Evening friends,
Trucker - waking up to a cup of fresh coffee is definitely heaven

LVT & Peace, snow this time of year sucks......sorry for you. Glad the football kids got home OK.
Deter, if you bought a Ferrari right now, what color would you get??
AFM, great to see you but so sorry about little AFM's trauma. Glad to hear she's getting the care she needs. That must have been very traumatic for you as well. Hope you are OK.
DG, don't let Cooper the Pooper anywhere near those new boots.....
Greenie - exactly what are you collecting????????
Pam, hope your weekend is good & you're enjoying the country air!
Uni, I hope we can help you with anything you need, you do have our support!
Well, I'm settling in for the night. Have a good one everyone!