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slip up!

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    slip up!

    man oh man oh lordie be!

    i've been so busy and tired I haven't been around this site last week.
    And, true to form, I slipped up!
    Oh well, it's a new day now and I think I'll start counting from one.

    This site helps me so much to keep on track it's really amazing.
    So, I am making a commitment to hit it at least once a day no matter how tired I am!

    I think I'll hit it as soon as I get up in the morning, and then just before sleepy time!
    I have this site to thank for my sobriety.
    It is amazing how productive I've been as well since I got my act together.

    Thank you to everyone!!

    slip up!

    Hi there 1967. I was wondering where you had got too :-)
    I really feel that checkin in each day keeps me on the straight and narrow. It sort of keeps me focussed in my goal.
    Keep going!!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      slip up!

      Your right it does!
      It's just that things at work are so crazy now. And I don't want to log into the account from work.
      Who knows who goes through my history? I don't think it looks professional for me to be surfing at work.
      So, I'll just spend a few minutes in the morning and then in the evening.
      I'm not mad at myself actually.
      It just reinforces what I know, I can't have even one drink.
      And boy did I mess w/my head! I am taking anti depressants and adding wine to them makes me really sleepy the next day! Wow. Another reason not to drink.

      It is amazing how long it takes me to learn!!


        slip up!


        I consider this site my new addiction - one that's actually good for me
        Today I am 6 months and 1 day AF, feel pretty good & strong but I have no plans to abandon this site anytime soon. It feels life a lifeline to me, I'm not giving it up

        Hang in there, everything you have learned here will click in. You can do it!!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          slip up!

          Hi 67!

          I too am very busy at work and dont get online during the day. I am on early morning and after dinner or before bedtime during the week. I feel that posting with the abber's in the morning keeps me on track. And then at night, i get to put a big fat 0 in the drink tracker.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            slip up!

            i really find it kind of weird that i cannot control myself?
            i don't get it?
            in the past i never felt this way about anything. i could take it or leave it.

            i admit i'm not feeling so good about myself.
            its like i took the fact that i wasn't drinking for granted.
            how dumb is that? not drinking is a fantastic thing!
            and it's important and a big accomplishment!

            back on track.
            no wine for me! not one drop!


              slip up!

              Thank you for posting what you did & for being so honest. You have really helped me. I think the longer I go with AF days (53 today but who is counting?!) the easier it is to forget all the bad stuff from AL and what it did to us and why we quit in the first place. Like you I really have not given myself credit for being AF esp when so many times (like today) I am around people who are drinking. I think I maybe also took this for granted and focus on the depravation instead of the attitude of graditute i read about here. i also have been toying with the idea to try again to dink in moderation even tho i have been there and tried that many times with no luck. So you have helped me see I still am in denial about my problem and i am only 1 drink away from all that bad stuff that i almost forgot. I like you get on here in morning and at night when i am home. Where i work all our computer usage is monitored !
              Thanks again for helping me a stranger on the other side of the ocean!


                slip up!

                Great plan 1967. I used to get home from work and crack open the wine but now instead I just hit my bookmark and come here. Excellent company and no hangover!!
                I'm not a flip flop - I'm a Jandal!:undercover:


                  slip up!

                  morning all!
                  it's just day 2 and i feel a bit better already. at least i know i can trust myself again!
                  just gotta stick to my plan as i am not missing ANYTHING by not drinking.
                  my best friend quit years ago cold turkey and never looked back.
                  the reasons are obvious!
                  so bizarre how strong alcohol is!
                  i may just check in from work this week. i can't take this up and down thing... and have been so much more positive and EVERYTHING goes so much better when I am me and under the influence!


                    slip up!

                    Hi 1967. Congrats on doing some reflection and getting right back on track. For me too, alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful. And patient - laying in wait for me to get complacent and start taking my sobriety for granted. It took me a long time to reach this point, but I LOVE my sober life and if I want to keep it, I need to make sobriety my #1 priority, and do a little (or a lot, as needed) each day to focus on my sobriety. Only by making sobriety my first priority can I be a decent wife, business person, daughter, friend, sister, etc.

                    Life will happen. We will face busy times, tired times, tragic times, happy times. I have to learn how to keep my priorities straight through all of what life offers me - good times and bad, calm times and turbulent times.

                    This is just my own personal view, but I'll share in case it helps. For me, I don't use the term "slip" to describe what happened when I chose to drink. It was a relapse. There was nothing accidental or "little problem" about it.

                    Welcome back! Onward and forward - strength and hope.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      slip up!

                      Hey, 67 -

                      Glad you're back and on track! Have you tried the DrinkTracker? I find it real useful (a visual). It gives a reason to check in at the end of the day, or first thing in the morning, even for a moment. It also says in nice bright colors what we're really doing. My August one was really eye opening to me, because I filled in the days before I came to MWO. Plus it's out in public for the whole world to see.

                      Stay focussed! - Dance
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009


                        slip up!

                        thanks dancelot!
                        and queen of denial.... i can relate to your post.
                        and if i can take credit for helping anyone see things for what they are .... i will be very pleased!
                        this site has helped me immensely. a few years back i contemplated quitting but i just didn't know how to go about sticking to it!
                        i wouldn't go to a public AA meeting. Just not my style, i am just too introverted for this kind of display.
                        somehow i don't feel too exposed here, AND it still helps me.
                        i think part of it is putting my feeling in writing and hearing that i am not alone in my struggle.
                        i'm going to read a bit and rest. i'll be back in the morning.


                          slip up!

                          good morning all.
                          time to head to work already. i have trouble getting on first thing in the morning.
                          it keeps telling me i cannot access the site.
                          i think i'll check from work today.
                          this isn't exactly my favorite time of day.
                          i'll be fine.


                            slip up!

                            having breakfast. have to becareful not to fall into a crap mood.
                            idiot neighbors where we live.
                            jerkoff dude blowing the horn to pick up kid for school,,,, 5-6xs!
                            i went out and was like 'what is ur disfunctional problem? it is 6:50 AM... get out of the car and go knock on the bloody door!
                            i am annoyed as neighbors in front had an all day party on saturday from 10- 8PM.
                            which is what prompted me to go out and have wine w/dinner.
                            next time i am calling the police.
                            it is riduculous.


                              slip up!

                              Deep breaths 67!!

                              Dont let others actions that you have no control over affect your mood. Anger is certainly a trigger for AL.

                              I wish you peace today. and really, the deep breathing thing really works.
                              AF/SF - November 23, 2014

