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AF Daily - Saturday October 3

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    AF Daily - Saturday October 3

    Just happened on this thread. I think it will become one of my regulars.
    Have a good night all.



      AF Daily - Saturday October 3

      Hi Gang,
      Once again I'm posting late in the evening, which I know doesn't work so well for this thread, especially with our array of time zones. But I am busy with kids and work all day, so it's hard to check in until night. I really like this group and feel comfortable here, but the fact that a new thread starts each day means a late-night poster gets a little lost...

      Anyway, people sound good. Thanks for the crafts fair link, Lavande. Thanks too, for the reassurance yesterday (was it just yesterday? I forget) about the anti-depressant withdrawal/use. I feel okay tonight. I was very irritable and sensitive around dinner time, and I envisioned pouring some vodka into the diet tonic I was drinking. But then I envisioned how much more irritable and sensitive I'd be tomorrow if I drank tonight, and I resisted. I'm so glad I did. I'm going to see this through...Been reading about Prozac withdrawal and it helps me to trust that what I'm feeling won't last.

      Best to all...I'll try to check in earlier tomorrow!
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        AF Daily - Saturday October 3

        Sara... sweetness, we watch over you. :l
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Saturday October 3

          i always read every post sarah...i usually respond in the next day's thread fyi...

