Hi Abbers,
DG, I know what you mean...I post less when I'm blue, too. I'm so sorry about your friend.
Today was a rough one. I'm going to start a thread about SSRI withdrawal...I won't go on about it here. But suffice it to say, I feel really down and irritable, exactly two weeks since I took my last Prozac. I don't believe it's depression. I really think it's "withdrawal". It's day 26 AF, and I'm craving a drink. I haven't had cravings since about day 4 or 5, but today I do. I just feel so irritable! I want to scream...it feels crazy, like bad PMS. All I want is to improve my mood, and my inclination is to pour a drink to do it. I won't do it this time. I KNOW it isn't the solution, and will just start the cycle all over again. If I drink, I'll get depressed and anxious, and then I'll want more alcohol tomorrow. I want so much to get through this period of tension without drinking. I have to at least find out if the irritability goes away, after a little more time off of Prozac.
Sorry for the self-absorption. It helped just to put all this down, though. I thank God I have this safe place to go when things feel so lousy.