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made it

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    made it

    feeling tired & grumpy but not drunk
    i REALLY wanted a glass of wine and sushi tonight
    but i REALLY didn't want to be the lady eating and drinking alone in the corner.
    i also didn't wanna be the lady drinking w/someone she didn't care to spend time with.
    so i came home.
    ate some spinach.
    talked to my dad and ready to sleep.
    it's only 6:30 on Friday night!
    but, we have Diwali on Sunday so a bunch of us will go.
    they even brought me a Sari today.

    maybe i'll have my eyebrows done and buy some make up tomorrow.
    get all fancied up on sunday afternoon.
    i don't think it will be such a drinking event as Indian ladies tend not to drink much, especially not moms!
    so that's good!
    i am so tired i feel a bit drunk!
    hey tomorrow is day 7!
    NOW i'm glad i didn't drink.
    hope everyone is okay too.

    made it

    had shower now feeling very glad i didn't drink.
    it feels different ... what i mean is now i want to drink but am choosing to avoid it versus i don't feel like drinking anyhow.
    each time i try to stop it gets harder and harder. i've heard this before.


      made it


      You're doing great 1967.

      Lovely plans for the weekend. I'm a little bit jealous.

      Stay strong.

      Love Jackie xxx
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        made it

        hi jackie!

        don't be too jealous, it will be my 2nd social occasion since july. which for me, is pretty good!
        oh, and Monday is a teacher training day but no students whoopie!
        i just realized this is actually a good thing too.
        i couldn't stop thinking about where my iTouch might be ALL day.
        the kids kept asking too, which was part of it.
        i will go to school again tomorrow and see if i can uncover it in the art room.
        i also want to go to the gym early, that should be a good start!
        this site really helps me, even when i want to drink i know it's not a smart choice.
        i was thinking on the way home about how everyone says don't drink if your tired, hungry... i forget what else. .. oh yeah... bored?
        i almost always drink on these occasions. stopped me today though!


          made it

          Good going 1967!! I like your idea of doing your brows and tiffing up for the event on Sunday! Nothing like feeling pampered and pretty (rather than hungover and puffy!) to lift your spirits and help one appreciate AFness. At least it works that way for me!! At my age, I don't look or act very pretty as a drunk.

          Rock on for another sober day!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.

