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af daily 24/10

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    af daily 24/10


    I know how difficult all this is for you right now but please listen to DG - she's one smart lady!
    This is a process & it does take a while......just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Hang in there & you will make it
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af daily 24/10

      Aloha All! I think we all know why we need to be here. The cheer for our Teen Care group at school is "Got to be Strong!" Let's all cheer! :cheering:cheering


        af daily 24/10

        Hey Cindi, You are not alone in your outrage. On Friday there were parents (with their kids of course--where else would they be?) at the State Building making a lot of noise. You would have fit right in. What I don't get is the teacher vote on this contract presented by the union. 17% voted No. Again I am with the minority. The rest voted to accept 17 furlough days for 8% paycut. Now the governor is blaming the Union for this mess after the Union blamed the governor for this method of budget reductions. In the mean time kids are out of school and parents are angry.


          af daily 24/10

          Hi all,
          Day 9 AF here.
          I know it's not a lot of time but it feels just great.
          I 'm beginning to feel the horrible depression lift too and am sleeping better on the whole.
          Already this-my first week - I've been 3 times in the company of people in my life who are drinking.
          I was out last night and spent 4 hours with my husband and his friend ploughing their way through a different wine with each course of our dinner. It would have been easy to say "Just go out without me. I'll be fine" But I think that the sooner I get into non-drinker mode the better it will be for me and isolation is not a good thing anyway.
          At first it was hard as I found myself falling into the trap of feeling 'deprived of something pleasant' as I watched the wine being poured - but with a deliberate change of thinking on my part to being 'grateful to be free of a horrible poison' things begin to look a lot better-everything that is -except the wine.
          What took me aback was my own voice saying to the waiter.
          "No I don't drink wine. Could you bring me something non-alcoholic?"
          And the look on hubby's face! PRICELESS! )
          Keep on keeping on


            af daily 24/10


            Wonderful news!!

            I am glad you are feeling better.

            I am also impressed that this early in your sobriety, you are taking on the "going out" with drinkers. I am not, nor have I ever been that strong.

            AF April 9, 2016

