It?s an awesome job to take over from the Honorable Gabrielle, but I?ll do my best. I got through last night by eating a cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese and spending some time here on MWO reading posts before getting down to doing some serious sewing. After sewing, I got to bed reasonably early with a good book.
Thanks for calling that emergency AF day, Gabbs! It?s the Mayor?s job to call a state of emergency if necessary, and that was a good call. But now I?m feeling a little threatened and competitive!!! What can I do as Mayor??? If anyone has any secret thoughts, please send me a little PM so that I can perform some really terrific Mayoral feat that will go down in the history of Absville!!! Maybe I need an Assistant Mayor who can give me ideas?? Maybe even a Cabinet or something. Let?s have some meetings!!! Uh-oh, I?m beginning to sound like some of our high level politicians here in the US. I?d better just scratch that and go back to being just who I am--your Honorable Young-At-Heart, Weekend Mayor!
We?re getting so many new people here in Absville, soon we?re going to have to get a real City Hall and everything!! I?m really thrilled to see how many people want to come live here and how much support there is for everyone.
Yesterday was an important day, in that the importance of reaching out and talking about what we need was truly demonstrated and put into action. Someone asked for help, and someone got it! That is how Absville works!
Anyway, I hope you all have a good Friday. I?ll be checking in later to see how you all are doing.
Lots of love,