I joined the Sun. night BB meeting last night. They had their first business meeting in many months. Two of the leaders had health crises in their lives which left a vacuum. It felt good to contribute. We reinstated the celebration of anniversaries. We also talked about various other more mundane but necessary issues.
At the regular meeting we read "A Vision for You." It's such a hopeful chapter. I shared about an experience I had yesterday of passing my usual liquor store when it had just opened up at noon. I could see the folks that had been waiting for the doors to open, just as I had done so many times in the past. It was a rainy day here, which in my drinking days would have been perfect for an all-day drinking binge. Instead, I worked on some craft projects to donate to my g-son's school for their craft fair. Today, I'm hangover-free & ready to go. More importantly, I'm not facing the "4 hideous Horsemen: Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, Despair." Could that have been put more accurately? It's from the first page of "A Vision for You."
Love, Mary