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fri 18 af daily

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    fri 18 af daily

    hello there from a much brighter bear - did the exercise first thing this am and had lovely day with oh yesterday looking round second hand shops.
    I felt very grateful for all of the good things in my life and spent time re-reading 'feel the fear' and repeating some affirmations.

    I'm off to watch bands tonight and tomorrow I KNOW I will be af and sf - it's how I want to be now.

    Previously I used to make a big thing of it - telling everyone - as I needed their approval.Well I don't now, I'm just quietly doing it, I won't even mention it, if I'm asked I'll wheel out the not smoking excuse (apart from with my close friend who is going, and knows anyway).

    Funnily enough another friend is cutting down/stopping too- seems to be all around me at the moment.
    thanks to all who posted support - hope you all have a great af day,Bear
    one day at a time

    fri 18 af daily

    Morning Bear! and all that follow

    I am off to work early this morning and looking forward to the weekend. It will be nice to be home and get stuff done that i've ignored for the past week or so since walking 30 miles for MS last weekend.

    Enjoy the bands Bear!! You sound soooooo good! and i know how good you will feel afterwards from remaining AF!

    Enjoy another AL free weekend all!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      fri 18 af daily

      Hello Bear & MsTall & abbers to come,

      MsT - how did you find the 30 miles physically? Have you been suffering all week or were you OK? I did a 19-mile charity walk once and the first 10 miles was fine but the next nine miles felt like a loooong way, especially as it was very hilly.

      Been having a leisurely potter before I'm due at work this afternoon. So leisurely that I'm now gonna have to run! Have a good day all.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        fri 18 af daily

        Hi guys!

        I am also off to work today - hopefully it will be a busy but good day and then I can come home and start this wonderful weekend! I am having mommy daugther weekend and am looking foward to spending some nice time together.

        I still have this darn cold and it is starting to really annoy - hopefully this will be the end of it as well.

        Hope everyone has a great AF Friday,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          fri 18 af daily

          Good morning Abbers!

          Happy Friday and the last weekend of summer
          No big plans for me, just gonna play it by ear today & the weekend.

          bear, you really do sound great, good for you! Enjoy the bands, sounds like fun

          Mstall, I think it would take me more than a week to recover from a 30 mile walk - if ever!

          Marshy, Uni, hope you both have a good Friday! Hello to everyone that drops in, I'll probably check in later.

          Have a great AF Friday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            fri 18 af daily

            Aloha Friday ABeroooos!

            Bear, great positive post love that.

            dragging my butt off to starbucks. going to be another loooong day in the sun. can't imagine doing this hung over. ugh!

            be well,
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              fri 18 af daily

              Hi abbers!

              Going to an art show this eve. with a GF. It's a collection of different artists' work but very downsized from previous years events which were block long vendor tents. The economy I suppose. Too many people like me who like to look but can't afford to buy. There's the annual greek festival too this weekend, so I may go look at that. One year I went and was buzzed of course and bought some um... unusual things. Looked at them the next day and thought WTF? I probably save a fair amount of money not doing that anymore.

              I'd like to continue to attack the gumball project but we'll see how the weather holds out. I left my car windows cracked a bit and forgot and must deal with the pool of water in the passenger side. Grrrrrrr. I JUST had a dream about that too, isn't that wierd?

              Have a good one!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                fri 18 af daily

                Good Day AbLanders! Bear thank you for starting us off. You sound terrific today! Hope you enjoy the bands tonight and have a great weekend.

                I really admire those of you who can carry on doing things you used to drink through and now do it AF. I'm still trying to figure out what things I really want to do in life and not do now that I'm sober. And being around too much booze still scares me. Or bores me. Or both. I suppose part of this issue for me is due to the fact that the last several many drinking years for me were NOT about going out with friends - didn't even make a pretense of that any more. It was just me and my booze. I guess this leads me 'round to another topic that was touched upon in yesterdays thread - making connections with people again. The "human contact" in AA has been good for me because my status as a non-drinker / ex-drinker / alkie is not an issue! And we all share so much in common - the various fears and insecurities and just the process of building a new life. While I have been really enjoying my life for awhile now, if I'm honest I must admit that I'm still very much a loner. I'm happy doing things on my own so I don't ever see myself as part of a "group" with a high degree of frequency.

                But I need to establish some new friends and just find my way out there in the world again. I enjoyed reading the posts on this subject yesterday.

                I brought in the last of the Atkins Melons today as the vines are really dying off now. The tomatoes are about done too. My Mom was telling me last weekend about some method of wrapping partially ripened (or even green ones??) in newspaper to ripen and extend the "fresh tomato season" by several weeks. Has anyone tried that? I guess I should go post on the gardening thread!

                I'm really glad I grew those hot peppers. I hate handling them but they are a nice item to dehydrate - handle all of them at once and then store them in a jar! My Personal Torturer loaned me a book called "French Women Don't Get Fat" and it has some practical cooking advice. One thing that caught my eye was making full use of spices for bold flavoring which can be very satisfying without a lot of "fattening" stuff. So I've been adding a small amount of hot pepper to several things and am liking the results! It's time to don the plastic gloves again and dehydrate another batch of hot ones I got out of the garden today.

                Deter, I will let you know more about the girl who is giving me some Buffness Tips and her diet recommendations. Since I still have a few fat pounds / % I want to drop, she suggested a couple of things. 1) Make sure cals are not MORE than 12 X my body weight, and then SLOWLY drop down a little from there to lose. (don't want to shock the system into starvation mode by going too low, or going lower too fast) 2) She suggests 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight as the "base" for eating. That is about 50% more protein than I typically eat so I want to make sure I undertood her correctly on that front! She didn't say anything about carbs in her message to me...BUT I indicated to her that my current typical carb count in a day is 50 - 100 grams. So I'm assuming she had "no comment" about that for a reason. Just as a side note I do NOT seem to do well going any lower than that in carbs. It seems that for some reason, possibly the thyroid meds, my metabolism poops out below that. I personally canNOT do gluten. At all. If I'm ever to do a Sugar Dive I am way better off doing it without gluten in the picture too.

                Anyway....hello to all who have checked in, and to all yet to come! TGIF and have a great UNHUNG weekend one and all!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

