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slip up!

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    slip up!

    sorry about my angry post.
    as some of u know sleep is so important for me... if i don't sleep i don't function well.

    internet wasn't working this morning again.
    but i'm here now. that is what counts.


      slip up!

      Yes 1967 - coming right back here certainly counts! Staying away is what I did after relapse and that just compounds the problem. Mstall offers good advice about trying not to get upset about things outside of our control, of which much in life is outside of our control. Drinking over that stuff is what got me in trouble to begin with so drinking certainly isn't the solution.


      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        slip up!

        yes... u are right about the anger.
        am feeling quite well today. gonna take the sausage for her walk, she loves the attention.
        i'll check in throughout the day i hope!


          slip up!

          1967, it's wonderful to *see* you in better spirits! Hope you and the sausage () enjoyed your walk. One of the things I learned in AA that helped me tremendously in terms of dealing with things outside my control is the serenity prayer. LOL on a bad day I probably say that thing to myself about 1,000 times. At first I felt really silly but believe it or not, for me it helps...a LOT. Accepting what I can't control is/was a big problem for me. And of course having the courage to change what I NEED to change but don't WANT to change is a challenge too. That little prayer seems to "peg" the core of what causes me problems inside. Anyway...don't know if that's useful to you but thought I would toss it out there just in case. I know what that feels like to be so angry inside over what other people are doing and feeling helpless and mad about it.

          Strength and hope!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            slip up!

            thanks doggygirl.
            i couldn't check in during the day today.
            it's 8:15 and i am ready for bed.
            i do have trouble dealing reality as it is.
            the serenity prayer could be useful, it sound it anyhow, and i think i know it:

            give me the ability to accept what i cannot change and change what i cannot accept ?


              slip up!

              That's pretty close!

              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
              The courage to change the things I can
              And the wisdom to know the difference.

              Come to think of it, I have to concentrate on that wisdom part too!! :H Seriously...I don't know why but that little prayer has really helped me calm down. I can use more peace in my days!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                slip up!

                ah, yes! thats it!
                wish you and me both a peaceful week-end!
                i'm so busy in the week now i don't know what to do w/myself?!
                but i don't think finding something to work on is a good solution.


                  slip up!

                  I'm having some anxiety today , This site is keeping me focused ! I've been back and forth all day just reading all the posts. I need to get busy , weekends are tough. I think I'll make a cup of tea and call a friend , My husband will be home soon , he'll be proud that I'm drinking tea ! :H
                  Non Drinker 9/09
                  Non Smoker 6/09
                  Tennis Anyone ?


                    slip up!

                    good for you emmy!


                      slip up!

                      Brava Emmy!

