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1st abs day
1st abs day
Can I join as well - better late than never?
Hi Lindee and all the other Absville folk. I'd like to start abs as from today as well, although it's getting late in the month. I've decided to trying and quit for good and did try to moderate a few weeks ago - ha, ha, what a joke - not going to work for me so abs it is! Have told hubby that I am on strict diet so no more wine or lager for a while - also will be telling friends that I am sick of being fair, fat and fifty so giving up booze to lose weight - what do you think of my cunning plan, eh?
Have really had to think long and hard before joining in here, but it will, hopefully, force me to keep going or I'll have to lie to all you lovely people, which I really wouldn't want to do - so here goes, Day One, Thursday and the weekend ahead, can I really do it? Everyone shout YEEEEESSSSS!!!:thanks:
1st abs day
:welcome: Lindee and :welcome: Tartanterror!
You've come to the right place and NOW is ALWAYS the right time to move to Absville! I think we have some lovely places all ready for you to move in....
Keep on reading and posting and you'll soon find your way around here...and please join us on the daily thread (the one with the date in the title) so that we can get to know each other better! :l
susan"I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott
1st abs day
Of Course You Can!
Welcome, Lindee and TartanTerror!! Of course you can do it! CV is right that it's good to have a plan when you get the cravings, and other than that, staying busy, taking care of yourself, and hanging out in Absville are all good things to be doing!
It doesn't matter what time of the month you join in, either. Absville is just a town now, and people can move in whenever they wish! Just bring yourselfs and your desire for change with you! Oh, and having a good sense of humor and imagination is a really good thing too! You'll be fitting in in just no time at all!!
:welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
1st abs day
Welcome is our motto! Both of you. Who knows how to hop this whole thread over to today on Absville. CV?
I gotta run and I'll be back later.
Lindee and Tartan...pick any house ya like....they are all free! And who wants to jump in and help them?Gabby :flower:
1st abs day
Welcome Lindee and Tartanterror!
We all started with Day 1 -- and yes you can do it! :exclaim:
MWO is a great program, and Abbsvile is a wonderful, loving community. We're glad you're here."Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)