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Am irony I've forgotten to mention

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    Am irony I've forgotten to mention

    My mom, who has MS for the past 40+years, has been taking Baclofen for a few years (maybe 5?) now for spasticity related to the MS. She drank a lot when we were kids and eventually cut back over time but I was never around to really verify this. She always drank to the point of intoxication.
    A few years back she told me "i've had the strength of character to just stop drinking!'
    Amazing, huh?
    It is so good she doesn't drink anymore as the alcohol & her MS were a dangerous combination. She already had/has a terrible time walking!
    I just thought is was ironically funny as many people here are taking it too and not for MS!

    Am irony I've forgotten to mention

    Is it safe to drive a car w/baclofen?
    She says she feels sleepy after she takes it and it has been a long time now.
    Anybody still feel dizzy after taking it for a long while? Thanks.

