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mon 5 oct

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    mon 5 oct

    Who would've ever thought the answer to a problem was to eat more cheesecake..

    Emmy, wonderful to see you here and welcome to Abs-land. Sounds like you've made a start, which is the first step in building an alcohol-free life. I look forward to getting to know you!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      mon 5 oct

      :H Peacenik... you are a problem solver par excellence!

      Hello Ablanders! Hi Emmy, great to see you here
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        mon 5 oct

        Hi again all!

        Emmy, :welcome: to AbsLand! I agree with the others - it's "normal" to be thinkin' of drinkin'. I too am a former smoker. (congratulations on quitting that one too by the way!) For me there were some similarities and some big differences between the two quits. If you keep hanging in there AF, you will never have to go through the "pain" of this early stage again.

        LVT - I've been so hit and miss on here lately that I don't even think I've properly applauded you for your Race for the Cure participation! It's awesome you did that and I thank you for sharing a little of your experience here with us. What a great story about your kids too. Reminds more of what life used to be like long long ago (well, 29 years wasn't THAT long ago...) when I was a "wee one" than what typically happens today!

        Mstall congrats again on 60 days which is terrific. Hope you are feeling better soon!

        Marshy, hope you kick ass in net ball again tonight. And I'm jealous of that stew. And Greenie's spaghetti. Even though the sun is shining here today-bet-you-rained-out-people-are-mighty-jealous-of-my-sunshine.

        Deter - SNOW???? Hmm.. Is that being caused by global warming somehow??? :H Or wait. No, not caused by global warming. Caused by GWB. That's it.

        OK. So I'm feeling a bit punchy this afternoon. I got up at 3AM so that will be MY excuse.

        AA I'm addicted totally to Eddie Bauer. I'm a tad concerned about our on-going relationship as I don't think the quality for the fall / winter stuff is what we're used to. But we shall see. Please let us know if the Cheesecake Solution helps matters.

        Hi Sunshine!

        Peace - do you think some cheesecake would help me solve my Cooper Pooper Potty Training Problem? How much cheesecake will it take, do you think?? Will it work faster if I put cherry sauce on top? :H

        I offered to Potty Sit this afternoon while Mr. Doggy goes out to do some client work. Bless his little heart (Mr. D's that is) he asked me ever so sweetly if I would mind. He can always take the puppy with him in a crate and take him out between client visits. But he's been SO GOOD handling all of it that I said "no problem." Sobriety totally rocks at my house. Anyway....Mr. D. set up Pooper Cam so I can sit in my office and eat cheesecake and see what Cooper Pooper is doing in the basement. Are we crazy or what??? I will be glad when Mr. D is back home and I can go directly back to Zero Responsibility for Cooper Mode.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          mon 5 oct

          welcome Emmy!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

