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AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

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    AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

    Morning Abbers!!

    Gotta post and run. Day 45 for me and i'm down 8 pounds now (even without being able to do much exercise this past week!)

    Staying strong and very protective still about my AFness. Doing whatever i need to keep AF.

    Great Sober Monday all!
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014

    AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

    Morning abbers!

    Well, I wasn't exactly the tazmanian devil but did get quite a bit done. Made a bean salad for a party tonight. I just found out it's 3 peoples birthdays so I need to do some serious rooting in the present closet and find one more card but it must have a bald headed man on it (don't ask). Posted the bean salad if you're interested.

    DG, hope for a positive report on Jazzy. Apples emit some gas when they ripen that makes whatever is around them ripen. Can you put an apple in the paper bags to keep the tomatoes company?

    That's all I can remember right now.

    Loopy, AFM, sausage?

    Have a good one!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

      Good morning Abbers,

      Mstall, congrats on your 45 days, that's awesome I understand about feeling very protective of your quit. Keep doing what you have to do! Hope your foot is a bit better today! My weight didn't change much when I quit drinking but I sure did gain when I quit smoking - what a pain...........

      Greenie, I love bean salads, I'll take a look at yours, thanks

      Well, I am now a Senior Member, it happened some time over the weekend! Does that make me an old fart too, ha ha!! That's OK, I can handle it.

      Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

        Hello all,

        MsTall - congrats on the weight loss. It's great to "see" positive change isn't it?

        Lav - congrats on your seniority!

        Greenie - I was looking for a 21st card for my niece this morning but nothing "fits". They are either really cutesy (and she's great but she certainly isn't cutesy) or about going out and getting pissed to celebrate, which I don't think I should encourage :H.

        DG - glad to hear your niece is out of intensive care. Do they have any idea what's wrong with her yet?

        I'm not working today. Been for a swim. I walk past that sculpture I posted a picture of yesterday most days and I will now always think of it as The Clog :H

        I'm playing netball tonight so I won't be able to walk properly for the rest of the week. Hey ho
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

          Hey guys,

          Feeling good today, feeling like my mindset is back on track (it's been kind of all over the place this month which as we know doesn't help with AF) But today I'm feeling like I have it back together - not sure where it went but.......

          Anyway, 2nd interview this afternoon for the promotion - appt today with my therapist and then a busy night of trying to get things organized at home. All in a days work.

          I will stay AF through it all though!

          Have a good one,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

            Hello friends!

            DG-I just wanted to pop in to let you know I will be praying for your niece!

            AND, not to be a nay-sayer, but my experience with trying to ripen green tomatoes has not been positive. I have tried every method imaginable and ALWAYS ended up throwing most away. They will ripen, but you will be disappointed in their flavor. I hope your experience is better than mine. My garden is at least a month if not two behind yours. I picked a bushel of tomatoes yesterday. The weather man is talking snow possibly tonight. :upset:
            Not at all my best gardening year ever, but thankfully I had a lot of canned stuff left from last year. I will probably make spaghetti sauce with my tomatoes as soon as I find the time.
            I am really excited to set up the green house next spring. I should be able to get a jump on things that way!

            Great job on the 8 pounds Mstall! I can actually feel a little muscle in my abdomen now that some of the fat layer is gone! Feels great!

            We went to a friend's birthday party yesterday. This not drinking thing is starting to feel a little more natural. I was starting to get a little stabby as the evening went on and I wanted to go home, but hubby didn't over do it which was nice! Good food and conversation with lots of laughs--and I feel great this morning and I remember everything!
            Gotta love the sober life!

            So, it is cool and rainy today and I am going to stay home this morning and start to clean my house. Then we head to my son's football game 2.5 hours away to sit in the cold. :upset: Oh, well, I'm hoping we can see the field from the car!!

            Have a good day/week everyone!:h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

              Marshy;719439 wrote: Greenie - I was looking for a 21st card for my niece this morning but nothing "fits". They are either really cutesy (and she's great but she certainly isn't cutesy) or about going out and getting pissed to celebrate, which I don't think I should encourage :H.
              OK I got a homer simpson ( his baldish head is perfect) It says: Hope your birthday's happier than the happiest person's happiest day in Happy Land! I shall do some editing so that the "P"s are changed to "R"s. Bless his heart, he tells me he waits for my bald-headed card every year. He has always been so very fond of me and knows it's loving abuse.

              LTV, I was chating with the party hostess and we laughed about an earlier party at her house where I drank sprite and lime and the only one that questioned me was my friend, a divorce attorney. LOL
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                morning all!

                congrats mstall!

                brrrrrrrrrrrr....its cold here! possible snow here as well lv! yikes! its supposed tow arm up again in a couple of days.

                im doing well, my husband is out of town for a week and that is a HUGE trigger for me (since i always hid my drinking, i could do it out in the open when he was gone!)...been feeling good and getting stuff done around the house.

                have a good one everyone!



                  AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                  Hello everyone!! Mstall, thanks for kicking things off today and special thanks to you and to everyone here for keeping up the positive vibes and prayers for Jazzy. I posted in yesterdays thread very early this AM but will just mention again that last night she was declared 'stable' and moved out of intensive care. WHEW. The whole family was relieved about that. I just talked to Mr. D but he has not heard anything new yet today. Not sure if that is good or bad. Thanks to everyone for caring.

                  :yougo:Mstall on 45 Days of Rockin' AFness!!:yougo:AND 8 pounds down!:yougo:

                  I still consider myself a baby in sobriety, and know I will need to keep my AFness as my #1 priority forever. That's OK - it's worth it!! Protect that gift with your life.

                  Greenie! Thanks again for those vibes. I'll have to check the apple tree to see if there is any surplus of apples for an experiment. LOL - I don't think I'll buy apples for the tomato ripening project - especially after what LVT said! :upset: Good point though - the store bought tomatoes always taste like cardboard because they were green when picked. Duh. your creativity with the bald card!

                  Marshy - you should teach an Art Appreciation course. That would be a hoot! We would have to focus on the art of artists who have passed though, so as not to offend them with our non-art-appreciative-appreciation remarks. Good luck at net ball. Kick some youngster booty OK?

                  Uni - good luck on the interview!! We have to learn how to hang onto the AFness whether we are in a good peaceful mode or not. Life isn't going to stop being life so AFness will always be easy. (of course you already know that!! Sometimes I need to type that out to remind myself!!)

                  LVT - good for you on getting comfortable with parties. I'm still not. I've developed an independent little busy life here and have largely avoided parties. I need to get used to them at some point. You are my shining example of the possibility. I covet your green house!! I can't wait to hear what you do with it and how it goes next spring.

                  Wow peace - snow already??? I'm loving the arrival of fall but am not quite ready to think about snow!! Hang tough with hubby out of town. YOU CAN DO IT!!

                  I realized when digging in the freezer yesterday to put away the pig that I still have quite a bit of cow left from last year that I need to use up before new cow comes!! So I thawed out some soup bones and ribs and I'm going to make some stock according to the cook book "Natural Traditions" which equates to "the old fashioned way." I was sad to read that it's a bit more involved than just putting bones and water in a pot. That will be my project for either tomorow or Wednesday.

                  We are really lucky with some of the people who have come into our lives. A bit over a year ago a guy stopped at our house when a huge tree was down from a storm. He said he has a wood burning furnace (as well as gas option). He tries to cut enough wood through the year so he can burn wood for heat all winter. So...we made a nice arrangement. He gets free wood and he does all the work and removal when trees die or come down around here. We sadly have quite a few dead ones in the yard so he is here working today bringing them down. Greenie, he's pretty good with a chain saw but I bet you are better.

                  Anyway....Happy AFness to all and Happy Monday!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                    Forgot to include a veree short video of Mr. D's current "in training" dog doing a silly house trick. LOL - when you see the string of onions and garlic by the door, you will know for sure that this dog is NOT a vampire.

          [/video]]YouTube - German Shepherd Dog opens the door to come in

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                      Doggygirl;719589 wrote:
                      Good luck at net ball. Kick some youngster booty OK?
                      Duly kicked! We rule!!!

                      Greenie - I assume your friend's name is Harry, otherwise the changing letters thing would be :nutso:
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                        Naw, marshy!! he's hairless, get it?
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                          Evening all - first day back at work after 2 weeks leave - 12 hour day with lots of crises.
                          off for soak in bath and read of book before bed - need time to wind down but am shattered/still bit hyped.

                          I am on day 37 here and feeling great - ony 3 more days to go this week - I'm off Friday and payday is Thursday - woo hoo!
                          one day at a time


                            AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                            Hi AFers,

                            DG, great news on Jazzy. My heart just aches when little ones suffer. It seems so unfair. I loved the video of the Shepherd. I will make sure Poulan does not learn how to do that, however.

                            It is wonderful to hear about everyone's journey and how well they are doing. I want to add mine. I am doing very well. It scares me a little bit. I simply do not want to relapse ever again. Ever.

                            However, I am actually working this time to learn to live life sober. It won't do me one whit of good to get sober if I don't learn to live life happy sober.

                            I was telling hubby the other day that there are so many things in life I haven't really ever done sober. I feel like a lost teenager sometimes, just learning how to do and handle the things a 50+ year old should have down pat. I will get there, though. One day at a time, doing the next right thing and talking to all of you and my AA friends.

                            Hope all have a wonderful Monday.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Daily - Monday - 9/21/09

                              Cinders;719784 wrote: Hi AFers,

                              DG, great news on Jazzy. My heart just aches when little ones suffer. It seems so unfair. I loved the video of the Shepherd. I will make sure Poulan does not learn how to do that, however.

                              It is wonderful to hear about everyone's journey and how well they are doing. I want to add mine. I am doing very well. It scares me a little bit. I simply do not want to relapse ever again. Ever.

                              However, I am actually working this time to learn to live life sober. It won't do me one whit of good to get sober if I don't learn to live life happy sober.

                              I was telling hubby the other day that there are so many things in life I haven't really ever done sober. I feel like a lost teenager sometimes, just learning how to do and handle the things a 50+ year old should have down pat. I will get there, though. One day at a time, doing the next right thing and talking to all of you and my AA friends.

                              Hope all have a wonderful Monday.

                              me too cindi.... me too. Sometimes it'sjust natural and sometimes just not. I feel like I need to shed a skin r something.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

