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thu 17 sept af daily

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    thu 17 sept af daily

    pamina... see? I'm not crazy! It goes direct the 27th I think. But then there is a shadow that lasts a week or so. Shadow is like dust settling.

    That song was played when I was brought out of a satori berathing session. I had forgotten it. I feel so calm and reasurred by hearing it again.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      thu 17 sept af daily

      Hello everyone - late check in here. Bear, thank you for getting us started and with a great topic to boot. I too was a worrier big time over things in the future and out of my control. The serenity prayer has been immensely helpful for me. When I find myself getting worried/upset/angry I say it and say it again. Amazingly, I don't need to say it quite as much as I used to!

      I also second Mstall's motion about exercise. That has helped me IMMENSELY with both AF AND SF. For the time I work out and for quite a long time afterwards, even in the early days the last thing I would want was a ciggie or a drink.

      I'm going to have to finally deal with my fence pumpkins as I see that one fell to the ground. I hope it didn't bust open. But I'm already in my nightie (yes, at 6:30PM!) so not going to check on it 'til morning. In other garden news I should have lettuce again before too long. I know you were all on the edge of your seats waiting for THAT news!

      I'm working on some new exercise inspiration. A girl I know from the low carb forum I frequent is a body builder. She is 47 and very buff! She is inspiring me to review my eating and workout program and look at how to take it up a notch. So I'm going to get back to tracking my food and targeting things a little more closely there, getting my thyroid medication optimized again (had to switch brands due to some crazy supply issues courtesy of the FDA, but I won't go there right now!), and trying to learn more about weight training.

      Guess now that gardening season is winding down the "off season" is already shaping up!

      Meditation and relaxation techniques really need to be part of my program too. Thanks for the youtube link - I need to check that out and also other links that you all have been kind enough to provide in the past. So much to do. So little time. Where did I find all that time to waste drinking?????

      Have a good rest of the day and hello to the late crew!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        thu 17 sept af daily

        whew! sooo hot. been standing in the sun all day at this outdoor trade show in San jose. ugh! back in my hotel room with AC on full blast now. awwwwwww, much better

        DG, please do tell about the dietary suggestions from this buff friend of yours. inquiring minds must know..
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)

