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AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

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    AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

    Hi everyone,

    I'm not working today, so it's off to the dentist, gym (of course!), bit of shopping, AA meeting.

    One of my work colleagues has been diagnosed as diabetic (type 2) and he was telling us that he has to stop eating junk and start exercising, and everyone was being very positive, and saying "oh, it's a good reason to get healthier" etc. Then he said "and no alcohol". And everyone said "OMG! What! You can't drink at all! How awful! Surely you can have some? Just cut back a bit?" These are all "normal" drinkers as far as I can tell (and I think I know the "signs" :H). It's so ingrained in people's lives. But not mine any more thankfully.

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

    Good for you Marshy!
    AF since 12/2008! Impressive!


      AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

      Thank god I don't think like a "normal drinker anymore" have a good day Marshy and 1967, and all to come.


        AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

        Morning abbers!

        Marshy, my mom liked her one glass of wine in the evening. I had to get a prescription filled for her (I did all the doc appts and all that). So I give it to her and say no alcohol for a week. She rolled her eyes and made a remark about insult to injury. I remember standing there thinking I wouldn't even notice the absence of one glass. I never got the point of one glass. Perhaps because I never had just one glass.

        Here is funny story for the day. Funeral last night. My friend (whose mom died and I had not seen her for a while) said I hear you lost a lot of weight. I standing there thinking that's a wierd thing to say, you're looking at me. So I say well yeah about a year ago I was about 105 but I'm back to normal now don't you think? She says no I mean like 200 lbs. And I realize she means EO!!!

        Never ever let go of your sense of humor!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

          Good morning, Abbers,

          I had a long evening chatting with Greenie last night. It was good.

          Grandsons tried to watch a movie but fell asleep. I tucked them into bed, okay they are too big to tuck into bed, but they did kiss me good night.

          I have a lot of work to do for and on myself in the upcoming months if I want to stay sober.

          Thank you all for being here. I plan on leaning on all of you while I start doing this work.

          I must stay sober no matter what. Whatever it takes.

          Or, I will lose everything. My family, my career and my life.

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

            Hi guys,

            Cindi, you know we will all be here for you. You have had a long road but you never stop fighting for your sobriety. I know that you can do it. Are you still on the baclofen?

            I'm doing okay here - it's funny, I look at AL differently too - even though I still struggle every once in a while, I keep remembering how great I feel when AF, how much better my skin looks, how I sleep better. It's funny, I don't really have any desire for wine anymore at all - it's the beer that has been difficult as of late due to all the sporting events we do. But I'll get there. The AF periods are longer and longer the more I fight this beast.

            Don where are you? How are you doing?

            I am AF today.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

              Good morning Abbers!

              Thanks for starting us off today Marshy! I have actually considered using the 'I may be diabetic' excuse as a reason for no longer drinking but I haven't so far. Actually, I've learned to just ignore the questions & comments

              Hi to 1967, paula & greenie!

              Cindi, good to see you, hoping you are well! I wish you all the strength you need to stay sober. Spending time with your grandsons must be helpful. My grandson, now 10 month old is the reason I finally decided to give up my wine habit for good. I love him much, much more than I loved the wine

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Tuesday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                :thanks::thanks: Hello all

                Havent posted for a while -but feel great. it has been 3 months since my last drink and only 2.5 weeks to my daghters wedding -need to stay focused -this forum is my god send. Good luck to everyone today
                They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                last drink 3rd August 2009


                  AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                  Hey Everyone!
                  Day 30 here for me, and I feel good about it! I started off with a goal of 30 days, originally with the idea that I'd probably go back to trying to mod after that. I've done a lot of soul searching in these 30 days, and I realize now that I can't drink. I still find myself wondering if someday when my kids are grown, or my marital problems are resolved, or I just feel more stable and strong, if I will be able to try again. But even as I type that, I realize how stupid it sounds. If I get to that point, why would I want to mess it up or tempt fate with drinking? And the grandmas here (who sound so wonderful!) remind me that even when my kids are grown up, I'll still want to be as healthy as I can for them, their children, and myself. So, I am getting closer and closer to being able to say "never again".

                  andaz, congrats on 3 months!!! How wonderful to head into your daughter's wedding sober and healthy. You will be able to enjoy it, experience it fully, and remember every detail. :yay:

                  universal, I know what you mean about looking better! It motivates me, too. Sometimes in the morning when I look in the bathroom mirror, I am reminded of myself in my 20s! There are more wrinkles and some age spots, but I see the clear eyes, the glowy skin, the peaceful, rested look that tells me I'm sober.

                  Greeneyes, love the story about the 200 lbs you lost! Sometimes I feel I'm carrying some extra weight, too, but I'm hoping to turn it into muscle, instead of shedding it...We'll see. :H He's the father of my kids, used to be the love of my life. So I pray to get that back. Couples therapy on Thursday...

                  Marshy, you're right about how ingrained drinking culture is. I've been very aware of friends saying things like, "wow, you deserve a glass of wine tonight" or "as soon as I get the kids to bed, I'm going to pour a glass of wine and watch Grey's Anatomy"....Another friend said recently she wanted to try the South Beach Diet, except "of course I won't do the part about giving up alcohol for two weeks". It stresses me out a little to hear. I hope some day I'll just think "so glad that's not me..."

                  Hey to everyone I missed! Have a great day.
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                    Somettimes it takes loosing everything to gain everything. Someome said the greatest gift is a when a fire destroys you home. You get to completely start over.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                      greeneyes;730790 wrote: Someome said the greatest gift is a when a fire destroys you home. You get to completely start over.
                      nfire: I'd rather not have that gift, if the gods are listening.

                      Sarasmiles & Andaz :yougo::yougo: Sara, I occasionally think maybe I can drink at some later date, but I know deep down that I can't. And, really, why would I want to? I've got more out of not drinking than I ever got from drinking.

                      Well, I missed my appointment at the dentist. It's been raining so traffic grinds to a halt, and I got stuck on a bus. 25 mins late and they wouldn't see me. Hey ho. My teeth live to fight another day.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                        Happy Tuesday AbLanders! Marshy, thanks for getting us started today. I too am grateful that AL is not wound (at least not actively!) in my life any more. Sorry to hear about the bus ride and then no dentist appointment after all. I hope you had a good book or something to do on the ride - I'm betting you absolutely did. :H on your teeth living to fight another day! We should start a thread on creative excuses why you're not drinking. One of the guys at AA, and given his personality I absolutely believe him, says things like "no thanks - a drink would make me try to *f* your wife and we don't want that now do we." :nutso:

                        Good to see you 1967 and Paula!!

                        Greenie.....:H at the 200 pound loss you have experienced. If you could come up with an EASIER way to lose 200 pounds like that, you could be richer than whoever started Weight Watchers. A friend of mine who works at a landscaping place said in a business leads meeting one day "Our valentines day special is a wheelbarrow, a shovel, and a bag of lime." (her X was a child support dodger, etc.)

                        Cindi, it's really good to see you back here. I often think back to the last several years of my active AL addiction when I struggled just to accept that I'm an alcoholic. I constantly thought "I still have my house, job, family, etc. so I just need to cut back and not be so weak." Now I realize fully that the ONLY reason I hung onto anything I did keep was that I stopped before it got worse. And it would have ONLY gotten worse. Until I decided I lost enough. I'm glad I decided that when I did. But we are all different. But the progressive nature of our affliction is always the same - we keep losing more and and more until we have finally had enough, and are willing to do ANYTHING to get AL out of our lives. I believe in you, and you are a good person who DESERVES everything a sober life has to offer.

                        Uni, you sound like you are doing well and are viewing your urges in a very realistic way. Good for you! If by Don you mean Chief (that Don) then I join you in calling him "home."

                        Lav - I think you should say "I wouldn't want to flash your husband, so I'll pass!"

                        :yougo: Andaz!!! Good luck to you with all the final preparations for your daughter's wedding. And here's to you for wanting to do it sober. That is fabulous!

                        :yougo: Sara on 30 days! That's awesome! I'm guessing there is already a celebration thread out there and I'm going off in search of it as soon as this post is done. I really love the sharing you have done about AF v. moderation. It takes a lot of courage to get brutally honest with ourselves. And it seems you are doing just that. Now THAT is a MILESTONE IMO. Complete self honesty.

                        Greenie, I don't know about the fire thing LOL! Although my sick mind immediately thought of all the things I could cross OFF my list of stuff to do. (and in case it's not obviously, my sick mind does not automatically consider CONSEQUENCES such as the new and far longer and far more difficult list of stuff to do that would replace the old one. Imagine that. No concern over consequences - just gimme gimme what I want right NOW!)

                        Well, I am willingly babysitting Cain't(HaveAnotherDog) aka Cooper the Pooper again this afternoon. Mr. Doggy is off doing client work and asked me nicely, so I am more than willing under these circumstances. Heck, somebody needs to make some $$ to pay for my 2 new pairs of boots and a Little Black Skirt that were still far less expensive than a puppy. Retail therapy makes me feel SO much better about this whole puppy thing!

                        Well - off to find that Sara thread. Have a wonderful AF day one and all.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                          Oh I forgot something. Greenie, I nearly peed myself when I finally figured out your avatar and title thingy under your name. :H:H:H:H:H:H (I'm slow) ( And it was worth a second post just to use all 6 smilie rations for your avatar / title)

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                            Ah tis but a moment in time.... nobody will get it now. It was way funny though
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Tuesday, October 6th

                              Doggygirl;730979 wrote: One of the guys at AA, and given his personality I absolutely believe him, says things like "no thanks - a drink would make me try to *f* your wife and we don't want that now do we." :nutso:
                              :H:H Fabulous.

                              Meant to add earlier - there's a great book by AM Homes called "Music for Torching" about a couple who set fire to their house to see what the consequences are. I must dig it out and read it again...
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

