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AF daily - Friday September 25th

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    AF daily - Friday September 25th

    sounds like alot of special anniversaries this weekend! congrats to everyone.

    what is eb virus? sounds like mono?

    i had a day of drinking this has taken 3 days to feel halfway normal and i "only" drank 1.5 bottle of pinot noir...why is it so hard to listen to my body. right now i hate drinking and never want to do it i have been told before and as i tell myself everytime...remember how crappy you feel before you drink and maybe you wont drink at all.
    i can't have one, period. my poor body is yelling at me still.

    anyway...i'm off to walk the dogs with a broken toe.



      AF daily - Friday September 25th

      Mstall - I had the same foot problem (as diagnosed by Caysea on this forum :H) and it's PAINFUL. Shoe supports helped me too.

      Greenie - you're right. There must be a million college courses to choose from. I'm going to stop faffing around and book something next week when I've got some time. DG - will you be joining me in an autumnal photography course??

      Peacenik - broken toe! What happened?

      Paula - have a good camping trip. Weather looks good for it!

      Lavande - six months tomorrow! Fantastic. Here's a tiny taste of smilies to come :yougo:
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF daily - Friday September 25th

        aloha Friday ABerooooos!

        LVT, congrats on passing your hunters safety class! I took mine in Hawaii some years ago.

        Lavande how came to try out for 30 days and now tomorrow is 6! time flies when your having a healthy fun time

        Peacenik, glad you are feeling spritely again...and thanks for the reminder.

        well, had a fabulous morning at the shooting range. stretched out to 500 yards and fired some pretty darn good groups. at that distance your heartbeat causes the crosshairs to move completely above and below the target. a misalignment of two thousandths of an inch will throw you off more than 5 inches.

        so good to be home with my schweetie tonight....making a nice italian ahi salad.

        be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF daily - Friday September 25th

          Evening Abbers,

          Cooler today & tonight........nice!

          Uni, please get all the rest you can, it does take a while to defeat Epstein-Barr - it tends to keep coming back and bite you in the A$$.

          peacenik, sorry about the broken toe. Had one myself earlier this summer when one of my son's dogs stomped on it - ouch! Try to remember the crappy feeling your drinking day produced & use it as a deterrent in the future. I know I can't drink anymore, so I just won't.

          Thanks Marshy, I'm going to 'celebrate' tomorrow by attending the Apple Festival in town tomorrow. It's a church sponsored AF event

          Deter, so true - these 6 months have flown by. I was so scared when I started this journey, I had no idea where I was going or how I was going to get there. I just knew that I needed to try

          Thank you everyone for your love & support, could not have made this journey alone!
          Wishing you all a good night.
          (Like my new avatar?)
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

