightfully early tomorrow, etc. etc) Just a tip - most people really don't care what you drink or if you drink. Mostly the people who would even ask care about their own drinking. Really. Just watch. I agree with everything Marshy said (obviously as I just duped a bunch of it!) - especially the part about avoiding such events wherever possible, especially early on. I still avoid the hard core drinking events mainly because they bore me silly where drinking is the main focus of the gathering. And sometimes drinking is the main focus of the gathering even when some other focus is feigned. But I digress...

                Chief, it definitely sucks to be you today. :upset: Hang in there - you know it will get better. What Caysea said. Hi Caysea it's always great to see you! You know I am pulling for you Chief!!

                Marshy, I can't believe I ended up with a Nun for a sponsor. Believe me, I didn't plan it that way! :H She really is cool and she has told me all about how you drink in a convent. She had to skip the years that most of us "enjoyed" with all the group drinking and initially fun, then at least pretending to have fun with other people. Her entire drinking career was done solo. And she still got caught in the trap.

                I'm so excited that we have so many newcomers to the AF Daily thread these days! WE CAN DO THIS!! I must go check on dinner but I'm waving a BIG HELLO to everyone who I didn't get a chance to say "hi" to individually. For everyone in the US enjoy some fabulous holiday weekend AFness and UnHungness this weekend!!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  fri 4 sept af daily

                  Hi all - very late check in today - but wanted to say hi.
                  Fig and Chief good luck - and I echo Determinator's recommendation on the L-Glutamine.

                  Fig - I am just starting out again with the abs - but last year I had a pretty good run and I always used the excuse that I was in/had just started training (for a race - 5k, triathlon - take your pick).

                  Successfully made it through day 8...


                    fri 4 sept af daily

                    Hi everyone! I made it through the desperate divorcee dinner without a drink!!!! I just had Pelligrino, and yes, the excuse that I am planning a morning run works! (And I am actually training for a half marathon). I cannot remember the last time that I was in a group like that, at a bar and later at dinner, when I did not have at least 3 glasses of wine. Funny though. I counted how many the other girls had and they all stopped at two over the 3 hour evening out. One friend was tempted to have a third but didn't really want it and offered to split it with someone else and I thought to myself, ah, so this is how normal people drink alcohol. They ended up passing on it anyway. So I drove home clear headed and couldn't wait to post this! Now I must not think I'm deserving of a special treat (like a Saturday night bottle of wine), so I'm onto day 3 and working on my plan for the rest of the weekend. Many thanks to you all for words of encouragement to me and to everyone here. You are all very special folks!


                      fri 4 sept af daily


                      Hey Fig,

                      You do deserve a treat ( not AL ).

                      Treat yourself to a new nail varnish, face pack, a massage or anything you fancy.

                      I like to added up what I've saved on AL and spend the money on something that makes me smile.

                      Love Jackie xxx

                      AF since 7/7/2009
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009

