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AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

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    AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

    Good morning Abbers,

    How's everyone this morning?
    I slept great & am on my 2nd cup of coffee trying to get motivated
    I have the morning set aside for some work stuff & the afternoon for some outside cleanup duties. So much to do out there.........

    Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday, will check back later.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

    Morning Lav, and abber's.
    Wishing everyone a safe, sober, and magical day.
    Best wishes......

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

      Hello AF land! Haven't posted in a few days. Needed a break from the internet.

      It's raining for the 9th day in a row. I love rain, BUT I'm ready for things to dry up. I need a crisp, sunny, clear day soon. Looks like it may not be until Monday.

      No agility classes because of rain. We've managed to walk each day and do some indoor training. I'm teaching Pupster how to "high five". He likes to throw BOTH front paws at my hand. He takes this High Five stuff seriously!

      DG - in college, I had a roommate with a talented Shepherd who would open screen doors. Oh that video brought back memories of that dog. He was awesome. Good luck with the PUPPY. We can't wait to watch him grow up.

      I sleep like a rock AF. I'm so much more alert, clearheaded, happy all day long, with one exception, too much refined sugar. That can make me feel yucky like AL did.

      Have a great day!


        AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

        top o the Tuesday ABeroooos!

        galicky hugs to Lavande, Guitarista, Speedster and all to come.

        Speedster, sugar also gives me those dreadful states of mind I got when under the influence of AL. interesting. Even nightmares I've noticed.

        well, packing up the car again. gotta leave in an hour for the San Fran bay.

        be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

          Hi guys,

          Back on the AF bandwagon here - feeling really exhausted today, could be the weather. I am finding this to be a really long week.......time is going so slow I feel like I'm moving backwards!

          Looking forward to a nice evening tonight and a good night sleep.

          Hope everyone has a great AF day!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

            Hi everyone, had a good day so far, been to see hypnotherapist, was dreading that but feel so much better after. Going to AA meeting tonight. Hope you all have a good evening.


              AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

              Evenin' Lav, Guitarista, Speedster, Det (oo wish I was going to San Fran bay), Uni, Paula & all to come.

              Flyin' by. Happy, sober, tired. Two out of three ain't bad!
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

                day 38 for me here - never thought I'd get here!
                doc changed meds from prozac to cipramil to help v anxiety - hope does the job

                anyway - shattered another long chaotic day (I did at least have a 30 min break today rather than 12 hours straight I did yesterday)
                oven chips for tea then very early night with novel - had facial as treat today and feel asleep!!
                one day at a time


                  AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

                  Hello everyone,
                  Fly by here too..been pretty busy the last week or two, but all is well. 23 days AF. I just finished a 9 day cleansing fast and am feeling awesome. It's amazing, I felt my addictive yearnings, even for coffee, just disappear. Re-entering a more moderate approach to everything with a clear clean body and mind.

                  Gotta run,

                  It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                    AF daily Tuesday Sept. 22

                    Evening Abbers,

                    Guitarista, I did have a magical day - mostly because it involved a nice nap

                    Speedster, 9 days of rain, somewhat depressing......hope it clears up real soon for you! I have a 100+ pound Greater Swiss Mountain dog. I taught her to High Five not thinking about the consequences of her throwing that gigantic paw at I can't get her to stop

                    Hi Deter, thanks for the garlicky hug! I am profoundly jealous that you are in San Fran. Next to Paris, it's my favorite city

                    Hi Uni, Paula & Marshy hope you are well!
                    Namaste, congrats on your 23 days, great!

                    bear, congrats on your 38 days, very good for you I hope you do better on the Cipramil. I was on the US version Lexapro, it didn't help with my anxiety that's why I ended up on the herbals. Anxiety, panic, panic attacks all really stink, I know.

                    Well, it's time to settle down, see you all in the am.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

