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AF daily Thursday 9/24

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    AF daily Thursday 9/24

    Good morning Abbers,

    Waking up to sunshine today, nice
    Jumping into work early, waiting for a call from the plumber, have an afternoon Dental appointment, just another day as usual but happy to be doing it all AF!

    Wishing everyone a happy AF Thursday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF daily Thursday 9/24

    Morning abbers!

    I doing my day in reverse. I'm cooking dinner. Then jumping into work. I've been having this eh, don't feel like bothering with dinner thing going on at the end of the day. So maybe this'll work.

    Have a happy day.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily Thursday 9/24

      Hello Lav & Greenie,

      Gorgeous day here. Feels as though we've had more sunshine so far this month than the whole of summer.

      I was up early so called in at the library on my way into work to pick up a book I'd ordered. One of the librarians insisted on showing me the new self-service system, which HE hadn't used before, so he said "let's go through it together". I thought it would be rude for me to say "yeah, you just put your card in the slot and scan the book", so I got held up while HE figured it out. Made me five minutes late for work :H

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF daily Thursday 9/24

        Hello friends!

        Things have slowed down just a little bit for me this week, mainly because of rain--so I have been catching up around the house, and this morning I am making spaghetti sauce to can. So far this week, I have made 2 kinds of brownies, and 3 kinds of cookies. I rarely bake, but I needed to provide snacks for my Hunter Ed course--and the price of store bought stuff prompted me to do more from scratch. I'm also kinda glad now, that my garden is late since I have more time to do the canning now.

        I feel pretty good right now. I've been working out a little to get ready for the Race for the Cure in Denver next weekend, and have been able to get to yoga class, which feels so great! I need to keep reminding myself that I am responsible for my own moods/feelings--not anyone else. I think the BHRT is helping me a lot too.

        Ok, enough rambling. I am SO Proud of everyone here---after the initial AF period---at least 30 days, it does get so much easier I think. We just need to remember it is a new way of life and treasure it! Keep up the great work!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF daily Thursday 9/24

          happy thursday ABeroooos!

          wow, did I sleep in....last day on the road I hope..back home this afternoon

          LVT, you teach the hunters Ed classes?

          oh my, all this food talk is making me hungry. I'll probably have my typical 'on the road' breakfast. starbucks and a cliff bar.

          be well everyone,

          zoom zoom
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AF daily Thursday 9/24

            Hello everyone, it's a beautiful day here, since I've been sober I actually find something good most days, but the sunshine is such a blessing. The forecast is good for the weekend so we are going camping. Enough about the weather, we brits are so grateful for a bit of sunshine, thats all we talk about. I saw my therapist this morning and feel so happy to be sober, can't help reflecting on the time I wasted being drunk. Hope everyone has a good day.


              AF daily Thursday 9/24

              Hi AbLanders!

              What is a Hunter's Ed Class? LVT I want to go to yours just for the brownies.

              Lav thanks for getting us started today! It's amazing how much easier it is to tackle a busy "regular life" sort of day when UnDrunk and UnHung. (in the old days I couldn't stand taking care of things with a hangover so proceeded immediately to the drunk stage.)

              Greenie, what's for dinner and what time should I be there? Your post made me reflect a bit and realize that I enjoy the days when I get the dinner prepped early when I have more energy. I need to remember that!

              Marshy we've got your clouds right here in Illinois. I'm trying to send them back to you though. So what are your reading??

              Deter what's a cliff bar? I hope it's not made of stone like it sounds. Travel safely today!!

              I don't know why but before coming here to the abs section a thread title caught my eye about moderation. I started reading it. I am SUCH AN ALKIE. Even after 16 months sober my sick and twisted brain started wandering down the road of some moderate drinking thoughts, even though I know from first hand experience what happens when I attempt moderate drinking. Jeez. I'm glad I have MWO and AA to keep me on the straight and narrow. Part of me wonders "when will random wandering thoughts like that stop?" Another part of me just accepts that just because a "thought happens" I don't have to act on it. And I'm fortunate to have great teachers and programs to learn the skills I need to cope with it. All in a days work I guess.

              I'm glad we abandoned the camping idea before I scrubbed the camper. The forecast is showing way too much chance of rain for me to chance camping. I don't melt when wet, but I don't have any fun camping when wet. I'll consider this a highly successful Cleaning Procrastination Event. (which makes me realize I don't procrastinate near like I used to when drunk pretty much 24X7)

              Congratulations Retteacher on 6 months sober!!!!!!!! Actually, I think that deserves it's own thread and I'm going to start one if it hasn't already happened.

              Have a rockin' sober day everyone! :rockband:

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF daily Thursday 9/24

                evening all - another long work day for me ANOTHER evening meeting tonight - most crazy week back at work after annual leave ever I think.

                Still day - 40 here and going strong!Now planning the chocolate I will have later as my treat and the huge bubble bath!
                hope all are good xx
                one day at a time


                  AF daily Thursday 9/24

                  Hi AFers,

                  DG, I have the same exact reaction when I read in the moderators threads. Kind of that niggle, if they can, surely I can. roflmao. Umm, no. I try to stay away from there but some of my favorite people on here are modders, so I do venture over there occasionally.

                  Thank heavens for this thread and those who are really trying to stay AF here. You all help keep me grounded.

                  It looks like I will be traveling again next week. I am a bit bummed about that as I thought for sure I was going to be able to work remotely from home. However, I really do need to go to where this system is being built so I can insure things are done properly and in a timely manner.

                  We have had a bit of a break in the rain down here in the south, or at least my area has. I can't wait until I can walk out back with Poulan without getting mud all over my shoes.

                  I hope all have/had/will have a wonderful AF day.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF daily Thursday 9/24

                    Bear, chocolate and a bubble bath sounds awesome!

                    Cindi, sorry to hear you have to hit the road again. It sounds like you are handling it with a good attitude. Learning to accept things outside of my control, and maybe even with a decent attitude once in awhile (:H) seems like 1/2 the anti-AL battle. Maybe more than 1/2.

                    I hope my post didn't make it sound like I was criticizing anything being said in the moderate section. I only meant to point out what my own crazy brain does. I shouldn't read things in sections where my brain doesn't belong! And that's no criticism to anyone else's brain.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF daily Thursday 9/24

                      Doggygirl;721823 wrote:
                      I am SUCH AN ALKIE. Even after 16 months sober my sick and twisted brain started wandering down the road of some moderate drinking thoughts

                      I know exactly what you mean. I get the occasional thought popping into my head right out of the blue (although mine is not about moderation, it's about getting hammered usually). Keeps us on our toes, I suppose.
                      BTW, the book is an examination of political paranoia in the 1970s. Really. That's my idea of a good time now I'm sober
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF daily Thursday 9/24

                        Dg, I guess we'll be plagued with 'crazy thoughts' forever but so long as they stay down to a mild hum, we'll be ok.

                        well, I just got home. so tired, and can't wait to sleep in my bed Cindi, sorry to hear your back on the road. it blows doesn't it?
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF daily Thursday 9/24

                          I thought this was such an important topic, I started a new thread on it..."Why I want to let go of moderation..."

                          I feel at peace now, with just the thought that I am getting closer to being able to say "I will never drink again", instead of, "when can I drink again".

                          Best to all,
                          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

