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AF Daily - Saturday October 3

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    AF Daily - Saturday October 3

    Happy Saturday everyone! Here's to an AF weekend where we experience everything - for better or worse - full on. No haze of alcohol to make the world a fuzzy and hungover place for us. On my mind today is making the most of today. I have no idea what lies ahead, so I'm going to live today to the fullest.

    When I go to AA meeting this morning I'm going to slow down my mind (which races a lot!) long enough to really appreciate my friends there, and what the give to me that helps me stay sober and have a far better life.

    When I go to the farmers market today (next to the last week :upset I will tell the vendors thank you for giving us this option to have fresh, locally grown food.

    When I go see my friend that I never spend time with, I will tell her how much I love her. And I will work to appreciate how much she brings to my life just by caring about me.

    I will make sure my Mr. Doggy knows how much I love him.

    To all of my MWO friends - I thank you for being here and sharing your highs and lows, triumphs and difficulties with the cunning, baffling, powerful and patient AL. You help me stay sober ODAT and that is life and death for me.

    So there you have it - my grand plan for today!! I could easily get caught up today in petty irritations, but for this moment I'm not going there. There is not a drop of alcohol in sight for me today. Or cigarettes. Life is good.

    Strength and hope to all - and a special vibe to Cindi. I hope you check in soon. And a special vibe to Greenie. Just Cuz.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday October 3

    Hello DG and all to come

    Another AF weekend coming on here too with whatever emotions but in pursuit of calm.

    So sorry to hear about your step coach, DG. We don't really think about the time limit that's there for all of us but making the most of every moment sounds like a fantabulous plan to me.

    My plan for today is, first, to get a grip on my supplements which kinda fell by the wayside while I was away. I might need high strength B for a while. Thanks for your list yesterday, Sara, I might pinch a few. I hope you're feeling better soon. How horrid that drug withdrawal should cause such problems.

    Then I'm off to Borough Market which I love to bits but haven't seen in over a month.

    Then I'm meeting a friend of my ex's to start coming to grips with his death. Thanks for your comments yesterday, I hear you about not stuffing my feelings in a box for too long. The problem is, my bereavement processing facility is overloaded at the mo, and this one will have to go into a holding pattern until there's more room. 5 people in 14 months is just too much. Which reminds me I'll also spend some time on the Beyond Indigo website, they've got great articles. Actually, DG, there might be something on anticipatory grief on there as well.

    If there's time, pampering, planning, prioritising and plants are also on my agenda, but they might have to wait for another day. One thing's for sure - there is no alcohol involved in my weekend.

    Greenie - figs were on sale at Tesco's and I thought of you in your bathrobe. I'll give them a go later tonight.

    Have a good weekend everybody.


      AF Daily - Saturday October 3

      Good morning DG & Pam,

      I am proud to find myself in the company of such strong, determined individuals
      Feeling quite inspired now, my day is sure to be a great one!

      I have house cleanning, shopping & cooking to take care of today so Mr Lav's birthday is a good one tomorrow. I'm also planning on squeezing in the Sugarloaf Crafts Festival today. I just love that event, seeing the work of such talented artisans.

      I will have a great AF day & wishing the same for everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Saturday October 3

        Morning All! and thanks Doggygirl for starting us out. I'm sorry about the diagnosis of your friend! it's a hard blow. And thank you for your post full of gratitude! Slowing down and really seeing all there is to be grateful for is a great reminder this morning for me.

        After sleeping in this morning, i'm off to my first AA meeting. It's overcast and raining which for some weird reason makes it easier for me to go. lol...sunshine would feel so much more scary and out there..weird, uh? Anyway, i guess i'm grateful for the rain this morning.

        Then i will be home putting up pictures and filing for my property refund that i forgot all about along with bills and lots of stuff i just want to get over with so i can properly pamper myself.

        Here's hoping everyone enjoys the weekend to the fullest

        p.s. happy birthday to Mr. Lavande!
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          AF Daily - Saturday October 3

          hi abbers!

          Good day to all!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Saturday October 3

            dg, your post made my eyes well up...what a beautiful reminder...THANK YOU for that

            pam, good on ya...feeling things is difficult sometimes, but always better in the long run, eh?

            lav, get crackin'!!!

            mstall, enjoy your time...i wish i had aa meetings available.

            greenie! have a good day darlin'.

            i had a great morning at the farmer's market where i got an awesome loaf of cantalope bread! strange, but excellent and soooo moist...yum yum. also picked up some pumpkin butter, spicy peach jam, pumpkins, beets, peppers, a big bag of apples for a dollar, and tomatoes (probably the last of the season...whaaaaaaaa).

            have a lovely sober day my friends!


              AF Daily - Saturday October 3

              dg, i just read the post about your step sorry. life is precious, isn't just never know what's around the corner.



                AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                Pamina, I was so sorry to read about yet another death in your life. I can see why you feel on "overload" in the grief department! I hope spending time with X's friend is helpful for you. Thanks for the mention of that web site and your suggestion - I will have a look at that.

                Happy B-Day to Mr. Lav! I bet he will be totally loving the "benefits of sobriety" on his special day.

                Mstall, I will look forward to reading your account of your first AA meeting if you choose to share it. Those meetings can seem really bizarre at first! I hope yours is enjoyable, or informative or something good!

                Hi Greenie! I too think of you at the sight of figs. In your bathrobe. With the Bed Head. On a ladder with one hand clinging to the ladder and the other clinging to your bath robe. Trying to decide which hand to free up to nab the neighbor's figs. :H (then you decided to free up the hand that was holding your bath robe shut because flashing is less painful than falling. Should I go on, she asks sweetly?????).......

                Peace, I made a zoom zoom by the flea market today. The primary reason I went to this one was to see the Egg Man. And he wasn't there. :upset: At first I was a little stabby about that, then I stopped myself for a little dose of gratitude that he and his wife are so devoted to this farm, despite having to work other jobs to keep it going - and I get to benefit from the fruits of their hard labor. So I will happily trudge to the other farmers market where I hear tell he will be tomorrow. Mean time, I got some strange looking Apple variety that I've never seen before. Can't wait to try them. And also some pears and turnips. I am so going to miss the markets when the season winds down. Sounds like you copped some cool stuff at yours there in the bad lands!!

                My step coach was at the meeting this morning. A very emotional time for everyone. I wasn't sure if he would speak today but at the very last minute, he decided to speak up. He said some of his well known "isms" such as this one: "Sobriety is a gift. I didn't deserve it but you people gave it to me anyway. It's a gift I hang onto with both hands." Then he added a new one: "I found out yesterday I am dying. But don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for the alcoholic who has not yet walked through these doors." He is a wonderful human being who has helped so many others get sober in his own 33, almost 34 years of sobriety. I hope we get to witness him getting his 34 year coin in November - that will be a special time. I probably should have saved this detail for the AA thread as I am sensitive to the fact that AA is absolutely not for everyone, and THIS thread isn't about AA. But I don't mean this paragraph to be about AA. It's about a person who suffered deeply with the same affliction that all of us do. And he made it to the other side and 33 years later, is still busy helping alcoholics get sober. THAT is the special part. The fact that he happened to do it through AA is secondary in my eyes.

                Anyway, he inspires me and maybe that snippet of his wisdom will inspire someone here too. Pay it forward and all.

                Love you guys :h:l

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                  I picked some pairs up the lane last night and we are baking them in honey
                  I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                    AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                    top of the Saturday ABerooooos!

                    DG, I'm also utterly grateful to you and to all of you wonderful peeps in MWO-land. yes, taking time to breath in these gifts of abundance is so very important. thank you.

                    with this storm blowing in I'm not planning on going anywhere today. so enjoy the farmers markets and have a parsnip for me. Unless something drastic happens today I'll be staying in my pJ's!

                    a couple of times in chat now there have been some newbies get upset because they didn't hear what they wanted to hear from me and others about the concept of Modding. sigh.... it's really tough and complex subject and being that they are new to mwo, and are probably still the heck could I look at them honestly and say: yes you can mod. I just can't do that. but it makes me feel sad to see them get so upset and I wonder if they will return.
                    I feel what they want me to say is that everything is going to somehow be better tomorrow...just take an aspirin, sleep it off and you'll be just fine. but that would be a lie.

                    sorry, will try to lighten it up now.

                    Raven, pears in honey sounds wondrous!

                    I'm going to go find a good movie to download, and do some housework in the meantime.

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                      do some housework? let me reread. Yep. I love garlicman
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                        determinator: very true observations about moderation. i think that you should stick to the facts, what else can you do?
                        bravo for your honesty.


                          AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                          Beautiful to hear everyone so happy today!

                          Pamina - there is a great book called "walking through the shadows of grief" - can't remember the author but I lost my best friend since childhood this year (only 35) and my therapist recomended it - helped me a lot.

                          Det - you were always there to smack me when I needed it - I hear you, It's a hard road - but you are not the one who will make them stay or leave - you are just being honest - if they are really serious about their sobriety they will stay. Look at me 3 years later and you and greeny have given me cyber s*** many times! LOL - and I am still here!

                          MMM - pumkin spread and cantelope bread and fresh markets - I'm jealous, it's getting frosty up here in the great white north so we are pretty much done with that stuff!

                          Have a great day all.

                          Love and hugs,

                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                            det, i think all you can do is speak from your experience...they are so defensive because on some level they know it's true...


                              AF Daily - Saturday October 3

                              Good evening all,

                              Just wanted to drop in for a second. Had a nice afternoon at the Sugarloaf Crafts Festival. It kind of roams around, you find it in a different location each weekend. If anyone is interested (think Christmas shopping) take a look: Art and Craft Shows - Sugarloaf Craft Festivals / Art Fairs
                              I'll have to let IAD know we were down in his territory (Ravens territory) today

                              Have a good evening all, have to get up early to put a BD party together
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

