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AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

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    AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

    Morning abbers!!

    OK. I had a thorughly sluggish day yesterday! Today I will be the tazmanian devil and knock out it all! Lawn tools! Toilet brushes! Swifters! Vacuums!! Neighbors and pets will run for cover!!

    Enjoy what you do today.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

    greenie - my head is spinning from all your plans today.

    I have more house cleaning and grocery shopping. and then i plan to lay low till Monday rears it's head again.

    may try icing my left foot in hopes it starts to feel better. i'm getting discouraged as to the amount of time since the 30 miles and still no better. sigh.

    off to get stuff done. have a great sober sunday all to come!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

      Morning Abbers,

      I have the same sort of day planned for myself Greenie! Look out

      Mstall, have you tried Motrin or some sort of anti-inflammatory for your foot? Motrin works pretty well provided you take it regularly. I hope you get some relief soon!

      Looking forward to a visit from my Grandson later - at least he'll have dog hair free floors to crawl on, ha ha.

      Better get started. Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

        hello just a quickie back from my weekend - made it through af taking me to day 36 now - longest EVER!
        this site is a major part of that - feeling positive - back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks leave - long crazy day ending with public meeting until 8.30pm.
        Phew I will deserve a nice long bath after that!

        I will be back on exercise today too,20 mins on mini trampoline and planning my healthy meals for week - early night v big bath.
        good day to all- will catch up on missed posts - hope you're all doing well.
        one day at a time


          AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

          Hello Greenie, Lav, Mstall, bear & all to come,

          I've been for a swim. This sculpture is round the corner from my gym. It's called "Driftwood".

          Gah. I hadn't given housework a thought until I read this thread. Now I'm thinking I'd better go and clean the bathroom...
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

            Gosh - I'm getting a positive vibe from this thread even though there is heavy emphasis on cleaning and yard work. GAH!! How is this possible???? Toilets be damned - I'm going to pick green and partially ripe tomatoes off the vine and try putting them in brown paper bags to see if they ripen. Or more likely that is an old wives tale that has been passed on through the generations to novice gardeners to insure a stinking rotting mess in the garage.

            Picked up the 1/2 pig today. The "hanging weight" of my half was 102 pounds. Assuming the other half weighed exactly the same, then that pig weighed exactly what I did on my first sober day of this AF run May 22, 2008. I could not resist a :H over the irony of it all.

            Well, Mr. Doggy delivered the puppy news last night. Cain't(HaveAnotherDog) who is pictured in my avatar will be coming here to live 2 weeks from yesterday. So I need to enjoy the heck out of these next two weeks before life as I know it changes forever. Well, potty training seems like forever anyway.

            For those of you inclined towards prayer or things similar, my niece who is only 5 or 6 years old is in the hospital very very sick and they can't figure out what is wrong with her. My brother and sister in law are bigger in the heart and spirit than I could ever be - in addition to their own bio kids they have adopted two children who were both born to mothers on crack and subsuequently, both have some pretty serious health issues. I feel so sorry for these little kids going to through this. They are afraid they might lose her. Please pray for Jazzy.

            Strength and hope to all who are suffering today. Let's try to treasure every moment we have with clarity and sobriety.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

              Happy lazy Sunday ABeroooos!

              ok, lazy for me, you all sound so industrious.

              DG, which half of the pig did you get? hmmmmm....

              prayers for Jazzy. and a big ditto on living every moment with clarity and sobriety.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

                Marshy, cool sculpture. at first it looked like a giant wooden clog. (shoe) LOL
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

                  Marshy, I thought the sculpture looked like a giant wooden shoe too, ha ha! You would never see anything like that around here - very nice

                  DG, sending hope & prayers for your niece. I am in awe of people who can bring a child with special needs into their family. It must take amazing strength & faith!
                  BTW, my Mom used to do the brown paper bag thing with green tomatoes, it kind of worked!!

                  bear, congrats on making it through the weekend unscathed & reaching 36 days, that's great!
                  Hi to Deter, hope you enjoyed your lazy day

                  Good night to all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

                    A note of thanks to those who have sent positive vibes and prayers to Jazzy. She is at least out of intensive care as of last night. She is so cute - she is "all girl" with curly blond hair - she loves sparkly things and DRESSES and having her hair all fixed up. She has a really bubbly personality and talks non-stop. My BIL said she was a bit drugged up (sort of sad to think of such a little one "high"...) and just "bubbling" non-stop. We hope they can figure out what's wrong but at least she is stable (or was last night).

                    Thank you all for caring!

                    Marshy, I too thought "clog" when I saw that sculpture.

                    Lav, good to hear at least a marginal positive on the bagged green tomatoes! I figure what the heck - they will just rot out there in the garden so why not invest $1.79 in paper bags and give it a whirl.

                    Deter - I'm not stupid. We chose the GOOD half. :H

                    Special good thoughts to all of our new friends here on AF Daily and your terrific progress racking up those AF days and changing your lives for the better!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sunday, 9/20/09

                      Doggygirl - I'm glad to hear she is out of intensive care.

                      I will also be sending Jazzy and family my good thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated.

                      btw...adorable puppy!
                      AF/SF - November 23, 2014

