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still kickin'

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    still kickin'

    Hi all... I am still working but wanted to be sure I fit in a post.
    I left the wallet home again today. I guess if I have to full proof these first few months, that is what I do.
    I'm out of milk though, at school and home!
    I thought I'd shop Saturday morning just to be safe.
    Not sure what to do about the milk, I only have a twenty dollar bill. Don't want that in my wallet on Friday night, now do I?
    I'm still at the stage where things could go either way.
    Hm. I know, I'll stop at a deli and buy milk and phone card and make sure I have less than $5 in my pocket. Can't buy a glass of wine w/$5 around here.

    Hope everyone is hanging in there!
    Gosh this sobriety couldn't be better timed. It's college application season and I am as busy as a one armed paper hanger.

    still kickin'

    Sounds like you have a great plan in place. I wish the best for you.


      still kickin'

      Keep hangin' in there 1967! Do WHATEVER IT TAKES. I love your plan and your attitude. One day at a time - rock it! :rockband: You are doing great.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        still kickin'

        Thanks Doggygirl & Maslow23!

        Good news: my students pooled their money and bought me a new iTouch today!
        How great is that? Made my week! I then went and bought a backup hard drive. I've lost all my data twice over the past two years. Never mind all as well when my 9 year old iBook died!!
        I hope that 'losing data' problem is behind me. I used my test administration money to cover the hard drive so it all balances out.
        Tomorrow we are up early again for a beach clean up and then back to work.

        Oh, and the really big news is " I didn't drink!"
        Again, it could have gone either way. It really troubles me how strong the wine is. Not good.
        Taking things one moment at a time seems to be working these days though. AND I had money with me today!
        Interesting development, I agree.
        Baby steps... baby steps!


          still kickin'

          Just think how much money you are saving by not drinking, at over $5 per glass of wine??!!??!!

          As you get these early AF days behind you, I encourage you to keep searching for and trying new things to find a new passion to occupy your heart and your mind. Fill the hole that alcohol left with something better.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            still kickin'

            i have a passion to fill my time doggygirl! how lucky am I?? very lucky.
            I have my artwork to focus on.
            And I make very time consuming pictures, so I'm extra lucky.

            Actually, cheap crap wine that gives one a headache after two glasses is $5 a glass.
            Decent wine is $8 and up a glass.
            So, yeah. I am saving a TON of money by not drinking.
            That should be motivation enough, right? Well it's not.
            I already gave myself my weekly treat, the hard drive.

            I agree that i have to continue to find ways to stay away from wine.
            FOR SURE! This is how I always get in trouble. I do fine, then I get bored. Then I stop logging in here every day.. then I think 'oh so what, you deserve a break.'
            which i do, but wine is not the right reward for my job well done.

            i will continue to give myself weekly treats, when i've stopped doing this i've eventually gone back to my old friend. i'd like wine to be just that, an 'old' friend.

            Good news: I'll be sober in the morning!


              still kickin'

              i wish i would lose weight doggygirl!
              i'm no longer consuming empty calories... one would think the flab would just melt off!


                still kickin'

                Do you have any activities you like? I can't believe it but I actually like weight training now and that makes a huge difference for me! But there are so many active things to chose from. Biking? Running? (an acquantance of mine used to just support her husband's running hobby, and I just heard from her that she started running herself, loves it, and just ran in the Chicago Marathon!!!) Biking? Water sports? There is a WHOLE big world out there we haven't been paying attention too whilst keeping our heads stuck in the bottles.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  still kickin'

                  I was thinking about a dive certification. The problem is I have no time because of my job!


                    still kickin'

                    I have to be realistic. So for now I have to keep my efforts alive so I am thinking to je
                    just reward myself weekly. I do have a gym membership and am enrolled at a dance studio. Now I have my itouch I will start back at the gym. I need an activity where I might make friend! Non drinking friends though. Thanks for posting!

