I hope you all had a restful sleep and you are waking up in a serene and happy state of mind, ready to face your day!
Brigid brought up such a good point yesterday, in that she has gotten to the point where she consistently remembers the bad things about drinking and doesn't idealize the good things. I know that that is a trap that I can still be vulnerable to. I'm sure that is true for a number of us here in Absville! I hope that today, we can all remember the "cons" of drinking if we run into temptations. Some of us are more stable than others in remembering those "cons". I hope that those people can continue to help everyone else remember the reasons why we are all here in Absville when temptation threatens us!
Anyway, I am looking forward to a relatively peaceful weekend. My only big job is sewing, but that is always a joy to me. It "blisses me out" just as good as a glass of wine, maybe even better!! Now that I'm near the end of that work, I'm not feeling stressed about it, so, yeah, weekend! College football, NFL, bring it on, yeah, okay!!!
Your Honorable,
Young At Heart:l