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AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

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    AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

    Good morning Abbers,

    Happy Saturday! Hope you weather is looking better than mine today. We're pretty soggy after getting over 2 inches of rain yesterday, ugh!

    Sausage, great job on your 6 days yesterday, wishing you cpntinued success!
    Peacenik, hope you were able to fend off the cravings last night, keep fighting.
    Deter, I'll bet you enjoyed those beautiful lamb chops
    Hello to, LVT and sara, hope all is well with you!
    Don & Lynnie, congrats on 3 days for both of you yesterday. It does get easier, just stick with it, yo won't regret it!
    Namaste, 11 days & counting, good for you, that's terrific!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday - hope your day is sunny & dry
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

    Hello friends!
    Ice got a bit of work to do at the cemetery this morning, and then we'll pickup the other 1/2 of my "new" greenhouse and then my sons football game. I haven't been home for more than a couple of waking hours all week! It will all slow down very soon though.
    I am sending positive vibes to all struggling with Al and his evil mind games.
    Hang in there it is so worth it!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

      Hi All!

      Day 4 here and I feel pretty good. Had a rough night sleeping but that's to be expected....

      Taking all the supps, Allone, Campral, and ativan.....obviously they're helping.

      It feels so good to not have a's been awhile.

      Have a great AF day everyone.....I'll be checking in...



        AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

        Hi guys,

        I am struggling a bit here and not sure why. Man, really gotta figure out what my triggers are. I am going to try to do some work on that today and tomorrow.

        FB message from my cousin yesterday says she is really looking forward to us coming for dinner - I feel like an ass cause I have no effin clue what she is talking about. God damn AL......

        Okay, time to get back on track here.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

          Get back on track with me, Uni.....I've had a hell of a time, too, but I'm on track now.

          I'll do whatever I can to help...:l



            AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

            Hey hang in there - one day at a time,or hour, drink at a time if that's too much, worked for me (so far, not getting complacent).

            I returned from holiday today, lovely and relaxing - day 28 af and sf for me here - feeling great - post properly tomorrow - week off work next week too - woo hoo!

            I may try to now tackle excess chocolate/htting 1600/1800 cals a day - any views, is this too soon - don't want to rock my boat too much......?
            one day at a time


              AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

              Oooooo Rooooo ABeroooos!

              Don, you made my day man

              Bear, you are eating 1600+ calories from chocolate alone?

              Uni, have you tried hypno? I swear it really helps me.

              shouts out to Lavande, LVT and all the great peeps to come.

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                Hi, Abbers,

                Very busy here with grandkids and family, etc, but just checking in.

                For those struggling, hang on for dear life. I had a real urge yesterday and worked my way past it. First time in a long time. But that is okay, as long as I get past it without giving into it.

                Sending strength to those who need it.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                  Hello abbers! I have thought about you lots this week while I was busy not posting! I definitely crammed 5 days worth into 4 days - holiday weeks are just like that some times. I haven't had a chance to go back and read the last few days that I missed. But it looks like we have some success to congratulate and some strength and hope to send out!

                  Bear welcome back and :yougo: on your AF/SF success during your trip!! My suggestion for the chocolate / calorie watch is to include exercise with any watching. At least that's what works for me. I need the extra metabolic boost from exercise and the endorphin power helps too in the mood department! I am not always successful but am really trying to view food differently. It's fuel for my body and for my life - not an emotional blanket similar to what AL used to be. And I don't think a little bit of chocolate is bad if you can "moderate" your chocolate. It's high in anti-oxidants!! I like a little organic 85% dark chocolate these days. My big challenge is portion control as it is with food in general! So those are my thoughts on it anyway FWIW.

                  Cinders good for you not giving in to the urge. I always have to remind myself that "life happens" to everyone - not just to me. The whole world doesn't think they aught to drown their problems in booze to hide.

                  Chief it sounds like you are picking up some steam here and that is great to see! Come on Uni - get your AF groove on! Man I hate the memories of not knowing what I said or did. Drunk e-mails and phone calls were my nemisis at times. It's worth the fight to get free of the remorse over those types of things. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

                  LVT - greenhouse?? Greenhouse?? I want to hear more about this!! I would love a greenhouse, at least I think I would. Haven't done any research though. Sounds like you are keeping quite a busy schedule! I hope things settle down soon.

                  Lavande thanks for starting us off today! I hope you are dried out by now! (from the rain silly! :H)

                  I enjoyed my lazy time last weekend and Monday, then paid the price chasing my tail all week! The garden is winding down. LOL - my watermelons and other melons climbing on the fence bore fruit but the fruit never got big. So now I have catalope and honeydew the size of tennis balls and watermelons the size of softballs. They are "single serving melons!" Yep - very good on the inside just little. :H I still have to figure out if Greenie's chainsaw will be required to deal with the Pumpkins which did fine on the fence. (only 2 pumkins, but they are fine specimens!) Wasn't I talking about that last weekend?? I better get after it before that yummy pumkin is wasted. I think the spaghetti squashes are ready too. There are 5 of those. I guess I will cook 'em and then freeze the innards for later use. I should have more lettuce in another week or two. The peas were doing great one day, and completely gone the next. Evil Bunny???? I hope not. If so, Evil Bunny better leave my lettuce alone!

                  I've been getting chiropracted pretty intensely for several weeks now. The upper part of my back and neck is really out of whack. But now I've been having bad headaches! I'm hoping this is just a passing thing as we re-work these little bones back where they are supposed to be.

                  Regardless of headaches and a crazy schedule, I am very, very grateful to be sober and NOT craving AL. I had one thought somewhere along the way last week about getting drunk. Not "having a drink" (which is so silly anyway...when did I ever have "a" drink..). Getting rip roarin' drunk. Then the thought went away as fast as it came. It was very strange.

                  In a note of positive progress, I am noticing a much MUCH better ability these days to stay calm about stuff and not get upset. Like when I thought Mr. Doggy was joking when he sent me a puppy picture from the seminar last weekend, only to find out he is very serious about a puppy which will be dog #5 for us. Even 6 months ago I would have flown into fits about that. As it was, I stayed so calm that I shocked myself! Back when I was drinking??? OMG that would have been WW3 for sure.

                  I also visited Mom & Dad today and amazingly did not get all twisted up inside over their living situation. It's still their business and as long as they are of sound mind it's up to me to respect their choices and just support them as appropriate - not try to run things like the alkie that I am likes to do. Amazing - I didn't even have to say the serenity prayer 50 times to get to that state! :H This is progress in sobriety for sure. Wow.

                  Well, I think I will tan and then sauna and get ready to make dinner and then watch more Desparate Housewives Season 5. I love waiting until it comes out on Netflix and then having a marathon. WHEE!!!

                  Hello to everyone yet to come and anyone I accidentally missed! Hope the weekend is looking like a good AF one for all. Never give up. Strength and hope.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                    Howdy Abbers,
                    Good to hear from you all, and to follow the ups and downs. None of us is alone!

                    It just occurred to me that I hate cooking dinner. Isn't that silly? I hate it because I feel like it's a chore I have to do every night for the family, and because the kids (and hubby) are picky eaters, so I end up trying to cater to them, instead of making things I like best. Then they really don't appreciate it. They complain...or pick, or claim not to be hungry. Anyway, the point of all of this is, drinking wine used to make it tolerable! If I HAD to make dinner, at least I could enjoy wine while I did it. Now I really dread it. It makes me want that wine, and so not only am I doing something I don't want to do, I'm doing it while fighting the craving it triggers. Ugh. I know, I could ask Hubby to cook. But it's always been my job....

                    Okay, sorry if I'm rambling. I'm on day 6, staying sober with no intention of screwing that up tonight, or ever again. But it isn't easy.

                    Best to all.
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                      AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                      Hi Gang, I had a few bumps in the road this week, I am back on track too, Every day I feel a bit better. October 10th is my 1 year anniversary with MWO. I have all the days marked that I let the beast tap on my shoulder and win- and my success rate was over 90% for my 11 months as a member. I could not of done it without you all,
                      Bleass you all. I really never thought I could do it, but after hitting rock bottom, there was no place to go but UP
                      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                      • Yesterday is History
                        Today is a Mystery
                        Tomorrow is a GIFT


                        AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                        I too have had a few bumps in the road this week, but I am back on track. I am 11 months as a member of this wonderful group of friends and support. My success rate has been over 90%. - much better than I could of hoped for. Thank you all for your support- I never thought I could do it. and Thanks to you all, I did
                        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                        • Yesterday is History
                          Today is a Mystery
                          Tomorrow is a GIFT


                          AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                          i'm back from the dark side...


                          i'm alive

                          off to walk the dogs.



                            AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                            Peacenik, glad your back so quick. Feel better soon

                            DLW, 90% IS 100% better than not trying!!!! well done.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF daily Saturday 9/12/09

                              Welcome back peace. dlw, I'm with Deter. 90% of sobriety is WAY better than 100% giving up.

                              Sara, I think you hit on a real core issue that many of us face with our drinking. We use booze to hide problems or work around problems rather than facing and working through problems. From what you described it sounds like the real issue is that you feel you put in a lot of effort preparing family meals and that effort goes unappreciated. Since hiding out with the wine bottle is no longer an option you are giving yourself, would it help to just talk to your husband and family about your feelings? You really are pointing out an excellent example of the real core of things that we need to change. It's not about just removing the booze from the equation of daily life. It's about changing the way we live.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

